Okay, i'm kinda feeling bad right now. Here's the deal. Right now i am in a relationship with a girl, let's call her Adriana. I found out that she's liked me before i asked her out yesterday. Our school is weird and there are two days (a-days and b-days) and two lunches (1st lunch and 2ed lunch). On b-day's we both have 1st lunch and we were going to hang out today. However, during the class before lunch i was called to the nurse. I turns out that i didn't get a certain shot to stay in school so i was sent home. I felt devistated that i couldn't tell her what happened. I tried to find a friend before my mother picked me up but no luck. It also turns out that the state doesn't require the shot after all so that makes me feel worse. So my problem is that she was by herself in the library today alone. I might've made her feel bad or something. I don't want her to think i was blowing her off and hanging with someone else. I also have a history in another relationship where i had to constantly call off dates.
Because we need more than one populated thread for tonight.
I have the "Andy Griffen" theme stuck in my head!!!
Okay, so I was bored today and wanted to make a Haruhi AMV. All the songs that i usually listen to didn't seem to fit the anime, and i didn't want to make one to a Japanese song at the moment. Then i came up with this idea. I brought together my favorite anime and my favorite televsion show. SONG- For the last time, i'm domincan (Scrubs musical) Link c'n'c?
First Fanfic of the year!!!
I've been thinking of doing this fanfic for awhile, so i decided to post it on tonight, New Years Night. This will be the first fanfic of the new year for both me and this website. The inspiration for this can be summed up into one word: Bored. The anime this is based of is The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, hence using the same way they make titles. Well, enough stalling.. here is The Wish of Haruhi Suzumiya Chapter 1: Dimension The following story may be a thing of fiction and fantasy. Believe my story or not, the following words are true and not fairy tale. Some would say it was just some strange dream, but as long as I believed, it really did happen to me. I was sitting in my room on a Saturday night. I had just finished my school work, and was watching a movie in the solitary world of my room. It was late at night, and my parents were asleep. I heard a noise come from my window; small pieces of sand were able to reach the second floor. I was ready to fall asleep, until it happened. BOOM! My window and my television were destroyed in one large blast. I quickly put on the nearest shirt I could find, about two days old. A giant purple object was standing in what was once the closet in my bedroom. A door slowly opened and an outline of a girl was standing in the way of a bright light. She slowly stepped out of what I believed to be a U.F.O. form another world, maybe another universe. She was wearing a Japanese school girl outfit, had purple hair, and was extremely beautiful. “Hello, my name is Yuki Nagato.” The girl said in a mono-toned voice. She was from an anime that I’ve watched (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya). This fictional beauty was staring straight at me, face-to-face. “You must come with me.” She started pulling me to her ship, and we started moving as soon as I boarded. “John Dock, 15 years-old, male, 5 foot 9 inches, 180 lbs, 3.5 GPA, has little friends, and is an only child.” How does this girl know so much about me? “I know you know many things about me, and Miss Suzumiya.” What the hell is this? An anime character that I was watching not too long ago has taken me from my bed and off into some spaceship? You may believe that I’m making everything up here, but the best has yet to come, I swear it. Some would pay millions of dollars to research how to dream an adventure that I experienced first hand. “What do you want with me Nagato?” I asked her. “I have been sent to this dimension to retrieve a male for Miss Suzumiya. We randomly chose you from millions of people throughout the universe, and we were relieved that you know about us.” “We?” I asked her. “Miss Asahina and Kiozumi are in on this operation too.” She added. “You have an important mission. You will come to Haruhi Suzumiya, telling her you are an alien from another dimension. To prove it, tell her something that she only knows, but also something that you know. She will then want you to be her boyfriend.” Silence filled the air of the ship. “I will tell you more once we go further.” Boyfriend? I was never in a real relationship; the only girl that ever went out with me was back during freshman year, and I found out later that she was on a dare. She even left in the middle of the date to meet with her friends, leaving me with the check I may add. Now Yuki Nagato is taking me to her version of Japan to date, maybe even kiss Haruhi Suzumiya? It was hard for me to believe what was happening to me. Chapter 2: Plan “Boyfriend?” I asked Yuki while she was steering the ship. “Let me ask you this; why didn’t Kyon it Itski ask her first?” “Kiozumi has proven to be not what Haruhi is looking for.” She