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  1. angel2kool4u
    i was aparently being stupid at the time and i restarted my game, but right now i have 3 staravia, 1 bibarel, 1 prinplup, and 1 buneary.......
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jun 11, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  2. angel2kool4u
    i thought it was great! all the scenes really matched the lyrics.....
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jun 11, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  3. angel2kool4u
    at first, i had no idea what was what and what to do with this and why on earth would this be needed?! Well, i got a bit used to it and got to know it a bit more and this is my first video.....i'm only on trial right now, but please tell me what you think......i think this is one of the best videos i've done since i stopped using wmm right now....

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="115" height="86"></a><br><a href="" target="_blank">Click to see Video</a>
    Thread by: angel2kool4u, Jun 11, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  4. angel2kool4u
    i've only played kh2 1 and i haven't even beaten kh1 yet. It's probably because my level is low and i can't beat the 1st riku. It's mostly easier on kh2 because of all the triangle moves!
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jun 10, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts