I'm sorry, but politely speaking: YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR MIND. You...are...going...to...get...a...part. Believe me, you're just plain great/awesome....
Ha, I know. But procrastinating is o much fun...and very distracting. I'm almost done though, hallelujah! Thank god! Yes, we both have the famous...
Almost there Mike. Just wanted to say this before the day is over and its already Friday. I know its definitely not going to be me tomorrow,...
Ha. My messages have "novel status" lol.
Be careful. Wouldn't want you to turn into some kind of insomniac now, would we lol? I truly from the depth of my heart detest homework. It is the...
Dude, it sounds like you're up to your neck with VAA stuff lol, if you don't mind me saying. Sounds like a tight schedule, like mine. Why is life...
I....am so....tired lol. Thats why i've been kind've "zombied" out today. Also the reason why I didn't log on till' now....I think my mom is...
Hey....did you sign yp for the VAA thing? I did lol as I was perusing all the messages I missed. Once again, it was countless pages to go down...
Ha. No problem, lol. Anytime.
Okay, so don't procrastinate like I know you will lol by answering this message, but do you really think my audition wasn't that bad when you...
Seriously, lol. But its true, huh?
Really, ha.
Ha. Its okay; its still worked at least. See, your pep talking "expertise" did work. :) For me, pep talking kind've just comes in the "heat of...
I know, I know! I'm going to send it.....sometime today lol. But I want to do some last minute adjustments. Ah, my head hurts from all this...
Yeah, I know. They're good :) But anyways, I really, really need to send my Xion audition today. Though I'm not sure if its needed anymore since...
I know this is sort of random...but for some strange reason, you remind me of Cloud whenever you say something. I don't know what it is lol. Maybe...
Ha...I like the ticking noise one. Especially when Harry pops seemingly out of nowhere and starts acting all erratic and looking like he's about...
Ha...you're right lol. I go back to the page while scrolling down and just said to myself...."wow" lol. It been like at least 4 pages since last...
Falling UP the stairs, lol. Its okay, don't worry. I did that once before too. I guess it would have been alright except for the tiny fact that it...
Cool, So we're both pretty graceless when it comes to the powerful spell of laughter. Ah, sometimes its good but sometimes its bad...very bad lol.