I know it's surprising that i post in a "serious" thread let alone start one of my own. So say that you had the exact skills for the job, what are you top three dream jobs. (in no paticular order) 1. A Doctor I basically got the inspiration from watching alot of Scrubs episodes. It looks interesting and you actually get to do stuff at that job. 2. Voice Actor One of my biggest dreams is to be a voice actor; perferably for anime. I think i have the chops for it and will do very well. 3. Taylor Swift's Gurtarist I always wanted to learn how to play guitar, and i really love Taylor and her music, so how about i mix those two loves together? Discuss!
Fuck[ing talk to] me!
I think something might be happening in Misty & Sexy Shiva's bedroom.
I just told all my friend who like twilight Stephenie Meyer was comming to our town tomorrow (april fools day). I gave them such a detailed itenerary that they had to beleive me. 6am: Flys in. 12pm: Eats lunch 2-4:30pm: Signs books at barns and noble. Am i a bad person?
If we were older?
My dog's on her rag... she's attacking innocent watter bottles. What should i do?
When you eat them, [you'll sh-t bricks.]
And made this... This is just a preview, I'll be completely done in about a week. Spoiler Lyrics I came up with!: [PART 1] Look at happy Ried Dora bought for me. I'm own a boat; that's what my peoples say. Call me dale. Dancing is apart of me (part of me). So look away the flirt saying WAH AHH AHH! So we can eat a horse too LA LA LA!!! You're so mean. See then the melody. OHH OHH WAA AH-OH! [CHORUS 1] You, send me "O"'s. Japan ate a ham They're yours only yours. I'm not afraid to dance dance. It's not a lie! Misa in the club saying "Look Haruhi, the Caramelldancen!" -------------------------- OH OH OH WA WA OH OH OH WA WA, AH-OH OH OH OH WA WA OH OH OH WA WA, AH-OH [PART 2] You are such a fool, looking up the shorts. Come on, sit down guy, you sit a lots. Call me dale See it's hard to stick it, huh Miguel? oh oh wa ah-oh! So look away the flirt saying WAH AHH AHH! So we can eat a horse saying LA LA LA!!! You're so mean. See then the melody. SO COME ON NOW! [CHORUS 1] [PART 3] Come smell me clothes! Japan in a handbag, they're yours only yours. I'm not afraid of dance dance. You smell like Misa in the club: "Look Anime, The Caramelldancen!" -------------------------- OH OH OH WA WA OH OH OH WA WA, AH-OH OH OH OH WA WA OH OH OH WA WA, AH-OH SO COME ON! [CHORUS 1] x2
Link I have enough money to buy it!
.::NOTE: This is for fans of country music; if you don't like this particular genre of music, then please don't post in here!!!::. Rodney Atkins is going to release a new album in stores on March 31st. It is titled "It's America" which he already made a music video for. Keith Urban, one of the best vocalists of all time is going to start a world tour. I beleive there will be 14 concerts in the United States alone. Rascal Flatt's new CD "Unstoppable" will also hit stores on March 31st, and you can recieve a phone call from the flatts telling you when it's in stores. They are also going to start a tour in the near future. If that's not enough, they are going to release a line of clothing in which will be sold at JCPenny's nation wide later in the year. That's about all I got.
Leaving to Cincinatti, Ohio Wednesday. I have a medical conidtion and it's been getting worse. My vitals have also been going down as well, so we're going to visit a doctor in Ohio to see what's up. Advent: Be sure nothing bad goes on this site. We don't want this place to burn down now do we? Tell me big things that happen on the site when i get back. {feel.the.wrath}: Just to let you know, you've been one of the best girlfirends i've ever had on both real life and on the internet. Stay the way you are. Cupcake: I want to say that you have also been one of the best girlfirends i have ever had. I know that you hated me for awhile and I want to appologize if you still don't like my guts. You really are a good person and I did enjoy our short time together. I just wanted to say that if something bad does happen. fadedphantom: Even though we've just met eachother, you are one of my best friends on this site. You're okay in my book and good luck with college, wait your on spring break huh? You're 100% on my top 5 friends on this site. Ghost: Don't damage, destroy, or rape this stie to much while i'm gone. Bella Cullen (spunkransom): Make sure Ghost doesn't damage, destroy, or rape this site to much... and finally Light Yagami: Stay gold Ponyboy, stay gold. If I didn't mention you i'm sorry. If you want me to say something nice to you, just PM me before i leave tomorrow night. I know i'm being a little dramatic, but this is just in case something goes wrong. Also, if you want to know what's up with me, just PM me.
The stupid ati-virus thing is messing with my computer and it's fucking with my internet. So do not buy any anti-virus protection for your computer!
Okay, today at FYE, i went ahead and bought a camera (the brand is philips but it has the logo of AvailaSoft). Anyway, it says i need to download hardware from the CD it came with in order for me to actually use the damn thing (like upload pics, or use as a webcam). Anyway, the CD isn't being read at all! It's one of those mini ones instead of a full sized one, and it just won't be read! My CD reader isn't broken because i tried a different disk, and it worked out just fine! Can someone explain to me what's going on???
How the hell let out my alter ego AGAIN?!?
because i can! http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=28794
Okay, i've been thinking about this for awhile. Last year, i finished posting a short story on here titled Three Angels. I got a lot of positve feedback from the story and i felt proud of myself. Should i start re-writing the story and make it longer (around 200 pages long) and actually get it published? And how exactly do i go and get a story published?