I did these today in my graphic class, there not every good, but I still like them Yes I used a grahice tablet for the first time today.
Okay, so I wanna write some more poems, but nothing is coming to me so I need your help, all I want is for you to give me something to write about. So come on test me.
Does anyone have skype and a working mic...if so please tell me and add me, my addy is in my profile. Yep I'm bored. Edit: When you add me, tell me who you are please.
just a few jokes I came up with, the first one firestarter and Ultima-Sora helped me with Guy 1: I want to eat your left eye NOW! Girl: Well You can't I need it to see. Guy 1: No you don't you big silly. Girl: I do, since I can't see out my right one. Guy 2: That sucks, did you get hurt? Girl: No I just had my right eye closed. How do you close a thread? Go for the juggler, oh wait that's how do you kill a circus (I don't think that ones really that funny) In a classroom a kid shouts out "Does anyone has a rubber?" and another kid shouts back "Yes I'm one" then the kid starts to rub his belly. Laughter the best medication but also the best killer. (not really funny, but what the heck)
Before you read this please note, that some of the words are Japanese, but it's not hard to guess what they mean, also I came up with this song when i herd a song called Itsumo Futaride it's for the webcomic Aoi house, so enjoy. ----- Atashi and Anata, you and me against the world Ima and Itsumo, now and always I’ll be by your side Aish iteru, I love you and I know you love me too You and me are against the world, nothing can stop us now. Every morning when I wake up, and the sun in shining bright I smile and I think of you, and how much you love me People may call me crazy and say that I’m a fool for loving you And I don’t care what they say, as long as you hold me now. Atashi and Anata, you and me against the world Ima and Itsumo, now and always I’ll be by your side Aish iteru, I love you and I know you love me too You and me are against the world, nothing can stop us now. You and me against the world I may not see you everyday but I know you love me Baby please don’t go away because I love you to much to let you go I can’t see my life without you, so I’ll follow you forever, and ever I will do And I don’t care what they say, as long as you hold me now. Atashi and Anata, you and me against the world Ima and Itsumo, now and always I’ll be by your side Aish iteru, I love you and I know you love me too You and me are against the world, nothing can stop us now. Atashi and Anata, you and me against the world Ima and Itsumo, now and always I’ll be by your side Aish iteru, I love you and I know you love me too You and me are against the world, nothing can stop us. You and me against the world. ----- With this I don't care if you say it sucks.
I'm hiding it from everyone around me, But I can never hind it from myself, This missing piece inside of me, That I may never find, I try filling it with joy, But then it turns to sorrow, How can I live without the missing piece, Inside of me, People say they how it feels, But this is my pain no one else can feel, Staying strong feels painful, But I can do it by myself, As long as I'm true to myself, I know I can make it, To find what I'm looking for, Somewhere in the darkness, There something I am looking for, But I will not know what it is, Without the light to see, So now I have to face the darkness, And I will have face it alone, This is my only way to find what is their ------ I was sure I had posted this before, but I couldn't fine it, so I'm posted it again.
I just remembered, you're my pet nobody http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=9094 see now come on walkies.
I stood here waiting for you to return to me But you never came back to me. You told me you would, you promised me you will return But I know I have passed on but still I wait for you to come back. My sprite I left behind still walks these halls In hopes that you will come back and set me free But you never came back to me. Why have you left me so? Are you trapped like me? Can you too not leave where you died? If only we could see each other one last time. I saw someone who looked just like you And he promise to sent me free. I just hope and wish that someone Somewhere, Will come and sent you free as well. ----------- This is kinda an odd poem I just came up with, I don't know where the idea came from but it's about someone waiting for the one they love to return but they don't and the one waiting dies and is trapped where they wait, and they think the one they love is also trapped in the same way.
Since a few of the members are writting story with KHV members in them, how about we put them all together in one fourm so we can go back to read them when ever we like?
I have been putting this off for awhile now, but today I got off my lazy butt and got it done. It's kinda rushed so it's not so good but what the heck. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5EOKzAVpvng warning, this is a boy/boy AMV if you don't like it do watch it.
Can someone tell me where that's from?
