Search Results

  1. kitty_mckechnie


    Can you beat the Veteran?

    I can. xD
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 8, 2011, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. kitty_mckechnie

    I can't help but smile when I hear this. :'D
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 7, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. kitty_mckechnie

    Mario have mercy on us. D:
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 1, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  4. kitty_mckechnie

    Why...WHY DO THEY DO THIS TO HIM?! ;__;
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 28, 2011, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. kitty_mckechnie
    Specifically one of Fang...




    And I've yet to find something large enough. ;__;
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 22, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. kitty_mckechnie
    [I stole some Perfect Gems/Skulls from a player in Diablo 2. D:

    Now I'm afraid he'll find me in-game again.]
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 15, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. kitty_mckechnie
    I'm thinking of getting myself a MMORPG in the next few weeks but there is a huge selection to choose from (most of which aren't great). I've wanted to try Guild wars for some time now and I'm wondering if any members here have played it and whether or they think it's worth purchasing (I know there's no monthly subscription).

    I'll also take suggestions.

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 11, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  8. kitty_mckechnie
    Actually, I did kill her. And I killed her again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

    I killed her over 10 times last night by blocking her next to the cooker but Death wanted her to live.

    Death be busting my chops! >|
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 7, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. kitty_mckechnie
    Someone, please! Have mercy and set me free! T__T
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 6, 2011, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. kitty_mckechnie


    I want it but it's so expensive. ;________________________________________;
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 1, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. kitty_mckechnie
    Really, we had no idea what to think.

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Jan 27, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. kitty_mckechnie

    It does sound like Pokemon.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Jan 27, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. kitty_mckechnie
    My PS3 hard drive is pretty much full, so I'm needing an upgrade. I'm wanting to upgrade the internal hard drive to something a lot bigger (I have the 80GB version).

    I'm thinking about getting this one but I'll take recommendations.

    What I would really like is a HDD that has lots of memory and fast access.

    Also, I'd like to hear if anyone has had any experience with changing the hard drive and if there's any problems that may occur in doing so.

    Cheers me dears.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Jan 25, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  14. kitty_mckechnie
    But his wife to be ran in the loo so we got married there. We're married now but she won't move in and she won't have a baby. D:
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Jan 14, 2011, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. kitty_mckechnie
    What defines a hardcore twilight fan? How does one act, talk, dress, and look as a hardcore twilight fan?

    Any input would be much appreciated.

    Ta much!
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Jan 13, 2011, 78 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. kitty_mckechnie
    It was like it ate a lot of All Bran Action then had Diarrhoea dialogue. Rinse and repeat.

    Nevertheless, it was still an amazing film! <3
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 30, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. kitty_mckechnie

    Hullo khv

    How are we today?
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 28, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. kitty_mckechnie

    Think the Lotus, feel the Lotus, drive the Lotus!
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 20, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. kitty_mckechnie
    I just booked my tickets to the show in London. =D

    Aye, I'm geeky, but I'm a geek with refined taste!

    Now I need to find someone to take with me.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 17, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. kitty_mckechnie
    It involved black and white horror films, a few khv members and Jedi children.

    ...not the strangest one, but certainly a strange one.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 17, 2010, 37 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone