34118 Same here!
ooc: hey i'm new here... can someone tell me what's going on?! bic: Vixolet watched the other Nobodies... "Hmmm..." She fingered the bow in her hands...
nope home alone! *cheers* well my sis is here but she asleep... any ways i gotta go promised my grandmother i would help her pack the christmas tree... she broke her arm so she can't pick up somethings... bye...
only 14 my b-day was yesterday!
no clue...
how did you get your sig to do that?!
dude shut up
uh yeah dude i am
Me! I'm the winner!!!
No I do! I win!!!
killedbyoathkeeper is my twin sis...
ooc: stupid question but if you signed up in the family thing today can you go ahead and start posting?
Famous Last Words- My Chemical Romance
yes. yes you should.
*catches 3 & eats whole* Mine!
Yay! Cookie!!! :D