I did this ages ago but forgot to post it, this is for Gharanth's nobody Xetheran so enjoy -------------------- Once again Anniexo was asked to go around the first thirteen members of the Organization, just to ask then what they think of their new member, Xetherah. Anniexo walked in to the meeting room where the first two members where talking, they soon stopped at looked over at Anniexo who removed her hood to show dark blue hair and light blue eyes. "Hey, sorry to butt in but can I ask you two something?" Anniexo asked pulling out the same old type recorder she had used before, Xemnas turned to face her, next to his tan skin Anniexo looked as white as his hair. "Let me guess you want to know what I think of our new member" Xemnas said. "Well yeah, so what do you think of Xetherah?" she asked pressing record and waited for answer. "She's a nice girl but she finds it funny, to make fun of my name" Xemnas replied, Anniexo smiled knowing that she too made fun of Xemnas name, she looked away then looked at Xigbar, who had long black hair with gray highlights, a scar from the left hand side of his face and up to his cheek and a eye patch covering hid right golden eye that was just a bit lighter then Xemnas eyes. "She's cool, a great shot with that bow of hers" Xigbar said walking up to Anniexo and Xemnas, he then looked around to make sure no one else was there. "You make fun of her and I'll kick you" Anniexo said remembering how he made fun of Maru until Vexen showed up at threw ice at him. "Alright, chill little dude" Xigbar said, Anniexo then put the recorder back in her pocket after pressing record. "Thanks anyway you two, I'm off to find Xaldin" Anniexo said before fading in to a portal. Anniexo came to Xaldin’s room and eyed his door before knocking and stepping to the side, the door was swung open standing there was the Xaldin himself, he was very well built, his long black hair was in cane rows and tied at the back since it was so long, he also had side burns and blue eyes. "What do you want Anniexo?" Xaldin asked looking down at her. "I want to know what you think of Xetherah" Anniexo replied with a smile as she got the recorder out and pressed record, the only reason why she was smiling was because she knew she was going to get a good answer from Xaldin. "Well since you're asking about her, I'll tell you what I think of her. Xetherah is a great friend, the only one who I get on with" Xaldin replied. Anniexo pressed stop and eyed Xaldin. "Okay apart from you, but I get on better with Xetherah" Xaldin said before going back in his room and slamming the door shut. "Charming, first he pins me to the walk and now he's says we're not friends. Last time I give him a good comment on his cooking" Anniexo said as she faded in to another portal down to the lab. In the lab was the forth member of the Organization, Vexen, he hand long blond hair and green eyes, after hearing someone entering the lab he turned around to see who it was. "Hello Anniexo, what are you doing here?" Vexen asked getting up from his chair. "I want to know what you think of Xetherah" Anniexo replied taking the tape recored out again and pressing record. "She a nice nobody, great with her weapon and power and that’s about it really. Now if you don't mind, I'm just getting ready to meet Marluxia and Maru" Vexen said going back to his desk. "All right then, but tell Marluxia that I'll want to talk to him in a bit" Anniexo said before heading for the library where Lexaeus and Zexion were. When she got to the library Lexaeus, who had short brownish hair that kind of zigzagged at the back, blue eyes and was very well built, was getting a book from one of the many bookshelves. Zexion on the other hand was a lot smaller then Lexaeus. He had very light blue hair and dark eyes, but only his left eye could be seen since he hid the other one with his hair. He was already sitting down at a deck reading a book. Anniexo walked over to Lexaeus, who looked down at her knowing full well why she was here. "Hey Lex, what do you think Xetherah?" Anniexo asked pressing record once again. "She's nice, a lot of fun to be with" Lexaeus replied. "She's not nice" Zexion said. He had walked up to Anniexo and Lexaeus. "Oh you're just saying that because you two keep on having philosophical arguments" Anniexo said after pressing stop and putting the recorder back in her pocket. "Well, best be moving on. See ya" Anniexo said fading in to a portal. ------- I'll post the second part after I few posts.
When you're not on KHV? I go to college, what about you lot?
If someone is too happy they are called crazy and looked down on them as if they are nothing. If someone is too unhappy they are called 'emo' (sorry about that I couldn't think of anything else to say) And if someone cries for no reason they are called a wuss. But why? why do we push people away who show what emotion they are feeling to much, I admit if people over do it with what ever they're feeling it makes me feel uneasy, but shouldn't we just let each other show how we feel no matter how much we want to do it. Let people be crazy with joy. Understand why someone is unhappy and help them be happy. Give people who are in sorrow a shoulder to cry on. Because all in all we DO need emotions no matter what. So my question is, how much do you let people you know show there emotions?
Okay today was my first day at college (even though I should of started last week) and we went to an art galley, and about an hour before we left, me and my class were sitting on the grass chatting but then we just stopped, so I just threw a hand in the air and shouted as lond as I could "'Ave it", the lad next to me sat up so fast 'cause I made him jump, then we all started laugthing. Later when I got home about 6 my mum asked me where I was so I told her (again) and then she told me she rang the cops after she had rang my college and they told me I wasn't there. I sware that women is going to drive me mad one of these days from worring about me so much, I mean I'm bloody 19 for crying out loud.
Have you ever got a site blocked at school/college/work? I have, me and my ex friend got merseymail block at school since we was always e-mailing each other on it while in IT and we was sitting right next to each other. And me and my IT class at college got youtube blocked since we was on it every lession. so have you done that? Yes I am bored and random, leave me alone okay.
This is in my opinion a really funny comic by ladychimera where Vexen takes Marluxia the court for a reason you'll find out on the first page. [Warning - this has boyxboy you don't like don't look] Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 I'll post the rest when there're posted.
Why do I lie to my self like this? Why do I enjoy making my self feel this way? Can I never be happy unless I am in sorrow? How can I want this pain so much? When it just makes me want to be saved by you By telling me I’m just being silly I enjoy making my self feel so worthless But I want to leave that habit behind I want to be able to look at my self And be happy with who I am But I can never do that on my own Not while I live this forsaken live. ---------------------- I've just been thinking how I was feeling last night before I went to the airport to come home since I was tired, sleeply and ready to bite anyones head off who dared to bug me, and it got me thinking, I really do cut my self down a lot but I seem to enjoy it, but only my friends can give me joy with out pain.
Hey everyone, just to tell you that I am back off my holidays. I had a nice time got a bit of a tan and I may post some photos for you to see. So yeah, I'll be on a lot more now. (P.S. Vivi please dont post if you don't give an damn)
When I went out today, me and my family passed a shop that sells wacths and the guy who worked there started to talkıng to me and this is what he said "Me Boyfried?" "What for my siser?" "No you" "Sorry mate I swing the other way" "Five Camles for you" "No" "You break me heart" So I put my right hand lıke a gun and as a joke made out I shoot him in the heart. Then I was having something to eat and one of the waited offed 6 camels for me and another had the same hair as Demyx. What a weırd afternoon I´ve had. Edit: Oh by the way the waited asked me for my name so I told him and he didn´t say it right, he called me Internet.