Words cannot express
This is sent from Vivi over MSN: [00:03] Some were scared some were killing for fun, I shot a mother right infront of her son.: send him a vivi slap on my behalf. And from me: Ever hear of reading a book?
... Did they ever leave? And yes I'm talking about the Database Errors.
Fox tied the knot today. No not me. THE Fox. As in Laurence Fox the man. The Full Story ee; Funny how in most of the pictures you'd think they were coming from a funeral than a wedding. And what the hell are the bridesmaid's wearing? Look like purple doilies with navy blue leggings. As for Fox...I don't think he ever looks bad in anything.
It snowed last night. And it's still snowing. Looks like I might have to help my Mother shovel later.
Yeah, from what I've seen so far it looks rather lame. So a message appears in your cell phone voice mail. Turns out the message is audio of your death and about a week later you die in the way you heard. From the trailers it looks sort of like the Ring but with cell phones.
The site hates me... and I hate it right back. Taking my beautiful sigs away from my eyes. A POX ON THIS SITE UNTIL THEY RETURN. >o
Yeah I don't see them. <_> One reason I love Firefox to death.
Okay so this was only supposed to be a short list but I got carried away. 1. Smoking cigars/cigarettes can reveal hidden laser traps. 2. Boxes are an effective use of camouflage. 3. You will not get struck by lightening by uttering 'kuwabara! kuwabara!' 4. I'M COVERED IN BEES! 5. You ARE governed by your genes. 6. Raw Snake is tasty. 8D 7. Big Boss cannot take off his pants. 8. WE'VE MANAGED TO AVOID DROWNING! 9. People will not suffer frostbite in an Alaskan winter when they're topless. 10. Large punctuation marks appear above people's heads. 11. People can ALWAYS be distracted by Asian wimmenz in bikinis/lingere. 12. No matter how much engraving is on your Single Action Army it will not help you to shoot people. 13. The Russian Glowcap Mushrooms will charge your batteries. 14. It is A-OK to be a quadruple backstabbing agent. 15. Never underestimate the pretty ones. They might just come back to kick your ***. 16. Putting legs on a tank is not a stupid idea. 17. I NEED SCISSORS 61 19. Rosemary is a *censored*. 20. Never ask Para-Medic anything that can lead to obscure monster movie references. 21. Wear a cup. Always. You never know when you'll have to endure a crotch grab. 22. The anime nerd is your friend. 23. The dead never sleep. 24. Vampires are real. 25. No matter where you shoot a guard, their head will explode. 26. Remember that even the strangest looking enemy has their weaknesses...such as tree frogs. 27.Leave the game running for Ocelot after the credits. 28. Don't use autofire. 29. *Edited by the S3* 30. That conniving son-of-a-***** Santa Claus. 31. The LA-LI-LU-LE-LO are the LA-LI-LU-LE-LO. 32. Don't run around the jungle in a scientist's uniform. 33. Just because you're contact is wearing sunglasses and a ponytail doesn't mean it's who you think it is. 34. Don't cause a Time Paradox. EVER. 35. Meowing is an acceptable way to call for backup. 34. A cigar can light your way through the darkest cave. 35. When you hear dramatic music...just keep climbing the damned ladder. 36. If it sounds like Snake, looks like Snake, and acts like Snake...chances are it's Snake. 37. Guards are stupid. 38. Diazapan will help your aim. 39. A walking bipedal tank can always be taken out by a single man on foot with a stinger missile. 40. Look after your box and your box will look after you. 41. Exoskeletons are a death sentence...but look so badass. 42. Just because you've been told you have the recessive genes, doesn't mean you do. 43. Liquid can survive near everything. 44. Eyepatches are stylish. 45. Did you say...Monkeys? 46. You can be possessed by an arm transplant. 47. Names mean nothing on a battlefield. 48. EVA had breast implants. 49. Calorie Mates are good for dieting. 50. These games have more twists than a Mexican Soap Opera. get an awesome grade on a final? I just took my Digital Photography final exam and I missed 3 questions out of 50. I feel ****ing great.
... is w00t. I am not messing with you.
Pokemon have presidents now? o.O
wow...way to fail, Tom Brokaw. Way to fail.
I'mma be gradutin' on Sunday. 8D ... But I still have another semester to go. *ded*
Looks like there wasn't a sweep. I am pleased.
I disagree with the author of the article. I enjoy WW2 based games but I think I'd like a game with more plot to it.
Link with trailer You have to enter in your birthdate since it's for mature audiences. I don't know. The graphics seem pretty but it's ridiculously gorey.
Link with nifty screens
I have mixed feelings about the delay. Sure it's putting off the potential horribleness of the movie but then again they could use the extra time to make it better.