"Well, then," Lestat began now. "Here's the big question: what are you going to do about it?"
"Ooh!" Lestat exlcaimed happily. "Jealousy, my friend! I can hear it in your voice!"
"Flirt?" Lestat suggested in a chuckle. "Kiss? Tease? He certainly does enough of those!"
"Supposed to be," Lestat emphasized. "But he's quite the soft spot for this one... which I find very admirable."
OOC: wow... thats all i have to say. "That makes two of us," Lestat agreed. "But what of the hunter? He seems fond of your girl..."
"Do you intend to help if she gets in the way?" Lestat asked, knowing Will knew who he meant.
"Ah, yes, pushing oneself..." Lestat commented quietly. "Being reckless... acting on impulse. Sounds like me quite a bit! This Dracula will have no idea what to do when he sees humans, immortals, vampires, werewolves, and lycans coming to finish him!"
OOC: oh yeah, is there a team hughes yet??? IM STARTING ONE!!!
OOC: oh nice, angelyn... thanks for telling us you were ditching the partay! FREAK.
OOC: *gasp* Lestat shot Jinx in the face again. "Tempermental," Lestat commented. "Not a bad trait for a vampire at all."
OOC: Lestat walked up to Jinx and shot her in the face. the end. LOL jk. "Hmm," Lestat nodded in repsonse. "That it would... though I might think my little Bee would outshine your child."
"True," Lestat muttered. "I will like to see her in action with that girl of yours... Jinx, is it?"
OOC: okay, hannah and beatrice, DONT get eddypoo the food he needs to get up and walk around again... sounds GOOD to me!! LOLzzz "Why, the Dark Gift, of course," Lestat murmured under his breath. "That's what I've given her. She wanted a way to help her friends, to be useful in their little conquest, and I gave her the best there is to offer... she'll get used to killing over time. Hell..." He paused, chuckling slightly. "She's already half way there!" OOC: oh, and yay for vannys 2400 skittles!!! :D
"Worried about her?" Lestat laughed. "No, not at all. She's a lot stronger than anyone knows at this point... I've given her something that she may not appreciate yet, but will eventually. But she can't be the best she can without human blood. I'm glad I've taught her that one already."
"I doubt it," Lestat responded, yawning lightly. "I'm not interested, frankly, in this Dracula thing they all seemed so stressed about. As far as I'm concerned, I'm much more dangerous and dashing!"
"Oh, you're welcome," Lestat shrugged nonchallantly. "It's not a problem... although their Dracula predicament seems to be occupying them all now."