Catch the Rain, you were in my math class today. We're learning on hyperbolas in pre-cal (see pics of notes in album) and we had a small quiz. A girl was showing us on how she solved the problem after the quiz. Usually you need to find the center to do this paticular problem. Anyway, when she wrote "Center" on the board, she put it as "CtR". I was going crazy, almost falling out of my chair. I really almost yelled out "CATCH THE RAIN!!!"
NOTE: MY FAMILY PUTS ALL THIER SHIT IN MY ROOM SO THAT'S WHY THERE'S DRESSES IN THE BACKGROUND OF THIS FIRST PICTURE. Books: Twilight New Moon Eclipse Breaking Dawn Death Note (vol.1-4) CD's: Hare Hare Yukai Brown-Chicken-Brown-Cow (a local best of morning show CD) Rascal Flatts: Unstoppalbe DVD's: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Vol.1 Cloverfield Scrubs season 6 Death Note Death Note II: The last name The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Collectors box Camera Better Look at twilight books Better Look at CD
It's hard as fuck!
I chosen the four most annoying brand of people on this planet. NOw it's time to vote on which is more annoying. They are: Narutards- These people rave on how good an anime is. I know that there is some good anime out there and it's normal to cosplay at conventions; but every DAY? Twitards- These people are mostly girls who have fallen in love with not only a novel of fictional characters but the fictional men themselves. Now (IMO) it was a good book, but not as good as the fanbase lets us to beleive. Twihaters- Yes, you people are probably as bad, if not worse than the twitards. You enter vids and threads that doesn't even call for you and act like an immature brat. You would rather people beleive in your point of view then have thier own opinion. Athitards- You guys are exactly the same with the Twihaters (and a lot of twihaters on here are athiests). Now, i'm not roasting the whole athiest population here; i'm just talking about the ones who mock people's beliefs and call the stupid and infirior because it's what they beleive. People aren't allowed to have thier own opinions and you want everyone to beleive what you believe or we can go die in a ditch. It seems like i'm typing for the twihaters thing. My vote is athitards.
dude, i'm bored.
The twihaters want twilight to just go away right. Then if they stop talking about it, maybe it would help their cause a little. (i'm not a fanbrat, just little fan.)
Whoever can guess what new CD i bought today will get a prize. *Hint*: there's a specific word in that sentence that may help. Also, think of my taste in music.
how are your noodleds; long or crushed?
The Wendy's Baconator? It's like a heart attack between two buns.
I'm directing something at my school for theater class. It's a student direct scene for class and i'm working with two girls. For the first time i have athority which is nice, but one of the girls i casted is just goofing off and i want to get a good grade. I even threatened with replacing her. Me: Can we please pay attention. Her: Okay, i can't consentrate while the director is PMSing.
This is why i should NOT sing!
Let's have a sexy party! EDIT: Damn you DPWolf...
♦Demon♥Angel♦ has become the soon to be first lady of the Kh-vids spamzone.
When at google, just type in "I rap" into the search bar, but don't click anything.
I demand we change the site name from kh-vids to kh-drama!
Ramon .
Identity crisis.