EDIT: Ignore the OnLine part in the title. There's nothing online about this game. Not sure what to say about this other than I'm disappointed.
I am not screwing with you.
While I think a ban is a little much, no one wants to undergo epileptic seizures. I know...I've had a couple...not fun. Anyway, don't they already have that warning in the little manuals that come with the games? Or am I the only one that reads those things?
Like was mentioned in the article above, I don't see why Sega would bother knowing that they couldn't compete with the other new consoles that are out now. I think this is just wishful speculation.
You did not read that wrong. I quoted it almost as Kotaku wrote it.
These were posted by Andrew Kiraly from his girlfrend(supposedly) Janet Iverson. From what I've read these are fairly funny. Source
I'd include the link but the screenshots aren't anything we haven't seen before.
Full Article here.
Did anyone actually buy the N-Gage?
I am a sad panda.
Yep, looks like game developers aren't ready to let go of the second World War anytime soon. Just like Squeenix ain't ready to let go of FF7 just yet. There's also mentions of Brothers in Arms here too. EDIT: Also I meant 'Rich' in the title. I did not sleep well last night. ee;
Long article ahead Long article ahead. This was the main thing that was on GameTab when it finally started working again. But a brief summary, vivendi(who owns companies such as Blizzard) is merging with Activision. Source
Clicky for article and video That's right. Pirates vs. Ninjas.
And here most game reviewers and gamers complain of reading too much in games.
Makes me sad I never played the first one.
http://www.gametab.com/news/1124345/ Normally I'd quote the article itself but those pictures in it. xD So priceless. So it's about this kid who has no acting experience but feels he is perfect because of his hair and that he has a twin brother who looks just like him. Personally...I think he's on something.
Intro video Boss Battle The Intro video did look rather interesting but I have no idea what's going on since I haven't played the first one. Also the Boss battle one wasn't working for me but one of you might have better luck.
So who among you consider yourselves worthy of being my playthings? Fill out this simple form and either post it in the thread or pm me and I will consider you for the honor. :3 UserName: Age: Why do you want to be my plaything? What kind of experience do you have as a plaything? Why do you feel you are qualified for being my plaything? Why do you think I should make you a plaything?
That's what over half of the workers at Hudson Entertainment's mobile division have heard according to the quoted article from NextGeneration.
Might be old news to some of you but I was sure excited about it. Not sure who the guys with the horns were. Are they milking Sephiroth in front of fire effect yet? PS. Pardon if there's a thread about this already.