Okay, i just watched the trialers to BBS and 358/2 days. While watching them, an idea hit me that seems to work for me. It tells what happens to Ven, Kairi, and the creation of Xion. Now, i first beleive that Ven believes his heart is too strong for anyone to have, so he asks Aqua to "erase" him. She obiviously refuses, but that was a mistake. About halfway through the game (more or less) he makes the mistake of giving his heart to Master Xehanort (he might not know who he is.) Aqua gets his heart back, but she doesn't give it to the body of Ven, instead she gives it to a boy named Sora. To protect him, she dicides to lose her memories, and her body; to become Kairi. Now for the 358/2 days part. In the game, Xion is classified as a "nobody", however, why does she have the keyblade? Namine is obliviously the nobody tgo Kairi, and Sora has two hearts inside him (according to my theory). When he gives up his heart, he releases not only his heart, but Ven's locked up inside. Sadly, Ven is now the nobody known as Roxas. Sora's heart was the one who created Xion, by combining both the power of Sora and Kairi. This gives a reasonable explination to why he has a keyblade. i know it sounds a little bit out there, but it's just a theory.
Yaoi te Nani??
Because 1 is not enough! I actually did this for some friends. I need to find some new anime...
What the f*ck was i thinking?
[i'm a janitor and together we adopted a cute little kid. We're legal custodians! get it?]
I did this for two reasons. 1. I'm going to start my own manga, and i need some practice in making it. 2. It's almost christmas time and i had to do something. c'nc please.
Okay, i decided to do this because of two reasons. 1. I was bored 2. I wanted it to be an anime but i suck at drawing. So, it's basically a dramtic reading of my famous story, Three angels. It's mostly a female cast, sorry guys. story The rules are at this link.... link If you want to post your auditions here, that's fine with me. Now for the next part, the auditions process. I will leave a list of characters and two lines from each character. I would perfer that you make it in a video format and pm it to me, or send it to me on youtube. If you can't send me an audio file to tummer73@hotmail.com. CAST: Mike White: tummer Sarah White: Gender: Female Character: Mike's single mom. She watches him and is very close to him. She only looks out for his best interests. Line1: So, it's alright i can date again? Line2: Just please don't hurt him. Kuri: Gender: Female Character: One of the three angels. She is the wisest of the group, but the most caring of them. Her and Clare anre really close friends. Line 1: Hello, my name is Kuri. Line 2: Your in love with him!?! Toka: Gender: Female Character: Another one of the angels. She is see as a rebel for an angel. She also cares for the other two, but is also very comdical. Line 1: Yo! My name is Toka. Line 2: This love fest is kinda getting me sick. Clare: Gender: Female Character: The leading female role. This angel is pretty niave (?) but she quickly falls in love with Mike. She loves him so much that she would die for him. Line 1: Hey cuttie! My name is Toka! Line 2: Mike, you really do love me? Sam Jarson Gender: Male Character: High school bully that loves to pick on Mike the most. Line 1: Man, what does that girl see in him? Jason Dways Gender: Male Character: Mike's life long friend. Line 1: So who's the girl that kissed you buddy? I beleive that's everyone! I'll make the deadline on December 30th.
Okay, so decided to finally watch Karin (Manga name: Chibi Vampire). I read the first manga the other day so I decided to start watching the anime, english dub of course. I read only the first one, and only one time; but...... how come the anime has a crap load of wtf? and yuri moments. I'm not even through half of it yet...
Yes, i just came back from an anime party we had at my school (it's 10:44 pm over here). Here's what we did. Got some green tea (no suger...) Ate japanese food and watched the first two eps. of death note. I danced and taught HHY! WE did caramelldancen, and i learned a new song called the baka song. We ate prezels WE got candy, pokey, and fortune cookies. ANIME FREEZE TAG!! WAtched DEath Note movie. MORE CARAMELLDANCEN!!! that's it.
Yes, i decide to do this because i was super bored. Please excuse the background. My mom decorated last week. -_- Anyway, i combined two of Light Yagami's Monolouges to do this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb3jRKjQm7M
I was going to have breakfast at my school and i decided to get a pop tart. When i opened it, i saw that there wasn't any frosting, and it's one that usually does. Isn't that the only good part of the thing that is called a breakfast at most schools.
[Yes, me and {feel.the.wrath} are back together. It's been like that for about a week now i believe. So, you can add us back onto the list now.] So, please, when you can, add it.
The Wendy's chick....... she can't be...... it's impossible but...... it may be true......... Wendy's chick= Larxene???
[you actually clicked thi?] This morning at school, i was really bored waiting to the library to open [my school just got The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzuimya but it's already checked out]. While during the wait, i got a freakin' awesome idea!!! Since i can't wait for christmas, i decided to count down, my own way. Every week is a different anime, and every day is a different character. So, here's how i break it down. NOTE: These are not in order of prefence, anime or character. However, i did make fridays the cool character day, because it's the last day of school. Week1: Lucky Star 1 Kagami 2 Tsucasa 3 Miyuki 4. Yui 5. Konata 6. Yutaka Week 2: Death Note 7. Sayu 8. Misa 9. Ryuk 10. Light 11. Rem 12. Ryuzaki 13. Mastuda. Week 3: Claymore 14. Raki 15. Yoma 16. Ophilla 17. Maria 18. Pricilla 19. Clare 20. Teresa Week 4: The Melacholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Who didn't guess this would be the one for the chirstmas week.) 21. Tsuruya 22. Kyon 23. Mikuru 24. Yuki 25. Haruhi.
I know how to get you all here!
Remeber kids, hint or else.
Post here what you a wishing to get for christmas. Death note manga (5-13) Death Note poster Kingdom hearts Re: COM The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: The Complete Series The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya CD Death Note merchandise (t-shirt; neackace, keychain,ect.) Scrubs: Season 7
Yesturday, i went to the mall; and walked to FYE. I went to the anime section, and found the complete sereis of "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya"!!! Not a box set with only one volume, but the entire series of all of the DVD's. It cost $60. I WANT IT NAO!!!