These? 21C6C93C 05050505 21C6C940 00000005What do they do?
Hows it goin?
Im kinda gettin the feelin you're ignoring me.
I only need someone to test the code and tell me the results and it should be good enough to put on the first page. I think Ive got a working version it is convertable Ghost Form drive into wisdom 21CB97B4 5F303031 21CB97B8 46544C55 21CEFED4 46544C55 21CEFED8 0000525F 21CEFEDc 00000000 21CEFEF4 46544C55 21CEFEF8 0000525F 21CEFEFC 00000000 201A01F8 00000000 2037B3B0 00000000 2037CE9C 40000000 2037EB1C 00000000 Ghost Form Ar MAX 0YV7-AUJX-52C0G 9H1Z-PP0D-H8FMH 804N-HZJH-GBVZP UF9U-W8PM-PP8TB R2ZF-V6P7-93QD7 0N71-21XH-Z00HR QJQN-4FEN-WQ6M2 2RU6-QG6B-5UTDU P7H4-MKZ9-489WA U9HM-47P7-XJUWT 8Z1X-39XA-V1TCW N1M7-Y8FM-ZN2DV 43QD-J8AF-18KK4
Nope im not really the social type Its kinda ironic that im even on this Forum.
What code?
Ok I dont want to hinder your Sephy making process but could you help me with a custom form im working on I just need to know if its possible to...
Alright guys I'll credit you in the making of "Ghost form" and hopefully get it on the front page
OK thanks but when I say non stop magic I mean like in master where it has no finisher move
Do you know how to Edit Widom forms abilities? to say give it Glide or Non stop magic.