Oh, thats reassuring lol. Just a little, right? Ha, hopefully I don't "Weird" them out that much with my "Californianess". I remember...whenever...
I don't know. They might think I'm some kind of a freak because I came from California, right? It'll be like the same yet opposite reaction I...
..... Great. See, maybe for junior year I might have to move to good ol' Iowa with my dad. Because of personal reasons. Yeah, I just don't want to...
Well, yeah. I guess I do like it out here. It bright and sunny, warm.....all the things I like in a place. But...sometimes I feel strange. I don't...
Oh yeah. Bad times. When I visited my dad last year when the floods hit, I remember how bad it was...with a bunch of the houses roofs in water...
.....I have no idea where that is lol. What I mean is, Mt. Vernon. I've been to Cedar Rapids plenty of times before though. Wait....Mt Vernon is...
"Economic crap." Lol. Sorry, purposely quoting you there. Its just funny how it sounded so sophisticated at first and then added "crap" at the...
Ha. Sorry, its just that I remember exactly how Iowa was.....so its pretty easy to sympathize with you lol. I hate the cold. And wet, mushy stuff....
Oh...hey lol? Hmm, i'm doing okay. I guess. Though it was raining today....that didn't exactly improve my mood. It was a "whatever" day. What...
No..you're not stupid. It happens to the best of us, especially for me at times lol. I'm sorry about your situation....it does sound pretty...
Awesome! Another sarcasm person. Never can have too much of those, right lol? Thanks for saying that I'm not the weirdo that I just thought I was...
Sorry lol but........you live in Iowa? I know, what a strange random question. I'm just curious. Great......now I don't seem weird, ha. Sorry,...
Ha, thanks for the warning. Gee, my life getting shorter makes me feel whole lot better. Sarcasm lol. Oh, nice :) Good job lol. I didn't mean I...
Does that mean no computer at all....? I'm pretty much bummed out now lol, officially. I don't know......stupid suggestion, but can't you maybe...
Dude.......I'm seriously depressed right now lol. What are we going to do with the dub in all this turmoil? I'm trying to ask Mike to just cast...
Yup....."Don't worry.......be happy." :) Lol
lol...took you awhile. Nah, but yeah. I'm good and happy, how about that?
Thanks! And thank you again for the mulitple smiley faces in a row lol.
Haha, what I mean is that its just that its just like....."Wow" lol. Really. I'm like in awe. I see the light, hallejuah! Lol.
Whoa, thanks lol. Oh, and congrats to you missy for getting Larxene AND understudy! Now we both have a main role/understudy. Can't believe that we...