Yup. But its all gone now, thank god. Probably because I didn't eat any lunch before and just made myself a sandwich....Ah well.
Lol, I didn't know that in fact. I used to be hooked to mine, but all that darn junk mail was really grating on my nerves, Especially with random...
Ha. Interesting would be one way to put it....God, I think I have a headache coming on lol.
Thanks. :) Hopefully though, my audition won't suck lol.
I know this is pretty weird considering I'm your understudy and all lol, but I'm going to try and audition for your project. Is that okay?
....... That....is......I have no words to describe it.....incredible! Are you serious? A student rock band playing, smoothie drinking, and...
Randomness is what i'm all about sometimes. I have no idea why. Maybe my brain is wired all wrong lol. And yes, youtube is awesome. I'm glad that...
Yes, I do. But then again, I'm a little choosy on what type of flavor. Like Honey nut or chocolate chip or cinnamon taste pretty good in my book....
Me? Same old, same old. But since you're asking me then I guess you wouldn't know then, would you lol? I can be a little slow sometimes. On...
Oh uh, hey? I'm pretty good, or as good as it gets lol. Well, you?
Eh, not much really. If you count typing on the computer and watching mindless youtube videos then yes, I am doing something lol. Church so early...
I'ma going to sleep right now. I know I know, you said there didn't need to be a formal goodbyes but I felt like it. So there! Okay, so I'm...
Okay, so before you say anything, I know this is strange. But I was just watching youtube videos when all of a sudden I watch a vid of Demyx with...
I love...mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is the stuff :). You know, sandwiches are the best quick "on-the-go" meal ever invented for me. Unless its...
Dude, I'm seriously now getting the same urge for a sandwich. Ah, late night sandwich sounds good right about now. Wait, do you like mustard with it?
Hey! I'm sometimes not that good at introductions lol but it would be really strange and not to mention random if I were to suddenly up and say...
Well, uh thanks. =)
My life is as uninteresting as it gets. You might think I'm being overly dramatic or exaggerating, but I'm being 100% serious. Heres how a day in...
Ha, nice....Corn nuts are the good stuff, aren't they? The epitome of wrapping up a good day is being lazy and and laying on the couch eating corn...
Hey, I know this is possibly one of the most cliched questions ever, but.....How's life lol?