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  1. Solax
    Oh ok well I guess my form is special and gets to be a 2 Parter for AR
    thank you everyone for your help
    Post by: Solax, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Solax
    After that could you like put them togehther in 1 code?
    Post by: Solax, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Solax
    Oh so it has to be a 2 parter?
    Spirit Part 1

    Spirit part 2
    Post by: Solax, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Solax
    Im pretty sure I converted it right...
    EDIT: can somone else convert it to make sure
    E001FEFF 0035B55C
    2037AE80 00000000
    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    2037AE80 3F800000
    201A01F8 00000000
    201A0568 10000006
    2037B3B0 00000000
    2037CE9C 40000000
    2037EB1C 00000000
    Post by: Solax, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Solax
    Can somone help us out Im kinda confused on how it could be wrong game considering it works fine on the codebreaker

    EDIT:Wait it says its for the Wrong game or what...
    Post by: Solax, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Solax
    Well it did but I wanted it to not freeze randomly so i found a key size mod but I wouldnt have even tried to make the form without you giving me that arm mod
    Post by: Solax, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Solax
    Well the code didnt work but i wanted no key so I went to find the Keyblade size mod code
    and the one on the front changes alot of things instantly so if you made it like
    E001FEFF 0035B55C
    20368920 00000000​
    when you push L2 everything that si effected would disappear
    and if you did this
    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    20368920 3F800000​
    when you push R2 it will Return to normal
    Post by: Solax, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Solax
  9. Solax
  10. Solax
  11. Solax
  12. Solax
  13. Solax
  14. Solax
  15. Solax
  16. Solax
  17. Solax
  18. Solax
  19. Solax
    Profile Post

    Nice Avatar

    Nice Avatar
    Profile Post by Solax for Xyam>, Nov 28, 2009
  20. Solax