started to explain. “Kyon is also the reason why you are here.” She pushed a button, which guessing puts the ship in auto-pilot. She then turned around to face me.” “Kyon and Mikuru Asahina are currently involved in a relationship, which in tern, made Haruhi Suzumiya jealous. With that, more closed space and monsters are being created; we are afraid our world will no longer exist. We all agreed that an alien, preferably male, will stop the closed space for now.” The flight was shorter than what I would expect; we were just traveling different dimensions. When I looked outside, the environment looked no different than it did in the anime. I was looking forward to a live action version of it, but you could say I became an anime character. As the doors opened, I saw both Mikuru and Itski standing in the forest, both in smiles. Our plan was that I moved from their United States, living in a small apartment building. I stepped down from the ship, shaking both of their hands. It was 6:30 A.M., and we were headed off to school. I changed into the school uniform and walked with the group. They already registered me the day before, so all I had to do was show up. When I walked into the class I noticed I was in the same class as Haruhi, which made my job easier. Did they set it up to be this way? I noticed that Kyon wasn’t there that morning, so I decided to take his seat. Haruhi walked into the class five minutes before the bell rang, looking confused; maybe because I was in Kyon’s place. She sat down and started staring out the window. “Haruhi, Kyon’s not here today?” I asked her. She jerked her head at me, looking surprised. “What did you say?” She then looked at me right in the eye. “What’s your name anyway?” “John.” I told her. “Kyon’s not here today Haruhi?” She got out of her seat and pulled me by the collar out of the classroom, taking me to the end of the hallway. How do you know about Kyon, and about me?” She asked me aggressively. “Do you really want to know?” I asked her. She then tugged on my tie. “Yes, I want to know. Why else would I be doing this to you, for my own amusement?” She got me there. I was looking down the hallway and saw Nagato enter her classroom. I could tell she knew what we were talking about because she gave me a slight nod. “The truth is I’m an alien, from another world like this one. If you don’t believe me then let me tell you the abbreviations of the SOS Brigade, the club which you started early your first year. The Spreading cheer all-“She didn’t let me finish what I was saying. She shoved me into a nearby wall and pressed her lips against mine. Around now, the entire hallway was empty. “I’ve finally found you.” She yelled. “An alien, finally something strange and unusual! You’ve proven yourself by talking about my club, so it must be true.” “But Haruhi, you must keep this quiet.” I started to explain. “The police might take me away and so could a lot of other people. I’m just a normal human right now, okay?” “Alright, I’ll keep it secret; if you become my boyfriend.” I guess Nagato’s instincts were right. “Got that baby?” WE just met five seconds ago and now she’s calling me “baby?” “You are now a member of the SOS Brigade, and my new boyfriend.” Chapter 3: Clubroom That morning, I couldn’t concentrate on my school work. It was that I couldn’t see the board that well or the feeling of Haruhi breathing down my back. I could hear her softly chuckle in my ear from time to time. I forgot that I didn’t get any sleep at all, so I started to nod off in the middle of class. I was afraid that our teacher would notice it, but I was glad that Haruhi would help me and wake me up. Our lunch bell rang and Haruhi dragged me to the S.O.S. Brigade clubroom. Yuki was sitting in her corner, reading a book that looked almost finished. She looked up and noticed that Haruhi was gripping my hand. She closed her book; letting us two have some privacy. I wanted to tell her “Hey, you don’t have to leave.”, but I believed she knew what she was doing. “So John, you want to nap here?” Haruhi asked me. “You seemed really tired when you were in class right now.” “No, I’m okay Haruhi.” I told her. “Do you have anything to eat?” “Well, the only things I have right now are these.” She dug into her backpack and brought out a brightly colored box. She opened it and I saw chocolate sticks; Pocky. I use to eat it all the time when I was back in my world. She handed me one of the sticks and took one out for herself. “So you’re an alien, but you seem too much like a human. Tell me something that you know about me.” She started at me dead in the eye. I had to think of something that I knew; something simple, yet so complex no one else would know. “You use to have long hair,” I pointed out. “Everyday for a long time you use to put your hair in different hair styles and different colored braids depending on the days.” She then started to smile, which made the mood in the room more relaxed. “The reason why I left my home planet was to find an interesting person, and I saw you. For a strange reason, I learned a lot by one look.” “Wow, who’d every imagine that I’d actually meet, no; date an alien.” She said. We sat at the club table and ate the remainder of her Pocky sticks. We hung out and talked of our likes and dislikes, which were remarkable similar. She moved closer too me, and would attempt to kiss me from time to time. The bell did ring eventually, and we had to hurry back to class. I felt a new different Haruhi than the anime; this was a more secure Haruhi Suzumiya. We did make it back before the final bell rang. The rest of the day, I didn’t pay too close attention. I was hoping Haruhi would let me borrow her notebook, but she was too busy messing with my hair. I just wrote whatever was on the chalkboard, but I didn’t understand a single ting. I was relieved when the final bell rung. We can now escape to the safety of the clubroom. “I’ll meet you there.” She yelled running out of the room. When I got out of the class, Yuki Nagato was standing waiting for me. I guess she wanted to talk to me about something, maybe about Suzumiya. To tell you the truth, I was a little curious on what she wanted to say. “Did you tell her?” She asked me. “Yeah, and I think she’s really excited that I’m her boyfriend.” I informed her. “Good, you will fill in the void of her boredom for the time being. Itski was reported no unusual flare ups, so keep up the good work. The entire group is on your side; we’re counting on you.” “I’ll do my best.” I told her. It felt a little odd that I had the lives of an alien, time-traveler, and an ESPer in my hands. I had to get use to it. Chapter 4: Bunny I and Yuki Slowly walked up to the clubroom. She wasn’t a big talker, but I didn’t want an awkward silence, so I tried making small conversation. I was relieved when my hand finally touched the doorknob of the clubroom I was in only a few hours ago. I opened the door imagining that Itski and Mikuru where there chatting while Haruhi was looking on the computer. Maybe she would want a picture of us together for the website. When I did open it however, the room was empty and Haruhi was standing gracefully in her black bunny costume. While Yuki went to her usually spot, Haruhi wrapped her arms around me. “Took you guys long enough.” Haruhi said. She sensed I was un-comfortable. “What’s wrong, you don’t like it?” “No Haruhi, but you don’t have to wear this. You look much prettier in your normal clothes.” “Okay, if you say so John.” She started stripping out of the outfit, and I got out before I saw anything. I sat out there for a while until I saw Mikuru and Itski walking down the hallway. I greeted them with a simple wave, but I was sitting to close to the floor for them to notice me. The door then opened with me falling back. She backed up a bit, to make sure I wasn’t looking up her skirt. Mikuru laughed at my embarrassment. Itski helped me up onto my feet; Haruhi wrapping her arms around me like she did earlier. “So, is Ms. Asahina dressing up today as well?” Itski asked, not so perverted as the sentence made it seem. “And who is this lad that I just helped off the floor?” “This is John, he just moved here from the United States. We met during our class today; stupid Kyon wasn’t there.” She stared to explain, all completely lies. “And Mikuru is not dressing up today, because I want to be the hottest girl in this room, isn’t that right John?” She then gave me a kiss on my cheek, implying to them that we were dating. “Uh… Right Haruhi, you are the prettiest girl in the room.” The other two could sense how embarrassing this was. I mean, Haruhi’s personality scares me a little. The room was back to being clean again, not like five minutes ago when her bra was on the computer keyboard. “Now we can start our meeting.” Haruhi said. “To begin, I’d like to have everyone research paranormal phenomenon here in Japan, mainly at our school. It would be awesome if someone died here and their spirit can’t rest in peace.” Awesome if someone died? Not exactly the words I would use in that situation. She then threw the camera to Yuki who reluctantly caught it. “Yuki, take a picture of us.” Yuki stood up, turning on the device. Haruhi held me like we were hugging each other and looked directly at Yuki. I mirrored what Haruhi was doing and smiled. She squeezed onto me, and Yuki finally took the picture. She then looked at me in the eye, our noses touching one another’s. I kissed her on her lips, she blushed. “You guys can leave now if you want.” Haruhi told them softly. It seemed as if my kissed put her in some kind of weird trance. “Me and John are going to go out now.” “Yeah, we are.” I said not aware of what I’m actually saying. I was also in this strange trance. Yuki walked by me, carrying her backpack. “Listen to what she says; she’s capable of doing anything.” She whispered in my ear. The three of them left the room, leaving Haruhi and me alone. I sat down gathering my things and so was Haruhi. She was humming a song; I would want to say it was “Welcome Unknown.” “This is going to be exciting.” She finally said after a long pause. We left the campus as the sun was beginning to set and nightfall was going to be dominating. It was almost impossible to breath inside the bus station and even harder to find a cab. We were able to find a small restaurant near our houses. Chapter 