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  1. Sabby
    *A thread like this has been deleted due to the hack but I've made another one.

    So, this little shindig here is basically a thread about Halo:Reach, the game that came out September 14,2010.

    What we can do here is discuss the game:
    • Story Line
    • Gameplay
    • characters
    • Multiplayer
    • Music
    • Graphics
    • etc... you know anything basically

    Just put spoilers in spoiler tags please and thank you. :D I haven't even finished the campaign yet but I'm close to finishing it.

    Discuss away
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 19, 2010, 16 replies, in forum: Gaming
  2. Sabby

    I'm the panda right now. I want to break **** because of my xbox.

    Sorry xbox people but THAT'S WHY I BOUGHT A PS3! That system never broke on me.
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 9, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Sabby
    [Ever since I logged on to KHV LOL]

    I just got my xbox. xD I'm sad that there is no wireless.... D: now I have to find a stupid ethernet cable. Can someone send me one :) ? k thx

    REWARD: sammich made by me.


    jk how was your day
    Thread by: Sabby, Oct 9, 2010, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sabby

    Sayy wat?

    [Hi. My name is Sabby and I'm an alcoholic---OH wait.. wrong forum.]
    Thread by: Sabby, Sep 28, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Sabby
    [K not really... just that a lot of stuff was crazy for me. I've been having a lot of stuff building up for at least 4 months and today I finally cracked and cried in my math class. Scared a bunch of people, but I've calmed down for now. And I feel like crying again... yay...

    But I just found out how much my best guy friend really cares about me. I need to buy him something... any suggestions? ]

    But how was your day?

    Thread by: Sabby, Sep 28, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Sabby
    Name: Sabby

    Real name: Sabrina

    Age: 19

    Rank: Super Moderator

    Specialties: Eating babies

    Interests: Video games, stealing misty's pokemon, harassing RVR and poking children (with my penis)

    Personality: I'm a very tolerable person, people say I'm nice, I can listen if you need to talk about something. i also like long walks on the park and eating footcheese.

    History: I joined in 2006, because I had no life back then. Between years 2006-2008 I was a pretty active member. In 2009, I became more active on KHV. 2010, I got hired on staff and created the KHV Podcast that is already a year old. One accomplishments that I am very proud of.

    Goals: To take over KHV and be the supreme ruler of it all with Misty. I want to help members of the site with anything they need help with. Make this place wonderful to be at. I also want this place to have zero tolerance on bullying. I believe the reason people come to KHV but also want to be here is to feel a sense of community, I just want them to feel welcomed. I run the KHV Podcast, so anything and everything I put together with the help of the staff team.

    To Members: So if you need any help with anything, gimme a VM, PM or add me on msn. I'd be glad to help. If you want help but you don't want to tell me who you are, you can ask me on my Tumblr: HERE. I'll reply as fast as I can. :D
    Thread by: Sabby, Sep 26, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Staff
  7. Sabby

    Can you last?


    hehehehe I'm at 3000
    Thread by: Sabby, Aug 4, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sabby


    LOL couple of things.

    1. I saw a store named "Skiis & Bikes" I read it as "Skills & *****es"

    2. Going to try Kendo tonight. LOL I'm gonna die.

    3. Saw the Harry Potter Exhibit at the Science Centre lol (waste of time but a scientist decided to scare the crap out of me with a stuffed animal horse)

    4. Got some cool Postcards from Square Enix. Dunno how but it's pretty damn awesome.

    5. I'm gonna have a treesome with Jelly and RVR


    How was your day?
    Thread by: Sabby, Aug 4, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Sabby


    You... ma besties friend AKA my biffle. LOL
    btw me, you and Jelly are triplets =D
    Thread by: Sabby, Aug 4, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sabby


    Hey baybeh......You DA .....sexeh -winks-

    cundamz ?
    Thread by: Sabby, Aug 4, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Sabby

    Aww man.

    [Why is it so hard for me to find a guy? ] D:

    Sorry, I have these weird emotional moments lol -sighs- I'm CRRAAZZYYY
    Thread by: Sabby, Aug 4, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Sabby
    Yo, yo yo I'm a gangster
    Where my dogs at?
    Bark with me if you're my dog
    Thread by: Sabby, Aug 3, 2010, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Sabby
    [Teaching your parents how to use the computer...]

    "Sabrina how to do you put songs on my ipod"
    "how come my documents can't open"
    "Why is there an icon when I open something"

    Jebus... LOL
    Thread by: Sabby, Aug 2, 2010, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Sabby

    Hey KHV =D


    Biznatches... I made y'all a sammich
    Thread by: Sabby, Aug 1, 2010, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Sabby

    Uncharted 2

    yeah yeah i know... ("I rather play MW2")
    But who is willing to play? Online multiplayer lol
    Thread by: Sabby, Jul 30, 2010, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Sabby


    I need a new tumblr name. xD

    something that relates to me
    Below are words you can use to create the name
    • Sabby
    • Asian
    • Gamer
    • KH
    • Hearts
    • Stars
    • love
    • cookies
    • panda
    • pwned
    • cherry blossoms
    • Hooker
    • Sammich maker

    LOL Helpp me think of one please xDD
    Thread by: Sabby, Jul 29, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Sabby

    HALO 3z

    LOL at my friends house and owning noobs for breakfast.

    LOL capping some bitches xD

    *****es be hatin'

    DAMN just got killed.
    Thread by: Sabby, Jul 29, 2010, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Sabby
    LOL we're sooo chillz together XD


    Thread by: Sabby, Jul 26, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Sabby

    Sorry Guys

    [my constant rage against my keyboard broke KHV and made it real slow.] =D

    cookies please? :3
    Thread by: Sabby, Jul 26, 2010, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Sabby
    You people suck.

    k thx
    Thread by: Sabby, Jul 24, 2010, 53 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone