I Think Ive found a DW wisdom code not sure yet DW Wisdom 21CEFED4 46544C55 21CEFED8 0000525F 21CEFEDC 00000000 21CEFEF4 46544C55 21CEFEF8 0000525F 21CEFEFC 00000000 01CB97F6 00000005 10340B4c 0000023E
Alright there its done
Ok I was using the key size mod code and whenever i make it go back to regular size from a smaller size it becomes backwards so is there a way to make the key face normal again?
Hey there hows it goin also yeah I made a custom form not to long ago do you want it?
Could you post a link to the vid? Also isnt DW wisdom just an arm mod and a moveset mod put togehther.?
I g2g We will finish this tomorow
Im thinking maybe Saix it sounds like somethin he would do.
That sounds pretty cool maybe like when she meets like certain members of the Orginazation Jogs her memory a little at a time Kinda like in days...
That actually sounds pretty cool sorta like a wierd espionage thing goin which member do you think?
There its done.
Just introduce your character do you have an origin for Him or Her? Cant tell by name. But it is a good name
It seems as though this thread has died slowly and horribly.... Sad really
But Im sure whatever you post will be fine I have faith in you ,Got it memorized?
Yeah definately I shall help.
Like for rooms modifying the enemies that spawn there?
What is slot Hacking?
But if you do that lemme know first Dont really want to many beside Myself runnin around
It doesnt matter I need every member still or you can do what I did and introduce a new Member.
Hey There this is Solax and this is my first RP so I decided to go with an Org 13 story I made awhile ago so I need one person for each member and If you wish to introduce a new Member Pm first because I dont want to many Nobodies runnin around. Its the same basic rules from other threads like no godmodding etc. And basically just brach off from the story. Xemnas: Xigbar:Syrus Xaldin: Vexen:The Dead Guy Lexaeus: Zexion: Saïx: (I mispelled his name in the story sorry) Axel: Demyx: Luxord: Marluxia: Larxene: Roxas: Xion: Solax:ME Solax Namine: The sky grew black, the sun covered by a mysterious shadow. Solax was member XV of the orginazation today was his first day he wasn't sure why he existed or where he came from but he knew he would find out soon enough. "Enter Solax come meet your fellow members." Solax walked into the room unsure where he was or where that voice came from. "He looks a little shaky." "Can he handle his task?" (my "task"? what are they talking about.) "Heh he wont last 3 days." Solax walked into the middle of the round room and looked up to see some thrones and people garbed in black robes. "Everyone this is our new key to Kingdom Hearts." the man in the tallest throne said. "ha him?" a feminine voice said coming from one of the shorter thrones. "Um where am I?" Solax said hoping to make sense of this place. "You are home my dear Solax." (home? I wouldn't call this place home.) "Xigbar you will show Solax the ropes." "Fun..." (Xigbar... why does that sound familiar?) "But for now get some sleep you will begin tomorrow." The next day, "O.k. Tiger lets get this gig over with." Xigbar let out a short chuckle then raised his hand up and a door of swirling darkness came up from the ground. "what's that?" Solax said a little shocked from what happened. "That is called a CoD."CoD?" "Corridor of Darkness." another voice said as he approached the two. "Siax comin' to say farewell?" "Dont count on it Xigbar it's not my place to care nor is it any of ours but there are reports of a large Heartless roaming the area you are about to enter." "Aww Siax I always knew ya cared." Siax chuckled a little and walked off toward the throne room. "What's his problem?" Solax said. "Aww probably nothin or it could be somthin never can tell with him." (That didn't really answer my question.) "Come on Tiger let's go gotta kick some Heartless butt you know how it is. Well I suppose you don't but you will, give it time to settle on ya maybe you'll grow to like it." "Im not sure killing something is within my parameters I dont even have a weapon." "True but you dont need one see you're special you aren't like the rest of us." (Why does he always speak in riddles) "What do you mean?" "You have a..." "Xigbar what are you still doing here get on with your mission those heartless wont kill themselves!" "Well you heard the boss lets go Solax."(you didn't finish.)They both walked into the CoD and their mission began. They arrived in a strangely scenic area. "Where are we, another part of the castle?" "No poppet we're on another world." "Another world?" "Well enough squablin lets find that Heartless." "Alright." Solax said still staring at the radiant landscape. "Hey if we finish early you can come back here and stare at the horizon later but we need to get this mission done." They walked for what seemed like hours to Solax until they reached a small town. There were rumors in the town about a mysterious creature terrorizing it's populace. "Sounds like our boy you ready Solax?" "Xigbar..." "Hmm whats up you been awfully quiet on the walk here." "How am I suppose to kill a creature with no weapon!" "Look Solax I already told ya you got a..." Xigbar paused then pointed over towards a tall building. Solax didn't see anything but what appeared to be a large dark object. "What's that?" "That hehe that is the target."Solax turned to look at the Heartless and said " So how do we do this?" "Its fairly simple we go in attack and RTC." "RTC?" "It stands for Return To Castle." Before they could finish the conversation the Heartless spotted them and pounced. Xigbar pulled out his weapons and shot the Heartless in the arm barely affecting it,it swept its arm and knocked Xigbar out cold. "Dammit Xigbar get up I can't fight!" the Heartless raised its arm and slammed down with tremendous force. Solax dodged the attack and ran up the arm towards its head. "It's over!!!" Solax said as he took his arm and smashed it through the creature's head causing it to vanish leaving behind the hearts it stole from the people. "Very nice Solax I knew you had it in ya." "What just happened?" Solax was a ittle dazed from the action and passed out. "Come on Tiger lets go." Xigbar called forth a CoD and went home. "Solax glad to see you've awoken." a strange voice said as Solax rose from his bed. "Who's there?" "It's me Axel, got it memorized." "What do you want?" "I've been assigned with you today lets go as soon as possible." Solax looked up and saw that Axel had left the room. (What a strange guy.)
NVM Im actually makin a thread in the arena for this story so if you wish to be one of the members lemme know.