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  1. SpoonyChan
    Breathe Me - Sia
    Post by: SpoonyChan, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. SpoonyChan
    Avvie :: 7/10. I'd probably prefer it if it had a border or something o:
    Sig :: 9/10. Love the banner.
    Post by: SpoonyChan, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  3. SpoonyChan
    Edit: Apparently this post was a little long xD To sum myself up in like a sentence, I love KH yaoi, I write fanfics, I dub comics, and I draw fanart. 'Nuf said.


    Hello! I thought it was about time I joined this forum. I actually joined a couple of years ago as "Sankari" when all I made was AMVs, but -- let's face it -- the AMV "industry" has pretty much made a huge faceplant, thanks to the Warner Music Company -.- Ah, well...I didn't think I was that good anyhow.

    Anyway, a bit about myself: I haven't really ever been one for the Kingdom Hearts GAMES -- just the characters and what the fans have made of them. You know, Saix puppy? Marluxia being a total, creepy rapist? Yeah, that kind of stuff.

    I'm obviously into yaoi and everything, neh? Well, I'm not the typical, crazy, yaoi fangirl. I love pretty much any pairing that fits, including straight and yuri couples. Roxas/Namine doesn't bother me in the least. I'm pretty open-minded when it comes to that sort of stuff.

    As for what I like to do, I love voice acting and cosplaying. I dub comics of ladychimera's and nire-chan's and put them on YouTube constantly and cosplay as Marluxia, Roxas, and Zexion occasionally for fun. My best friend cosplays with me as Vexen and Zexion when I'm Roxas ^.^

    I also love to draw xD I draw a bunch of AkuRoku and Zemyx all the time and post it on deviantART. Gotta love dA <3

    Annnd lastly, I'm a crazed fanfiction writer. You can take a wild guess at what I write xD; Ah well, most of my writing isn't for the faint of heart -- it's all either extremely gory or extremely graphic. So be warned if you ever look out for me.

    Welll other than Kingdom Hearts, I'm in love with Final Fantasy VII, IX, and X. I just started reading Bleach, and I'm already a big fan of Yu Yu Hakusho, Elfen Lied, and Pokemon :B Well...the games. I only love James from the show <3 The...OLD show. His voice changed in the new show D:

    Yeah, that's me xD Glad to be here.
    Thread by: SpoonyChan, Jun 29, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures