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  1. kitty_mckechnie


    Can't call my PS3 Larry anymore. D:
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Jan 5, 2012, 37 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. kitty_mckechnie


    I'm disappointed in myself for not knowing this!
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Jan 5, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. kitty_mckechnie

    lol, congrats, babeh. ;D About time you got it.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Jan 4, 2012, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. kitty_mckechnie
    This abomination is the work of Kelly and myself. It's intended as a present for What, cause we love him so! but it may leave some mentally scarred forever...What himself included.

    Ok so, I'm no writer, I can barely speak and write this language you call English but I did my best! I had fun writing it nevertheless! They'll be tonnes of typos and grammar mistakes so I do apologise.

    The story is not complete (got a wee bit carried away at the beginning) and has been split into two. I'm hoping the second half will go up by Sunday night, and it will contain more What! Of course many others will be introduced.

    I also like to point out that the layout is probably horrible

    So...aye. Enjoy!


    Part 1

    RvR knelt beside his wife’s bed, worry lines evident on his face in the poorly lit room. Chev, his wife and Queen of khv, laid on a large bed, enduring the labour of their first child.

    ‘After this is over you’re having the next one!’, Chev spat.

    ‘I know dear, I know.’ replied RvR, slipping his hand into his wife’s. He wished he hadn’t. Chev’s hand clamped down like a vice on his, squeezing the colour from it. He thought it would fall off. He wished it would!

    Chev’s screaming pierced the king’s ears. ‘IT FEELS LIKE IT’S TEARING ME APART FROM THE INSIDE! OH GO-‘. RvR desperately tried to loosen the grip on his hand but the Queen was far too strong for him. ‘Don’t think you’re getting away that easily!’ she groaned as she pushed. ‘This-this is our chil-child! We’ll en-en-endu-endure the pain togeth-‘, Chev screamed in agony, her grip tightening on RvR causing the poor King to cry and writhe in pain. Suddenly Chev’s screaming stopped and was replaced by the wailing of a new-born. RvR forgot the pain in his hand and turned to where Stardust was. He had forgotten she was there. But there she was wrapping his child in a bundle of cloth. He felt his wife’s grip loosen and he rushed over to stardust, taking the tiny thing from her and into his arms. He could scarcely believe it. This tiny, fragile thing was his son.

    ‘Beautiful…’ he whispered to himself.

    ‘Shall I organise for preparation of the burning, your Highness?’ enquired Stardust.

    ‘Hmmm…what? Why do we need a burning?’

    ‘For this abomination, your Highness! We cannot let it live!’

    ‘How dare you call my son, your future King, an abomination!’ he roared, his face burning with rage in the candle light.

    ‘But your Highness, look at it! Its ears and toes are curled, its skin burns red, and it’s covered in some freaky goo!’ she wailed, her arms flailing frantically about.

    ‘All new-borns are like this!’

    ‘OH! Oh dear…well, don’t I feel mighty silly right now.’

    RvR had wondered why his kingdom’s population was dwindling and now he knew. The cause? Stardust.

    ‘We shall discuss this matter later, for now summon the rest of the Council. Tell them my son is born – Prince Clawtooth! Named after how he clawed his way through his mother! Aha! He’s going to be a fighter, just like his dad!

    A small cough escaped Stardusts lips, her face showing her awkwardness.

    ‘Yes Matronkiller?’

    ‘Your Highness, I may have made one or two mistakes in delivering babies…’ RvR could only scoff at her self-assessment. ‘But I do know that your son is in-fact a Princess.’ carefully emphasising Princess.

    His eyes widened from shock. He flipped the cloth bundle opened; there was indeed no princely quality there. He flipped it closed. A few seconds later RvR flipped it opened again, just in case he had missed it or the child was a late bloomer. But alas, it was not to be. His child, Clawtooth, was indeed a princess.

    His face changed to a soft smile. ‘I have a daughter…my baby girl.’ He cooed as he gently nuzzled the baby in his arms. ‘Our child.’ He looked up and across the bed to his darling wife. Chev laid there like an angel, her face calm and peaceful. A much better look than the haggard, raving mad pregnant woman she once was a few minutes before.

    ‘Her Highness has endured much today. We should let her rest for the moment.’ Stardust reached across and took the baby into her arms. ‘I shall get her cleaned and feed, you Highness.’, and quietly left the room.

    RvR watched as his child and Stardust left before turning and moving to his wife’s side. Gently, he stroked her cheek, moving his fingers over to trace the lines of her lips. He bent down, admiring the beauty on her face, brushing his lips against hers.

    ‘Sleep well, my darling. For there is much for us to do in the coming years raising our daughter’ he whispered to her. He gently kissed her forehead and left for her to rest in peace as he met with the Council.

    A week after the birth of Claw, RvR stood watching in grief as his wife was laid and set alight on a pyre. No one suspected anything was wrong for the first few days. Stardust had assured them all that the Queen was merely recovering from her ordeal whilst in labour and that five days of sleep was common after a woman’s first pregnancy. On the fifth night RvR had snuck into Chev’s room to woo his woman in hot, sticky pleasure. The next morning he realised something was amiss when Chev wasn’t her usual playful self. In fact, she hadn’t said or done anything that night. The RvR feared the worst.

    Ienzo held Chev’s pasty white wrist, her ear to her chest.

    ‘Well, Ienzo? Your prognosis?’ asked RvR.

