ugh this is making me sick. *leaves*
my god, the twelve-year-old is claiming the nineteen-year-old is also twelve! how cute... but ive lost my appetite.
go kiss my sexy butt.
this guy is a little egotistical.... im impressed; almost as bad as myself!!
hey, its not the size of the posts, its how you USE them.
Isn't she? I just LOVE her... come here, mrsbaggins! *huggles and shows teeth*
Yes, I'm quite the famous man. I'm glad you've recognized my awesomeness.
fan club? youre all in MY fan club.
ITS TRUE. garxena will eat you if you are rude to the sister. and it WILL be pretty.
anyway, the TOPIC of the thread is...
wealth seems a little too similar to greed, if you ask me. :D
who's being vulgar? they get a prize!!
watch what you say, missy; garxena has some serious friends on here, and being rude is unacceptable.
"Because that can be stupid," Lestat laughed.
hmm... im particular about what i eat, so, we shall see... as for starting, we should ask that one girl that started this whole thing...
hmm... i shall think about it... you see, dracula is the one into eating the babies.. i take all the pretty young women, remember?? OOC: oh, and i kinda wanna start, too, so... :D
awww.... thank you... tis because of my sexyness??!!!
"I suppose," Lestat shrugged. "But there's a much larger chance of you not winning as well."
Username: Lestat_de_lioncourt_lives (aka sexyman) Name: Luke Reed Age 17 Gender: Man Race: Human Picture: Short Bio: *see main post
"What a silly answer!" Lestat chuckled. "That tells me two things: one, you just don't want to share your ideas with me, or... you don't have any clue what to do and can't plan anything without the stupid 'acting on impluse as you go' theory!"