5: Date You the reader must not believe that we are already in chapter five, but we are still in day one. Some of the details I will say were unnecessary, but it did help contribute to the mood and feeling of the story. Now back to the actual story at hand. I was with Haruhi walking around looking for a restaurant. It felt unbelievable that I actually get to go on a date with her; a weird dream that I’ve had for years since the anime began. She found a small place which had a neon sign which I could not read. I guess the translation effect only worked during my time at school so I can know what I’m writing. We walked into the restaurant and say a small sign. Thankfully it had translations into different languages. Please seat yourselves! We found a small booth near the end of the restaurant. She placed her purse next to her leg closest to the wall. I sat across from her; she was looking through the menu. I just looked at the pictures of the food that were there. Our waitress was a pink-haired girl that would give Mikuru a run for her money. Haruhi seemed to look mad at her, so I looked straight at Haruhi not to get her jealous. “I’ll take the Calamari and a large soda.” Haruhi told the girl. “I’ll have the same thing too.” I didn’t know what Calamari was, but I was hoping it was good. Our waitress left with an actual “skip” in her self. Haruhi put her head on the table, looking bored. When she came back out, she was holding two rectangular pieces of what were octopus limbs. I almost yelled when I saw it but Haruhi seemed to enjoy it. I had no choice but to try my plate. It actually tasted rather better than it looks. “You know, for an alien, you seem rather quiet.” Haruhi said to me in an annoyed voice. “We, tell me then. What do you want to talk about Haruhi?” “Why did you choose me?” she asked. I felt as if I’ve been asked this before by her. “You told me you are an alien this morning and you also said you watched me. Why not stalk Mikuru, Yuki, or even Tsuruya?” “I saw you one day a couple of years ago and you seemed interesting to me.” I started. “The reason I left my home planet is because I didn’t belong there, I was a total outcast. When I left there, I tried to figure out where I’d go, and would anyone really care. Then I remembered you smile that you had so I charted a course for this planet, this place, so I can finally meet you.” My lie sounded like I stood in the mirror that morning and rehearsed what I was going to say; but that was just random babbling. At this point in time, I never saw Suzumiya so quiet. I seemed to have shocked her into a deep concentration. She closed her eyes to think a little more. When she opened them after what seemed like an eternity, she had a tear come out of her left eye. There was a sudden change in the air, and she took a deep breath before she finally said it. “I love you.” She then reached across the table to grab one of my hands. I didn’t fight her will and gave up my other hand too. I wrapped it around our hands that were already met. She lifted her head to meet me in the eye. “You left your planet…” She started, trying to talk and hold back her crying, “… so you can be with me. I know I don’t know who are really what you are but… your story… makes me feel this way. I truly do love you John, with all my human heart.” “Are you sure Haruhi?” I asked. “You are a smart talented girl who can get any normal guy and wrap him around your finger. Do you really want to settle for me?” “Don’t say crap like that John!” She yelled at me. “Yes, I sure about this.” It took her awhile for the tears to stop coming down her face. We ate the rest of our meal, talking about life, love, and the future. Oddly, the more I learned about the, the better I felt about this relationship. We really came from different worlds but I started to feel really comfortable with her. She seemed less of a character and more of a person in my eyes. That night, I walked Haruhi home from the train stop. I gave her a small kiss goodbye and I whispered “I love you too.” I walked down to my apartment which was less than ten blocks away from Haruhi’s house. I looked into my closet and found nothing but school suits, boxers, and socks. The fridge was filled with food and many treats. In there was a letter from Mikuru. John, This is a thank you gift from all of us here. We believe that you are the one that will make Miss Suzumiya happy. Your rent will always be paid, but you will have to buy your own personal clothes. We will also give you money for when you are running low on food. Please call any of us for anything at all. Your new friend, Mikuru Asahina. I grabbed an orange from the fridge and peeled it while watching a television program. The television did have English subtitles so I know what’s going on. I fell asleep around midnight. The dream was a happy one; Haruhi and I were in the clubroom all alone. Nothing else was important in the world. Wars, gangs, and killers meant nothing to us where we were. She was also crying as we kissed eachother. Chapter 6: LoveComing soon!
My life will never be normal, will it?
Random news!!! [i got my new glasses today!]
and i'm still in my pajama bottoms.
