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  1. SparksOfLogic
    I say go with MP4. It's more likely to be used in whatever program you are using. I think it might be a little worse quality, but you won't have to worry about converting it should you need to move it.
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. SparksOfLogic
    I've been thinking about dressing as Trainer Red and making a little robotic Caterpie. It'll follow me around using a "follow emf" program then just attaching coil with a decently strong battery on to my ankle should be enough. I'd probably make a smaller microcontroller fit into a Pokeball so that I can shut off the emf's battery without touching it and install 3 more programs into Caterpie that a) tells the Caterpie to just run forward to me if there is no emf so I won't have to chase it b) activates a small pressure system to shoot silly string if I push a different button on the Pokeball, an 3) a fail-safe program that completely shuts off the Caterpie if it starts acting up.

    The main problem with this idea, as DPWolf stated, it that cons are usually crowded. Having a small robotic Caterpie (or Pidgey) is just begging to have it stepped on or stolen. :(

    With the Geodude and Pikuchu idea, Geodude would be hard to get though a door and walk around in. Pikachu would involve bulking out the stomach and I can't seem to do that correctly (even after many attempts).
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  3. SparksOfLogic
    This will be my 3rd time cosplaying.

    I'm making the costumes for MTAC. Last year, I had an Umbreon fursuit and before that, Kanti from FLCL.

    This year, I'm learning a lot about robotics and programming in school and really want to put that in my costume. Last year, I got beat out as the best Pokemon costume by people who put circuit boards into their stuff (a Blastoise with light up cannons that should shoot out bubbles, a Charizard who could light up his tail) and I really want to put up a good fight for the number one spot. I'm trying to find something that can WOW the audience and make sure that people applaud like crazy. It may sound kind of bad, but I want to be the best in show.
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  4. SparksOfLogic
    I only liked the first season of this anime. It was a very simple 'let's start of light hearted andgo psychotic every few episodes' format. The newer seasons focused on a structured storyline. Let down. :/
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: Anime and Manga
  5. SparksOfLogic
    Eastern. Woot Woot!
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 28, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. SparksOfLogic
    And Chris Hanson is on his way...
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. SparksOfLogic
    That was sweet. Extremely relate-able. :)
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: Archives
  8. SparksOfLogic
    If you laughed at this, you're a bad person. On a completely related topic, I laughed. :)
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. SparksOfLogic
    I miss the days of good R&B. Big Pun, old Usher, Blackstreet, City High, 112. Feel good music ftw.
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  10. SparksOfLogic
    And I won't feel...

    A thing.
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. SparksOfLogic


    Don't be silly; Wrap your willy.
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. SparksOfLogic
    It could be worse. You could have the T-Virus.
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. SparksOfLogic
    During college, you'll find that the library is like a second home. They sell food, you can sleep on the couches for as long as you want, friends meet up there, there is better internet, and their are also a couple books here and there.
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. SparksOfLogic
    Bio students get to dissect? I did chem and physics. The most fun things we got to do were shoot photons at electrons to make little sounds and make rainbows out of different kinds of gasses and crystals. That's complete crap. >:(
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. SparksOfLogic
    Wait, was that you being serious or was that sarcasm? Maybe sarcasm of sarcasm?? :/
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. SparksOfLogic
    So Famous is a... K-drama?... J-drama...?
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. SparksOfLogic
    Does anyone else eat the eyes out of fish? I heard those were supposed to be good for you.
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 26, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. SparksOfLogic
    I wouldn't do Ke$ha. She looks too much like john Travolta.
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 26, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. SparksOfLogic
    That's Taco Bell.
    It'll fill your soul with its pseudo-Mexican goodness.

    Cheese, beans, burritos.
    Taco Bell smells like tacos.
    This was a haiku.

    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 25, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. SparksOfLogic
    I'd make love to that taco and then lick my fingers when I'm done. :O
    Post by: SparksOfLogic, Sep 25, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone