I'm kinda stuck on what to label these lyrics. I'm using the song "Carnival of Rust" by Poets of the Fall for analysis of poetic devices. And taste the blame, if the flavor should remind you of greed? Would that be a metaphor or something else? I've got pretty much the rest of the song done.
Oh God the lolz I had http://www.escapistmagazine.com/vid...5511-Worst-Videogame-to-Movie-Adaptation-Ever
This is for my CRE101 class and I'm lazy curious as to how people could help out. Basically, I need some themes for songs (break-up, coming home, friendship, falling in love, etc), and type the lyrics out for 4 songs that would fit the theme. Each song also has to have at least 3 different poetic devices labeled (alliteration, irony, paradox, allusion, hyperbole, metaphor, personification, simile, imagery, etc.) Have at.
More user notes. That is all. Good night.
Me during my few years of activity -Mid to late 2008: Really (read: too) nice to people, used emoticons A LOT. -Early 2009: Still nice, but a lot more sarcastic. -Mid to late 2009: A LOT more sarcastic. A few de-reps from people who couldn't take jokes. Also, kinda flirty -Early 2010: Most sarcastic and kinda jerkish, appropriately when I left -Early 2012: What do you think? A few really notable reps/de-reps 2009: -Someone can't take constructive criticism. At all. -Just plain dumb. -Me being a sore loser -...so yeah, like I said, quite flirty? All in all, I said quite a few dumb things, and I hope things are better with people who are still here that I had former beef with. That is all. Now go to bed young one.
Dead men, dead men, swinging in a tree How many dead men do you see? Tongue turned blue and face gone grey Watch them as they twist and sway The first one killed the butcher man Then cooked him in the frying pan Served him to his hungry guests And gave them seconds on request The next one with his smile and sweets Stole poor children off the streets To men who dressed unsavory He sold them into slavery Breaking into home at night The thief he had a nasty fright Filled his foolish head with ale Woke in the morn in the county jail The artist with his daunting skill Tried his hand at painting bills But caught in rain he was undone When the ink he’s use did start to run With promises of great return Taking gold he did not earn Bundled it up out of sight Quietly slipped off into night Three houses into ashes burned The sheriff with no place to turn Did spy a stranger to his town Locked him up and beat him down Dead men, dead men, swinging in a tree How many dead men do you see? Six feet long and six men wide Round their necks the noose be tied. Whom of these six is the innocent man? -The Kidnapper -The Arsonist -The Counterfeiter -The Thief -The Embezzler -The Murderer (and don't be lame and just Google it)
I can now never hear your voice without wanting to stab and incinerate you. Don't take it personally :<
[REVISION 2016] Please, if possible, find the original upload of the original artist for any artwork you wish for me to edit. Well, I guess some people liked my stuff, so I thought why not take some requests, if anyone has any. My last thread was closed after my leave, so I'm just gonna be lazy and copy-pasta most of the stuff :D and keep in mind I am quite rusty, so...don't expect too much for now? ~Follow the Graphic Shop Forum Rules so kindly listed here. (Well, not here, but in the Graphic Shop) ~All requests are subject to acceptance or denial as I see fit, for whatever purpose. ~Don't request graphics using obscene material, be it nudity, gore, vulgarity, etc. (If the forums don't allow it, why would I?) ~Please give me the highest quality images you can to work with. (If I can find a better source, I'll inform you before I go ahead) ~Do not claim graphics made herein to be your own works. ~Save your requested graphics when they are complete. ~I offer my services for no price, so please show credit where credit is due, be it in your signature, positive rep, or otherwise. Avatars: Signatures: Avatar: Size (Maximum: 100x100; for Premiums: 150x150): Image: Text (Optional): Font (For Text): Theme (If Any): Border (If Any): Other: Signature: Size (Default is 480 x 180): Image: Text (Optional): Font (For Text): Theme (If Any): Border (If Any): Other:
Basically, a typography video featuring the song "This is War" by the band 30 Seconds to Mars. I made it in my senior year of high school, and it got 1st place in the Typography category at the Peoria Fine Arts Film Festival. Thought you guys might like it/ [video=youtube;ax4NL7W_sZU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax4NL7W_sZU[/video] If this isn't in the right area, my apologies. And yeah, thats my real name.
My friend's kittens who are the most adorable thing ever. Spoiler
Oh god what
That I was consumed by a Thresher Maw, and then proceeded to kill it, inside-out. Dunno the plausibility of that, but I now ponder if I am part-Krogan.
A (very small, but quality) collection, comprised of Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3, remastered with HD visuals and sound, and re-dubbing (original voices available for 2, but not 3, due to some actors' deaths), planned to come out March 20 of this year (after being delayed SIX TIMES. Coming out for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. Probably planned to be available on their respective online-based stores. And now the important stuff: VIDEOS Teaser Trailer [video=youtube;9R9HnZgGcSs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R9HnZgGcSs[/video] Comparison of visuals between the originals and the HD Collection (looks too bright/uncontrasted, unlike the teaser trailer] [video=youtube;KQxW6h920UY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQxW6h920UY#![/video] Comparison of voice-acting between originals and the HD Collection [original voice-acting will be in 2 before you cry] [video=youtube;UV_NC4JGntM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV_NC4JGntM[/video] Thoughts? Feelings? Personally, I'll be glad to finally have a console-copy of Silent Hill 3, and be able to play 2 again, after being unable to play on the 360 due to back-words incompatibility. I just hope we can adjust the video settings if it looks like the 2nd video.
[Killing Udina yourself] is a Renegade option, yet letting Ashley/Kaidan kill him is Paragon? Totally sounds back-words. Wouldn't it be "heroic" to be the one who kills instead of someone else (since no alternative is provided)?