Yeah but ive seen where those go it WILL end up taking a turn for the worst
Thank you also what do you mean by "Real" ?
Hey there once you come back on lemem know what you think of this story ill PM it to ya.
Hey there when you get back on lemme know what you think of this story im making ill PM it to ya
Hey there Tell me what you think of this story i started its not complete Ill PM it to ya
Although if you played Kh days he really abused that line.
Umm IDK zif I had to pick it would probably be... Axel he just seemed the most human among the nobodies
Yeah thats how i do it Both of them can be found there.
heres one of Flows music vids this song got me hooked on them
Cool but umm what do you use to listen to music because not every service has Flow mainly because its a japanese band.
Lets see Umm Linkin Park Queen(Greatest 80's band ever) And Flow(Asain Band they did the opening of Naruto and Code Gease.)
Hello Again hows life?
Hey there Im lovin the Avatar I hope you enjoy your stay on KH-vids. If you ever need somthin code wise lemme know.
Thats good What kind of music? Im a nice Alternative rock sorta guy.
Yeah she told alot of people that I think she wants me to be more "social"
Ohh Im sorry I just figured that was a nickname for someone and maybe you accidentally clicked my profile. Also im doin ok what about you.
Hello hows it goin?
Wuu2? Im pretty sure you got the wrong profile.
Well we fixed the problem with the code It should work for you now you must enter the 2 parts seperately though but it should still work