Please welcome Shigeru Miyamoto we're going to ask him a lot of ques- wait a minute, your not Miyamoto......who are you? [video=youtube;BqyMnEhRffQ][/video] Ummm, sorry Gabe as good and funny it would be to interview you, we want Miyamoto, he around here somewhere? [video=youtube;5lD8N1YCVxc][/video] Your positive that no one else is here besides you? [video=youtube;QbSQ8JbyQo8][/video] you mind if we ask you some questions? [video=youtube;QbSQ8JbyQo8][/video] *sigh* well guys, ask Gabe anything.....I guess...........
[video=youtube;9NOHFy1Arf8][/video] Yep another Rebecca Black thing ladies and gentlemen, this is another reason why I don't watch the news, what is it with society worrying about kids these days, they say that kids are a mess and yet they defend them sometimes? How Ironic, and let me get this straight, making parodies is cyber bullying, you have god to be ****!ng kidding me, so lets say when Wired Al made his parodies, do you think he was bullying? no, when the Gregory Brothers made a parody on Antoine Dodson, do you think they where bullying? no! Hell when the guys who made Scary movie, do you think they where bullying? NO! So why are you assuming this? And listening to Rebecca's mom is totally ironic, you'll see for yourself, oh and by the way Good Morning America, theres nothing wrong with being a critic, even when you may sound mean, your not making fun of the person, your judging their actions, not bullying them, my advise, someone please gather around and write angry letters to GMA, CNN and especially Fox News, saying maybe they should worry about more important stuff in the world than kids, and leave the kids to parents. So KHV, thoughts?
I farted
OH MY GOD! I have never sat through this much pain of listening to this! Well if I had to sit though it so do you KHV! *evil laugh* Now *activates Geass* Psychonautsmaster Vi Britannia commands you, watch this video, suffer for what I have suffered! [video=youtube;CD2LRROpph0][/video]
GO CRAZY! Post whatever funny, wired, scary or what ever videos you can find! Reply to them, go nuts, come one, I want to see you guy's go nuts, post the most random videos ever! [video=youtube;s9CP_Cx_GVQ][/video]
War.......war never changes, in the year of 2077, the whole world fell to chaos as the nuclear Holocaust occurred, but that dose not mean it is the end of the world, people took cover in underground safety, known as Vaults, after the bombs fell, all that welcomed them was the hardships of the Wasteland, in New York city in Vault 40, the rules are, when people come of age, they must leave the Vault, and find life in the wasteland, you are one of the hundreds of people, that have just left the Vault, it is here that you must choose your own path, or go alone, like New Vegas, certain factions are trying to take over New York City, you may side with these factions, or you may go alone, and make New York independent from any faction. You choose your own path, this is everyone's story. Rules: You must keep this related to Fallout, NO GOING OFF TOPIC, NO MAKING YOUR OWN THINGS THAT WHERE NEVER IN ANY FALLOUT GAMES! If you have never played any Fallout game, than this RP is not for you! (plus you should be ashamed of yourself for never playing a Fallout game) If you are going out of character than before you speak, you MUST type OCC:. An example of this would be, OCC: This right here is an example, I am acting like myself, and am not in character. You cannot kill other players in this RP, kill what ever you damn well please, but do not go nuts and start killing each other. You cannot immediately join a faction, it takes time and a couple of quests to join them You are aloud to betray a faction for another one Getting that out of the way here are your factions: New California Republic (NCR)- A group who support old American democracy and freedom, though they may look like saints, they have done some terrible things in the past, and any land they take over, a lot of citizens have complained that their taxes and way's of living are unfair. The Brotherhood of Steel- A group who support making an American utopia by collecting old pre-war technology, though they may be making a better life, they are NOT nice at ALL to locals or those who are not with the Brotherhood, it may take a while to get there trust, but having there trust if full of advantages. They do not have a good relationship with almost ANY faction The Enclave- The so called "true American government" they are really pure evil, all they want is to kill anyone who dose not look suitable for there world they are trying to make. They have a excellent organized army and have excellent weapons and armor. They despise the Brotherhood and NCR, but have somewhat good relations with Caesar's Legion Caesar's Legion- A group of thugs, killers, slavers, anything you can think about combined together to take over all of the wasteland, they seem to bless their leader, Caesar a lot, if anyone dose not follow their orders, their dead, or will be hanged on a cross, they HATE NCR and the Brotherhood, but have somewhat good relations with the Enclave. Independent New York City- You and a couple of friends have decided they have had enough with all of these factions wanting to take over, and try to make New York independent from any of them, it will be hard to go after them, but together you can accomplish anything! Before starting, please give a tag to introduce your character, remember, you grew up in Vault 40, and this is your first time out in the Wastes! I'll start with my tag, than you guys give yours, and I'm going to give someone the honers of starting the RP, because I'm nice like that :3 Name: Chance Age: 18 Gender: Male Description: Chance is renegade like, but dose it for good reasons, he simply hates evil, simply because down in the Vault he was always picked on, he believes that going out into the wastes will finally give him the chance to prove himself! S.P.E.C.I.A.L: Strength: 6/10 Perception: 5/10 Endurance: 4/10 Charisma: 5/10 Intelligence: 8/10 Agility: 4/10 Luck: 6/10 And without further ado, I give someone else the honer to give their tag, and begin FALLOUT: New York, have fun ;-D
Now that I have got your attention, thurpty nurpeys
Here we name what we think is some of the best shows, and some of the worst shows on Nickelodeon, go fellow KHV people, discuss, argue, or just say that you're right and everyone's wrong! I'll start with mine. Best: Ren and Stimpy Rockos modern life All-that Avatar: the last airbender Old Spongebob Solute your Shorts Invader Zim Worst: New Spongebob Rugrats All Grown up Hey-Arnold ICarly H20 Naked Brothers band Those are mine, what are yours?
I think Shion is trying to kill me, I don't know where to run, or where to hide, advice KHV?
I'm running through this world and I'm not looking back!
Like no one ever was!
You remember them right? How addictive and cute they where in SA and SA2(B), well I'm here to make you remember, tell me your garden! Tell me your best chao! And tell me the best time you have ever had in your garden!
I'm just livin' by my own feelings.
It's just me.....Goggalor
Tell me that this song is fitting to this gif......I'm just wondering, come one, my question is more important than Episode 3! [video=youtube;nfLEc09tTjI][/video]
Well he said he would be back, and now he is! Arnold Schwarzenegger is returning to acting! To me this is both good news and bad news, first off with good news, I am really excited in what movies he will appear in, The Expendables 2 has already been announced and Arnold has said he wanted to appear as a full character in the 2nd one. Now the bad news, look at this guy, he really has let himself go, and he looks PRETTY old now, I think its gonna take a while to get the old Arnold back into him. So KHV, thoughts? (and yes that is kind of my catch phrase now :poketoungeb: )
Wow, immediately on the same day, another game has caught my eye, Dead Island, it looks really dramatic and awesome! The trailer is kind of sad though: [video=youtube;lZqrG1bdGtg][/video] I really want to see some gameplay of this, the only problem I have with it is that the whole father-daughter zombie thing reminds me too much of Dead Rising 2, except this time the daughter may officially turn into a zombie, or not, maybe like DR2 you have to keep her safe or else look like a douchbag, thoughts KHV?
[video=youtube;L8TNkeHk3Fo][/video] [video=youtube;hUmLstbaK-g][/video] [video=youtube;vC3ahoC9hmE][/video] [video=youtube;BRXLc7UpBJ0][/video] This is a sequel to American Mcgees: Alice, it's a pretty old game, now its getting a sequel! I've never played American Mcgees: Alice before, but after seeing these trailers, I most certainly want to play it, I believe we need more dark Gothic games like this these days, anyway, thoughts KHV?
No matter how hot Miranda is, you just can't stop staring at those beaver teeth