I think the moral of the story was she made his Slytherin Hufflepuff up.
All the muggle girls around, they be liking Hufflepuff~ Getting fly like; Like it's quidditch.
Just wondering, but what kind of console games does your library hold? I've just never heard of a library holding anything other than books, VHSs, DVDs, and a couple electronics.
You can't just say because that because of one formula, something can't happen. Einstein himself said that E=mc^2 was incorrect. While it is a good generalization of physics, the rules of matter and non-matter change whenever you take things to extremes. Take time for example. If you increase your speed to something that is close to that of light (and please disregard the fast that all the particles in your body would be shredded up and jet out), then the appearance of time for you and the appearance of time to regular people would be completely different. You would see time happening a lot slower in the within the space that you are traveling in while the time outside of it would appear to be rushing by. Most modern physics equations are just theorems and they can still be proven wrong. Our fault as humans is that we take things for granted and build off of generalizations. We don't even know if Higgs particles exist and we are already building parts of string theory from it.
I side with the drink guy. Let's face it; People without cars get hungry too. While calling 911 was a bit much, he still had the right to obtain food from Taco Bell. Sometimes, the munchies can make people do dumb things.
Is anyone else just waiting for the day teleportation becomes mainstream so that you can say "Beam me up, Scotty" and faster food delivery or is that just me?
Thank you for making me feel at home. If anyone is wondering, LilBueno is not my roommate.
Maybe one day if we can find out how to get those particles to make wormholes big enough to be usable whenever we want. Hopefully we can just get teleportation to become stable. I'm just waiting for the day where my Amazon packages are delivered quicker than a modern pizza.
In terms of special relativity, if the universe would bend reality just to make sure that light can not beat light in a race, I'm not willing to believe that anything with mass is going to be even faster than light. If anything, the particles would probably just create a shortcut in distance. Sorry for the analogy: Light is the leader of the track team. No one can beat him and he is proud of it. On this track (composed of Space and Time), he covers every meter of the race and wins honestly. Neutrino is the new guy on the track. In real life, the particle is extremely small. Small enough for one to pass through you every twelve(?) seconds and not affect you. Neutrino, unlike Light, doesn't cover all of the track. Instead of covering every meter of Space and Time, he compresses it so that he only has 150 meters every lap instead of the true 400 meters. Oh wormhole theory~ How you mess with logic. In my opinion, the article should say that the particles travel faster than light, but cover a larger distance in less time.
How does the anime differ from the manga? I was content with the anime ending. The only thing I didn't like about the show was the introduction of Kokoa. Don't get me wrong. Her character as a whole was good, but I was happy with a decent harem, a good fight, and a bat telling me how long the fight took to finish.
My name is SparksOfLogic and I will one day be the real Tony Stark. I want to impact the world, whether it be good or bad. I don't care if I create immortality or develop the T-Virus. My roommate got me to join KHV because he thought I might enjoy reading and posting in a couple of RP forums in my free time. Thank you for reading this and I hope to get to know this place well.
Taisen EMP Username: SparksOfLogic Pilot Name: Kallen Stadtfeld Appearance: Spoiler Series: Code Geass Age: 18 Sex: Female Abilities: Accurate with throwing knives, pistols, and great at hand to hand combat. Personality: Frail and meek, this aspect of Kallen's character was used as a public front to mask her true nature as well as hide her involvement in the resistance. Paired with: Guren Mk-II Bio: A Britannian-Eleven girl, who believes herself to be a Japanese person at heart. Before the Britannia Empire conquered Area 11, Kallen's original name was Karen Kouzuki. She comes from a prestigious family and attends the Ashford Academy where she receives outstanding grades while serving as a member of its Student Council. When away from the Academy, she fights as an anti-Britannian operative. Also, Kallen helped organize the Black Knights. Username: SparksOfLogic Mecha name: Guren Mk-II Appearance: Spoiler Abilities:By grabbing onto an enemy Knightmare and activating the emitter, the Guren Mk-II can fry the enemy's electronics and warp the frame itself, not only rendering the unfortunate machine completely unsalvageable, but often damaging the pilot's ejection system, usually ensuring that the pilot will perish with his craft. While not designed as such, the Radiant Wave Surger can also function as a shield. It has been shown to block the lances of enemy Knightmares, bullets from Knightmare rifles, and a shell from the Lancelot's VARIS rifle. Weapons:The Guren Mk-II's main weapon is its silver right hand. The hand stands out from the otherwise red-painted mech, terminating in clawed fingers, and it can extend at the elbow for a surprise attack. Stored within the palm is the Radiant Wave Surger, a powerful microwave radiation emitter.
What would you like to see cosplayed in real life? I'm going to an event in early April and need ideas for a costume. So far, all I can think of is either a teched out Kanti costome where the chest opens up to show speakers and a PSP screen, or being Red from Pokemon and programming a robot Pidgey to run around and flap its wings. The reason for all the electronics is because I'm learning how to program microcontrollers and I really want to win 1st place in the annual contest.
"Noroz'? "Jaden"??? Also, your Pringles will be replaced next time you and your roommate go to Walmart.
Low blow, Peter. I'm sure he is trying his hardest to maintain weight and find a cute nerd girl to cuddle with. He is probably the type to buy two 12 packs of Yoohoo just to get the calories in. Also, don't touch the Yoohoos in the cabinet.
Alright, Peter. What's your roommate like?
Have already you tried Craigslist, Monster, and other places with job postings?
What all would be needed if you were trying to make the app? I know for Droids, you would need someone who can program in Java, probably a program that can modify HTML layout, and time to work with it. Do Apple product run on a different code?
Jeffrey, why you trollin'?
I could just be a random person who lives in the exact same city as him. Just saying.