*A thread like this has been deleted due to the hack but I've made another one. So, this little shindig here is basically a thread about Halo:Reach, the game that came out September 14,2010. What we can do here is discuss the game: Story Line Gameplay characters Multiplayer Music Graphics etc... you know anything basically Just put spoilers in spoiler tags please and thank you. :D I haven't even finished the campaign yet but I'm close to finishing it. Discuss away
[video=youtube;y4SO9sYx3cs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4SO9sYx3cs[/video] I'm the panda right now. I want to break **** because of my xbox. Sorry xbox people but THAT'S WHY I BOUGHT A PS3! That system never broke on me.
[Ever since I logged on to KHV LOL] I just got my xbox. xD I'm sad that there is no wireless.... D: now I have to find a stupid ethernet cable. Can someone send me one :) ? k thx REWARD: sammich made by me. <3 jk how was your day
[Hi. My name is Sabby and I'm an alcoholic---OH wait.. wrong forum.]
[K not really... just that a lot of stuff was crazy for me. I've been having a lot of stuff building up for at least 4 months and today I finally cracked and cried in my math class. Scared a bunch of people, but I've calmed down for now. And I feel like crying again... yay... But I just found out how much my best guy friend really cares about me. I need to buy him something... any suggestions? ] But how was your day?
Name: Sabby Real name: Sabrina Age: 19 Rank: Super Moderator Specialties: Eating babies Interests: Video games, stealing misty's pokemon, harassing RVR and poking children (with my penis) Personality: I'm a very tolerable person, people say I'm nice, I can listen if you need to talk about something. i also like long walks on the park and eating footcheese. History: I joined in 2006, because I had no life back then. Between years 2006-2008 I was a pretty active member. In 2009, I became more active on KHV. 2010, I got hired on staff and created the KHV Podcast that is already a year old. One accomplishments that I am very proud of. Goals: To take over KHV and be the supreme ruler of it all with Misty. I want to help members of the site with anything they need help with. Make this place wonderful to be at. I also want this place to have zero tolerance on bullying. I believe the reason people come to KHV but also want to be here is to feel a sense of community, I just want them to feel welcomed. I run the KHV Podcast, so anything and everything I put together with the help of the staff team. To Members: So if you need any help with anything, gimme a VM, PM or add me on msn. I'd be glad to help. If you want help but you don't want to tell me who you are, you can ask me on my Tumblr: HERE. I'll reply as fast as I can. :D
LOL THANK YOU hehehehe I'm at 3000
LOL couple of things. 1. I saw a store named "Skiis & Bikes" I read it as "Skills & *****es" 2. Going to try Kendo tonight. LOL I'm gonna die. 3. Saw the Harry Potter Exhibit at the Science Centre lol (waste of time but a scientist decided to scare the crap out of me with a stuffed animal horse) 4. Got some cool Postcards from Square Enix. Dunno how but it's pretty damn awesome. 5. I'm gonna have a treesome with Jelly and RVR THX How was your day?
You... ma besties friend AKA my biffle. LOL btw me, you and Jelly are triplets =D
Hey baybeh......You DA .....sexeh -winks- can i haz some trojan cundamz ?
[Why is it so hard for me to find a guy? ] D: Sorry, I have these weird emotional moments lol -sighs- I'm CRRAAZZYYY
Yo, yo yo I'm a gangster Where my dogs at? Bark with me if you're my dog
[Teaching your parents how to use the computer...] "Sabrina how to do you put songs on my ipod" "how come my documents can't open" "Why is there an icon when I open something" Jebus... LOL
Spoiler Biznatches... I made y'all a sammich
yeah yeah i know... ("I rather play MW2") But who is willing to play? Online multiplayer lol
I need a new tumblr name. xD something that relates to me Below are words you can use to create the name Sabby Asian Gamer KH Hearts Stars love cookies panda pwned cherry blossoms Hooker Sammich maker LOL Helpp me think of one please xDD
LOL at my friends house and owning noobs for breakfast. LOL capping some bitches xD *****es be hatin' DAMN just got killed.
LOL we're sooo chillz together XD Spoiler Spoiler
[my constant rage against my keyboard broke KHV and made it real slow.] =D cookies please? :3
You people suck. k thx