Because i was f*cking bored. Trailer Spoiler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGiLnaug6TY
I'm sorry if it doesn't go here. You may move it if you like. For Christmas, i got around $60 from many realatives. I was wrong in my susupitions that i got what i wanted this christmas. A wise man once said: "If you want something right, you have to do it yourself!" Today, i went to FYE, and using my Christmas money, i bought myselft "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Vol. 1". It's regular price is $59.99, but i got it on sale at $44.50. Let's seee if it was worth my money, and my wait. DVD Review: The DVD consisted of 4 episodes The Adventures of Mikuru Asahina Ep.00 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Ep. 1-3 It goes through the introduction of all the characters which is good. It also ads the 00 episode which is kinda an intro to the series when you think about it. The episode was actually the first episode aired in Japan, which was aired out of order. It comes with many special features, including the Japanese version, text-less opening and endings, and a making of feature. One thing i would've liked was interviews with the english dub cast, like they did Death Note. DVD Review: 9.9/10 Extras Review: First off, the box art is amazing. The box set comes with: TMoHS ending theme CD Pencil Pad Iron on Haruhi Braid The first thing i tested was the CD. It came with the full "Hare Hare Yukai", and the ending theme to the radio show, "Welcome Unknown." The songs were both fun and upbeat. The CD also came with a kareoke version of the songs. The pencil pad is double sided with two different art works (side A: Kyon is holding Haruhi; side B: Some sort of ad for ep.00). The iron on is just a red silloet(?) of Haruhi with a gaint "H", and it says "Haruhi-ism." Since TMoHS is mostly a girl-ish anime, it came with a yellow "offical" Haruhi hair band. To be honest, i would rather the red SOS Brigade arm band than that. It all comes in a cook box, with cool compartments. Extras Review: 9.5/10 Over All: All Haruhi fans will love this box set. Pros: Comes with first 4 episodes, awesome extras Cons: Hard to take out CD, and the hair band. All true Haruhi fans (including boys) will love this. The over all score for this will be: 9.7/10. My final question, was it worth almost $45? Yes it was, but if i were you, i'd just buy the DVD only. Don't get me wrong, the box set rocks; but anime is expensive. I'd save my money and just buy the DVD's and CD's.
[if you don't get the title joke, GTFO!] Anyway, i think i got the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya complete series box set for christmas. We're going to my grandma's house today to "get presents from santa", and i think TMOHS is my present. I"m taking my portable DVD player.
OKay, i know it's only less than a month away from the season premire, but i'm still impatiant. I went around looking and found a vid that had 4 Sneak peeks to the new season. Cortney Cox play the new chief of medicine. 1. Taylor and J.D. talking 2. JD and interns at rounds 3. Ted confronts Kelso. 4. Intro of the new Chief. my fav is #3.
12 beaten children 11 driveby shooting 10 frozen homeless 9 amputations 8 burn victin 7 stangled shoppers 6 random knifings 5 suicides 4 beaten wives 3 O.D.'s 2 shattered skulls And a drunk who drove into a tree.
Yea, i found a new microphone to use other than my webcam, so i decided to test it out. I voiced Light from Death Note, and Kyon from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I know that i sounded kinda wierd in Death Note, but oh well..
A parody of "The Dark Knight" trailer. I combined three of my favorite things: Death Note The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Kingdom Hearts. CAST: Bruce- Riku Rachel- Haruhi Suzumiya Harvy- Kyon Joker- Light Yagami Minion- Ryuk Alfred- DiZ DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING USED! THIS IS PURLY FANBASED!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH5ue_5N03Y
[I was looking up "What hurts the most" and i found this wierd techno version.] Who's idea was this?
My mom bought us a 24-pack of Dr. Pepper, but it's taller than the can usually is. It says it has 33% more soda in it. I asked if they had the coca-cola version, but my mom said no. Still, i have a lot more soda to drink.
Okay, well me, my brothers, and sisters were fighting about it today. Who would win in the long run, Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus? They both pretty young girls who right now are at the top of the charts. In MY opinion, i think Taylor Swift would win. She already has many fans, some of which are not real fans of country music. She has many great hits, and has been at the top many times (last year- our song; this year- love story, pictures to burn). With Cyrus, her fame will only last as long as the show. Sooner or later the series fanale will air and she will not have much left. So, what do you think?
It's TMM and he wants revenge. He learned how to hack websites and decided to destroy this place.