Oh man I cant believe I didnt see that the first time I went in there earlier and totally skipped past it also good job on those other codes.
Hey there do you know how to mod Antiform to have 2 keys that attack but anti still has his attacks?
Alright Thanks for those man they were pretty cool If you need me for another world to mod objects or just test codes lemme know I have a save in every world for no reason.:)
Well im impressed that you got all those mods working before Christmas Good job dude I hope you become the next coder for the site.
nothing sadly... well is there more you want me to try?
No didnt work sorry.
Its alright that was the Corrupted data heartless next?
Saix went down suprisingly fast two more whats next.
Good Axel was a wimp
Awesome quick Xaldin fight
Ok that one gave me a Cloud and lets try the others anyway.
This time it was Squall I also noticed that during firelord heartless popped up and during Squall or Leon nobodies showed up, More?
Wow cool Fire lord poped up nice job dude anything else?
Sure im up for it Yeah they do I know I tried your code you posted and it didnt work so I decided to find out why then I realized that the code didnt work with all keys so i found a way for it too so while it may have been out for ntsc/uc it was not in working condition.
I have done it it is now avaliable for the populace DW wisdom form for Ntsc/uc no glitches no t stancing and no bsod. 21CEFEDC 46544C55 11CEFEE0 0000525F 21CEFEF4 58455F57 21CEFEF8 5F303130 21CEFEFC 46544C55 11CEFF00 0000525F 21CEF13C 0000???? 10340B4C 00000069 The second to last line is the key mod for Gaurdian soul it is automatically equipped (because of the last line) you cant just put in some random key it seems to work only with guardian soul I tried with oathkeeper and a few others and it didnt work so i just modded GS that did work and it became oathkeeper so it will work with whatev you put in. I hope I helped those who have wanted this for so long.
Just use the all keys code and it will give you 95 of each then you can use ultima wit sora and final or whatever.
That sucks thats happened to me before and we literally just sat on our couch until we got tired and just went to sleep it was the coolest spot in...
Well whats up hows it goin you do anything exciting over the holiday break?
Thats Sweet dude Keep up the good work I know that sounded a little cliche but you might revoluzionize coding.
Yeah sweet Marluxia is all mine.