There is a cheat for KHII that makes the game much harder, and Axel now has 1100 HP instead of the usuall 300 HP. I'm asking how the cheat changes the other members' HP.
If Axel had 1100 HP in this mode, how much HP do the other members have?
Post per Day?
I just saw a trailure for it and it looks real good. What do you guys tink of it?
Can you get in trouble for bumping an old topic?
But mine wasn't worth it?
Oh well, it would still be worth it, even if I do get owned soem more.
Eiken is the very esscence of fan service. The characters are unnaturally large (Those who have seen it know exactly what i'm talking about).
*Deserves it, but it's worth it*
*Kisses Hissora*
I love you.
Trust me, You do NOT want to see Eiken.
But KH isn't on the PS, it's on the PS2 though.
Oh, no wonder I've never heard of it. I hate FPS.
What's Halo?
Is this a topic that would deserve some rep? Also, do you think this topic should be stickied?