I try to remain indifferant about comparing forums staff members, but these ones do seem the the best.
It's impossible to die from boredom. I don't know how to entertain you so I'll leave that to someone else.
Okay then, I'll be more mature from now on.
Okay then, So I should contact a mod to lock it?
What's that supposed to mean?
I thought it was breaking the rules from what FN said.
How much do you have to post to be active?
I'm an attention whore? I got my answer though, so i'll get a mod to close this topic.
Your scared of Care Bears?????? What's so scarry about them?
How would you all rate me (10 being the highest).
Why, what did I do?
I didn't fail the 7th grade all those times. I fail pre-school once, 2nd grade 3 times, and then I failed seventh grade the rest of the times.
No it isn't, it happened to me.
How bad is it if i'm 17 years old and i'm in 7th grade?
LOL, FN is 14.
Whoops, actually meant to post 20 seconds, but I'm not sure how long exactly before you die.
Does anyone have a clip of that one guy in Braniac that was put in quicksand on youtube?
Not me, two seconds of that stuff will put you to slee permanetly.
How does Quick Sand work?