Oh, thanks so much! I have skype...just I didn't download it on this comp at the moment lol.
How about this? We send each other some lines said by us, then we can at some point today choose. Well...it sounds kind of stupid to tell the...
No, no of course not. I don't want to sound like some kind of tyrant lol. Its not about who is the understudy, no, that doesn't matter at all. Its...
Ugh.....Faded, we need to decide who will be doing the Namine. At least...thats what Mike said. So....how do we do that?
Maybe. Oh yeah, I'm totally mature now. Now I'm going to go watch Dora with my little brother. Ha, just joking. But seriously, my little brother...
Yeah! But....when I woke up this morning so very late (I know, tsk tsk), i looked in the mirror stupidly enough to see if I somehow "changed" over...
Lol, thanks. I don't feel older though, ha.
Well....I was spending too much time recording before and taking out stupid pops that my mom took extreme notice and said that wouldn't be able...
Dude, I'm going to be grounded for the next few days from dubbing lol. It'll be over by the time the next script comes out, but I don't think I'm...
Hey faded.....I'm sending my mp3's again to Mike ( I know what you're thinking) because they didn't go through the first time. So, I just want to...
So, I sent the message to him. But....his last activity was like on the 6th of April. I decided too send it to him via email. And hopefully, he...
Hey, this is URGENT. Read your private messages please and you'll see what I mean.
Dude, never mind about that message I sent a while back. I just figured out a good way.
I was feeling all good...until the hopefully part. Bleh, well I'm going to turn them in today anyways.
Ha, it must have been weird if someone walked past your door and heard you laughing evilly lol. That would have been interesting, to say the...
Ugh...I hate computers sometimes lol. Oh, yeah. I almost forgot to tell you lol. I love your laugh; it was freaking awesome, ha. that was the...
I am so tired from all this perfectionist business lol. I tried my best to take out the clicks in the recordings, but do you think Mike would just...
Ignorant me lol. I just got on break yesterday. In this context, it sounds kind of cruel,ha.
Hey, are you on Spring Break yet? If you are, then you can catch up on ALL the animes that you kept complaining about missing and wanted to watch...
Hey, almost done with your lines lol? I know, what a pest I am, right? It just that I haven't heard from you awhile now, so it was like, "Is she...