Yummy goodness indeed So what are your favourite drinks from Starbucks, Tim Hortons and Second cup?? Starbucks: Green Tea Frappuccino , Iced Black tea lemonade Tim Hortons: Ice Cappuccino Second Cup: Whit hot chocolate, Vanilla bean hot chocolate
OMG!!! KAMS48 can you just EFFING LEAVE ME ALONE?!?!?!?! I'm sorry about the divorce but get ovet it MAN!!! You will find someone better. Believe me. Just stop bothering me! and you don't have to tell THE FAMILY WHO I LIKE. HOLY S*** LEAVE ME ALONEyou got that effing memorized?!?!?!? Please and Thank you.
Hey, what do you guys so when you and your partner break up? Like any therapy sessions with Ice cream and stuff. by the way, if you are friends with them, do you feel awkward around them?
I know it's a gay a** name but i don't know what to call it. This is my first RPG so i hope it goes well ^^ IF THIS HAS BEEN USED BEFORE. . . . .I'M SORRY So it's basically what you see. KH characters are all living in the same house. So it's a GIANT mansion, with a lot of rooms that are really fancy and nice. There is a kitchen, living room, combat room (XD no killing), pool, hot tub. ANYTHING A GIANT MANSION WILL HAVE!! be creative XD You can have more than 1 and the max is 2 kh/ff/org.XIII characters NO MORE OCS PLEASE!!! Only KH/FFcharacters And. . . there are new positions open due to that not many have replied. Kingdom Hearts/ Final Fantasy Sora-Kairi_li93 Riku-Rikus#1fangirl Kairi-Kairi_li93 Roxas-Kairi_li93 Namine-Rikus#1fangirl Hayner- gothsora47 Pence- Olette-Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress Cloud-overload Aerith- Yuffie-swordser2 Tifa- naminesgirl Vincent- Dual Wielder Yuna- Rikku- Paine- Leon-swordser2 Organization Xemnas-Last of the Organization Xigbar-Pirateguywithapplepie Xaldin- Dual Wielder Vexen - Lexaeus-ShadowofRiku Zexion-Khchick55 Saix-Pirateguywithapplepie Axel- overload Demyx-anniexo_lexa Luxord- Marluxia-ichristian Larxene-ThunderOfLarxene Your own Character Name: Age: Description: Gender: Weapon: About yourself: Name: Roka (Duel Wielder) Age: 16 Description:http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/...+age_scale:5 Gender: Male Weapon:http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/2...abladessi6.png Personality:Personality: Independant when given orders. Stubborn when nobody answers him. Embrassive to whoever questions him. He has a dark secret behind him. The reason he is half heartless. Name: Genony (La Sofa) Age: 18 (Everyone thinks that he is in his 20's though) Description: http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/3822/yowg9.jpg Gender: Male Weapon: Katana About yourself: He usual is quite. He is really tall. He can be funny and crazy. Likes to protect people. Thinks of other before himself... Name: Alymixcha (Khchick55) Age: 17 Description: Has slivery purple hair, wears a pale green tanktop and a black pants. Gender: female Weapon: They look like this. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r...7060152pm2.jpg I have two. About yourself: A girl who has lived out on the streets her whole entire life. She doesn't know to much, but she is a great fighter. Name: Eden Age: 11 Personality: Usually quiet, and cheery Looks: Black-Brown hair, Brown eyes, and slightly tan skin. Other: In love with Roxas....<3 Weapon: My Keyblade Golden Hope( I made it up) Can I start soon? Name: Brenna(Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress) Age: 17 Description: Fair skin, silver hair down to her shoulders, crimson eyes, and wears warrior's armor. Gender: Female Weapon: Twin swords About yourself: Loves to engage in battle but doesn't try to make friends unless someone notices her frequently. Feelings get hurt easily unless she can take it. Name: Yumi (myoblivion) Age: 15 Description: Light blonde almost white hair styled like Kairi's except a litter messer looking and a median length side bang, dark brown eyes, normal skin color, normal height, skinny, white half sleeve tee-shirt with dark red stripes and a dark grey zip-up jacket over, light ripped capree's, and black tennis shoes. Gender: Female Weapon: Black staff that turns into a sharp blade About yourself: She is a good fighter and her element is darkness but she also has fire in her. She is quiet but usually losens up when she find friends Name: Kell (myoblivion) Age: 15 Description: Dark messy blonde hair, kind of covers dark navy eyes, normal skin color, average height, jeans, white tee-shirt with a black zip up hoodie, and black converses. Gender: Male Weapon: Darkness orbs and a chain, sometimes a blade About yourself: Kell had a dark past but mostly looks into his future. He is also quiet and is a good fighter. Name:Sol(TabbyRoxas) Age:??? Description:Tall, fit, strong Gender:Male Weapon:Oathkeeper and Oblivion Keyblades, Dual Pistols Element-Mostly Darkness, but still some remnants of his past light... About yourself:Quite, shy and likes to be alone. Has a few to many bad memories... Name:katanii Age:14 Description: wears a blue and silver tee shirt and black kapries(sp?)blue eyes and silver hair Gender:female Weapon:sword About yourself:very quiet,and thoughtful,has many secrets If i have forgotten any characters tell me and I will add them on. RULES!!!! -No killing -you can swear but with * <--- that -do not swear a lot -Try to keep all battles in the combat room
*sigh* It's not a good day, i'm supposed to get married but i think the groom is mad, and has banned himself. *cries* ugh.. i don't know what to do
It's so good, I love it but i would like to have the mp3 of it. If this is the wrong place, my bad. Does anyone either have it or know where to get it. I'll let you even listen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjsOPh_o6_w Please i really want it. ^^ please and thank you very much
Hey! Do you guys like Gundam Seed/ Destiny. I'm in love with it, not as much as Kingdom hearts. My fav characters are Lacus, Athrun, Kira, Cagailli. I think Shinn is hott. Have you seen the anime???
My website, crashed down because I think my host forgot to pay, and I havn't talked to her for so long. So does anyone know any Hosts ? please let me know. Thanks!
Hi everyone, my name is Sabrina, but people call me Sab. I'm Asian, and KH rocks!!! Well see all you people around