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  1. Sabby

    Yush! .......

    Half way point to Prem.... lol 500 more posts to go... xDD
    Thread by: Sabby, Dec 11, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Sabby
    Darkwatch... MADE ME DO IT! <------------ I swear that he made me do it! He forced me on the phone.. >.> THE HORRROR

    Anyways it was his idea xD

    P.S: I'm Sabrina the Teenage Witch
    Thread by: Sabby, Dec 8, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Sabby
    Hello :3 What's up?
    Thread by: Sabby, Dec 8, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sabby

    Ice cream is good xD Baileys xD
    Thread by: Sabby, Dec 7, 2007, 41 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Sabby
    How the heck do you get internet for the Wii, IF you don't have a wireless router. So... some help please. >.> Just need to know what to get to get the internet.
    Thread by: Sabby, Nov 28, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: Gaming
  6. Sabby



    How are you? =D
    Thread by: Sabby, Nov 28, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Sabby


    He is not able to come on the internet till January. He has a punishment from his parents for a reason. So yeah. . . . he can't come on till the new year. I will miss him very much from here, though I talk to him on the phone.

    Well, I was talking to him today and he told me to tell KH-Vids this. Soo.. . yeah. .
    Thread by: Sabby, Nov 22, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sabby

    Rich or Poor

    1. What do you think Rich and Poor mean?

    2. Do you consider yourself rich or poor?

    3. Do you think money gives happiness?


    1. To me rich and poor is basically the classification of how much money you have. Rich. . meaning of course a person that has a great amount of wealth. Poor meaning that a person that has some money to no money. Living different lifestyles, different ways of life.

    2. I consider myself as above average rich. I don't think I am super wealthy like others, living in mansions, owning ferrari's and all that. I think my family and I have enough money to support each other and getting our essential needs.

    3. I don't think money can give all happiness. It can give some but, to me I don't care about money that much, depending what it's used for.

    What's your opinion?
    Thread by: Sabby, Nov 13, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Discussion
  9. Sabby
    Simple Question.

    Answer it.

    I started to walk when I was 10 months old.
    Thread by: Sabby, Nov 3, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sabby


    Just to tell everyone before you read this story. I did not write this story. It was written by thelightisgone123. He has kindly requested that I put his story up for all you lovely members to read.

    Paranormal by: thelightisgone123


    Present day. Vincent is a mysterious 15-year-old boy who has never been able to make or keep any friends. He lives all alone since his parents died in an unsolved fire in his house. He now lives in Germany but is constantly moving around never staying in one place for more than a year. He is a very pale boy with long black hair, and dull grey eyes. Six-foot three is his height. This is his story of his struggle in understanding his unique abilities along with himself in general. His story starts and ends with only pain.

    1. Dream appearance

    Darkness surrounded. That same familiar pain filled Vincent’s heart, along with suffering and hatred. Vincent realized he was having that dream again, the same one he had had for his entire life every now and then. It started out nice and simple enough it showed a small, silver, circular crest falling out of the sky and landing on top of his chest. That’s when it got bad. The small crest shone and a bright star started to resonate and the small talisman sunk through his skin like it were only water and then his mother and father appeared from the shadows wearing some sort of lab coat as he described it to himself. Vincent tried to move but as usual he was unable too so he just sat through the rest of the dream trying to wake up and block out the images of his body bursting into flames and him being unharmed while his parents burned alive.

    Vincent awoke with a start and instantly felt massive pain and he looked to the usual spot his chest where a star shaped scar was burning yet again. Vincent ignored the pain and got out of his cot and went to take a shower. After his shower Vincent noticed that he was late yet again for school, not that he really cared he didn’t bother anybody, his grades were better than anyone else’s and for that no one ever bothered him about being late either. After about another twenty minutes of lazing around Vincent decided to make his way over to school. As soon as Vincent entered the building he sighed at the typical chaos and started to make his way to third period. Vincent slept through all his periods until lunch and began to walk outside to hang in his normal loner spot where he was the only one there. To Vincent’s surprise and annoyance he noticed a girl that constantly bugged him, she had a crush on him for no apparent reason. As soon as he noticed Katie he turned away but she ran in front of him and stopped him dead in his tracks. Vincent sighed and asked what she wanted this time but she didn’t reply she just stared into his hair-covered eyes and after about thirty seconds Vincent turned again and began to walk away when she called out after him. She said four simple words that made him stop his movement the words were “you’re just like meâ€. Vincent turned back to her and with anger and sorrow in his voice he replied, “I hope notâ€. With that he dropped his school lunch, grabbed his backpack and began walking home again.

    Vincent was pissed off now, for some reason just talking to that girl made both his head and star scar both burn and hurt. Vincent took off his shoes and shirt and lay on the cot in his small apartment. Vincent spaced out and began to think about random things such as the fact that it was almost time for him to move yet again, because he was tired of this place, and he tried to figure why Katie had said something like what she did. Vincent wasn’t able to finish his thoughts before he noticed a small womanly figure sitting in the corner staring at him. Vincent jumped up and backed away from the figure and adjusted his eyes to the dark room. Katie stood up from the corner and began to walk to Vincent while unraveling a cloth on her hand to reveal a small dark X on her wrist.

    End of 1
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 28, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Sabby
    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice name =P ^^
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 17, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Sabby
    Today, at lunch there was a rumor that there was a bomb threat at the school. They said that people from another high school planted a bomb underneath the bridge in the back of the school. So people were like "Oh, there's a bomb threat here" Everyone seemed like they didn't care. Then the teachers told us we had to call our parents and tell them we have to go home early. We had to go to the audiorum and the V.P told us what the Grade 9's and 10's what to do because we were under 16. Everyone had to go to the arena and call everyone's parents. Luckly my mom called the school and told them I could go home. So I left and people had to wait an hour or so.. . . I left and went over to my friends house to play Halo 3 =P

    Overall what a good day xD
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 17, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Sabby


    Omg. . . LAWL!
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 15, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Sabby
    I've hurt the person that I'd love. I am stupid I know, it had to be today. I didn't want it to happen, I wanted everything to work out. I will miss you kH-Vids and all you wonderful people in it. I'm sorry. . I'm sorry for my mistakes and my stupidity. I am a total failure, I have lost the person I love the most. . .

    Good bye *cries*
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 14, 2007, 49 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Sabby

    Dual Wielder

    I love you,

    You should know that. I try my best to make you happy. <3
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 12, 2007, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Sabby
    That so much has changed. Compare the summer and now, a lot and I mean A LOT has changed. I don't know if it's just me, but I've noticed.
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 8, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Sabby
    Yes I am bored. . . . . ..

    Help me not be bored.
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 8, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Sabby

    Hmmm. . . .

    If I'm you and you're me. . . .

    Who's that? *points at a hobo*
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 8, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Sabby

    *kicks door*

    What the hel-

    Get the f*** out of my room!!! >:/

    jks Hi
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 7, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Sabby
    No not really :/

    I would love to though.
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 5, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone