You've all seens the cat pic with funny comments on them, well here's a vid with them
I really like how this turned out, but I wish I had a scanner or my carma didn't make it hard to see when I use the flash. Oh well as long as you can see it okay when I don't just the flash.
But when I said bad don't try to cut them down to much okay. I'm going to start off with people in my friends list. MysterySoldier- : A funny guy who seem to enjoy talking to his friend. I don't really see him a lot (so that'll be the bad thing) 2Foxxie4U : Writes funny fan fics, draws cute chibis and fun to roleplay with. I think she puts her self down to much. Arc : Someone I can alway talk to when he's on and a great friend. Can be a bit dull sometimes (Like me sometimes) Axel : Makes great sig and gives good CnC. He never comes on anymore Cin : Always there to make a joke to make people feel better. I think he's ignoring me lol Crisp : A great friends who I'm sure I could alway talk to. Not sure about anything bad yet Darkandorid : A great mod who stick up for people who need it. So far I think he's a brick wall when trying to talk to him on MSN Darksmile ^_^ : A cheeky girl who know how to make people happy. She puts her self down when she doesn't post in one of my threads (Stop doing this I'm not mad and never will be) Darky : What can I say he's a great guy (Gald he became an Admin). Sometimes it's like talking to a brickwall. demonslayer_kyle : Happy-go-lucky guy who i'm gald I'm friends with. Haven't seen anything bad about him Drunken Roxas : Great person to talk to no matter what mood he seems to be in. Can be a little over the top when talking about something he doesn't like. feanaro : A funny guy who great to talk (when he's on). Never really seem him. FireNanaki : A great friend, I enjoy talking to. Like me can take things a bit too much. Flowers-For-You : Someone who I love to talk to and always makes me feel better. Puts her self down way to much. Gharanth : One of my best friends (and sister) on this site, who writes great fan fics and the best Sai'x fan fic I know. Can't think of anything bad. HisNobody : Someone who always makes me feel liked when I'm down. Can't think of anything bad ichristian : A great friends (And bro). Kinda monas a bit. Mish : Like one of the best mods on this site, I don't think anyone doesn't like her. Is there anything bad about Mish? Nexit@h XIV : A great girl whos always happy to she her friends. Can go a little over the top when hyper. riku sora kairi own : A funny lad. I think he makes fun of people a bit to much. Sara : A great admin and friend who always makes me laugth. Can be a bit hard on her self (So it seems to me) Sorax : Someone who always makes me feel liked when I'm down. Can't think of anything bad Xadllas : One of two people who just make me roll when they start spamming. Can over do it with the spam. Xaldin : A great admin and bro who doen't like hurting peoples feelings. Can be a brick wall most the time when people are trying to tall to him. Zexion of the Twilight : I like how he can be stuck up sometimes (Yes I like that about him) and how he's also sometimes curl to be nice. He kinda screas him sometimes. So what do you like and dislike about people you know. I'll add more people later.
On Monday I had to send my laptop back to who made it to have the N key back on and about 10 mins ago it came back. but I'm still on my old computer, since I can't be a**ed to turn it off and turn my laptop on lol.
So what if I make really bad typos I'm not hurting anyone by it, so will y'all who moan about it, just drop it already
Me and my mum was wacthing Dr Who from last night on demand and when the master died we both started crying but then started to laugth at each other because of it. So we was crying 'cause we was sad but laugth 'cause we was happy
I drew this for Nexit@h XIV and 2Foxxie4U since we had a funny chat yesterday on MSN about how cute Demyx would look if he sucks his thumb while he sleeps. I know I messed up at some points on this but don't give me any tips on getting better okay? I wish I had a scanner
On monday between 12 pm and 5 pm my laptop is going to be fixed since the N fell off (I can't still use it) so I'm going to try and get my old computer up and running, but if not I'll be back on when I get my laptop back
I mean it's just the same as dite (can't belive I don't know how to spell that right if I it worng) coke, I head on the radio before it came out that they made it since most men didn't like drinking dite coke since it was to girly (I mean come on it's a drink for crying out load A DRINK there's nothing girl or manly about thing we eat or drink)
*Gets Xaldin in a head lock* I'm I an evil older sister or what?
Walk some where for 30 mins aday, this does work, I do it once a week when I go to my sisters to baby sit and I'm slowly losing weigth so if you wanna lose weigth try it.
I gotta stop this, really I know some of you dis me but not the whole bloody site
Just a few female nobodies, all friends of mine as well as my nobody
hey how funny is this I've been looking at this yaoi pic called hurricane then ater I hit the back button I could hear my lil bros wacthing Lazy Town and at the moment I heard the line 'Like a human hurricane' I mean is that funny and wired or what?
I'm not too please with this sine my WMM played up while I was trying to make it but what the heck
My sister wanted me to babysit again tonight meaning it would be 3 nights in a row, but I wasn't going to do it, two night in a row is fine but not three. She tried to make me babysit by saying I could come home when she got home and she'll get me lots of chocolate but I put my foot down... Yey me I rule.
I made this for Nexit@h XIV who asked for an AMV using the song, the call enjoy peope
Okay I was just eating some chocolate out of a jar and as I was running the spoon along the egde to get more chocolate out, the spoon some how flew out me hand and hit me in the for head... It didn't hurt I always say ow when something hits me lol... Yes I'm a nutter
I'm always on it apart from when I'm sleeping or going some where I mean come on I really need to get off it more but I can't.... It's my drug
Here's a list way 1. got up at 7 and couldn't get back to sleep 2. my laptop was playing up while playing music 3. someone ketp on beating me at pool 4. when I went to get a cob from cob shop, it started to rain on the way home so I was wet by the time I got home 5. lost more games 6. I went to get some painkiller for my mum and again on the way home it started to rain again and my umberlla borck 7. I was even more wet then I was before and I had to get chage. if any think else goes worng for me today I'm going to scream.