    Ienzo let the stiff limb fall to the bed and stood straight.

    ‘The Queen is indeed dead, You Highness. I am truly sorry.’

    ‘Ha! I knew it! What caused her death?’

    ‘From what I can tell it was exhaustion that killed her.’

    RvR felt his man ego swell to bursting point. He mourned the loss of the love of his life but it was his act of pleasure in bed that killed her!

    ‘No woman will be able to withstand this love making machine!’ he thought to himself.

    ‘I’d say she died during labour.’

    RvR felt his manhood shrivel up like an old prune.

    For weeks after Queen Chev’s death RvR longed for solitude, locking himself in his personal chambers for days on end, eating and drinking little. The people of khv grew worried for their beloved King, fearing they would lose another of the Royal Family. Many still mourned the loss of their Queen. The thought of losing their King was too much to bear. The member Amuary, a peasant whose dream it was to join the Council, was often seen walking through the streets of the Spam Market going about his daily life till he would suddenly collapse to the ground and would begin to cry, cursing his god, tienewman, ‘WHY?! WHY CHEV?! SHE WAS A SAINT TO US! WHY WOULD YOU TAKE HER FROM US?! CURSE YOU TIENEWMAN! CURSE YOU AND YOUR DOGS!!’ And every night he would pray for forgiveness and for an opportunity to join the council.

    It too seemed that Claw missed her mother, crying constantly, unable to settle down. The servants and the Council struggled to calm the wee thing, staying up to all sorts of hours to comfort her. Only Ienzo and Sabby of the Council, with their sweet dispositions were able to calm the girl, allowing the residents of the castle a few hours peace. Claw was particularly taken with Ienzo and her stand-up comedy.

    The Council had gathered in the great Council Hall to discuss their situation; Ienzo, Jayn, Plums, Sabby, Stardust and Wolfie sat around a grand table in the centre, each wearing a different colour of cape over their tunics to symbolise their house. Mike and Mixt, the Snitches, sat in a dank corner trying to look as if they belonged.

    The group sat in silence for a few moments, each wearing a tired, worrying look on their faces.
    Wolfie stood up and looked to the head of the table, gazing at the two empty chairs that sat there. She looked carefully over each face around her before speaking. ‘You all no doubt know of our situation.’ She said to the group, each nodding their head in acknowledgment. ‘The King has locked himself in his room and I believe we have lost him to grief. We need to consider what to do if the worst were to happen’

    ‘Don’t you dare, Wolfie!’ Sabby interjected, pushing herself up off the chair, her sky blue cape almost catching on splits of wood from the chair. ‘RvR-Ehh… His Highness, isn’t lost! He’s just in a dark place right now but he’ll pull through! If we-‘

    ‘Have you had any success helping him? Has he opened the door for you? Has he spoken to you at all, Sabby?’

    ‘No…no, he hasn’t.’ she said, slipping back into her chair. She had tried every day to reach RvR but not once had he answered the door. She even tried setting a trap for him, leaving food by the door and waiting for him to retrieve it, but her duties in the Council kept her from waiting too long and she missed him every time.

    ‘I agree with Wolfie.’ Stardust said. ‘It’s not easy since none of us wants to think what may happen but we have to consider it. The King is unreachable and the child’s health is ailing. We need to consider who will be his successor if Clawtooth passes to the next world.’

    No one spoke. Jayn sat with a sombre look, gazing down at her cape, her fingers pulling at a loose piece of purple thread. Plums, feeling Stardust’s eyes on him, reached for his cape and looked for any faults that could be mended with the pulling of thread. Much to his surprise he found his cape in immaculate condition. He settled with cleaning his nails.

    Stardust sighed. ‘Guys, it can’t be helped. We need to discuss this!’

    ‘We wouldn’t be discussing this if you had been a better matron…’ Wolfie muttered to herself.

    ‘What’s that?!’ Stardust tossed her chair back and squared up to Wolfie. ‘Are you criticising my matron skills?!’

    ‘Criticising? No, there’s nothing to criticise since you have no ability as a matron!’

    The pair tore at each other’s throats, yelling and tossing their arms about. The remaining four sighed and turned away from them, engaging in their own conversation. This wasn’t new. Every meeting had to have at least one argument. Except now they didn’t have RvR to end them.

    Mike and Mixt had been watching from their corner, intrigued by this sudden turn of events.

    ‘What do we do?’ Mixt asked Mike.

    ‘Shhh! We sit, wait and listen.’

    ‘I can hardly understand them. Damn girls speak too fast! How did they make it onto the Council-‘ Mixt stopped himself as he realised the hall had gone quiet. Ienzo, Jayn, Plums, and Sabby sat there staring at him, a crooked smile playing onto their faces. Slowly, Stardust turned around, Wolfie moving slightly so she could see Mixt. It was like he gazed into the eyes of demons, their eyes burning into his. Mike leapt off his stool and out of harm’s way as a jug of Mountain Dew flew towards the corner, smashing into Mixt’s head and knocking him off his stool. It took him a few moments to get his bearings but before he could the pair was already leaning over him. He’d consider himself lucky if he could escape with his life intact.

    ‘What was that you said?’ Wolfie questioned.

    ‘I believe he questioned our positions, Wolfie’ replied Stardust.

    ‘N-no…I DIDN’T! I DIDN’T SAY-‘ Mixt tried to plead.

    ‘Are you saying we’re deaf now?’

    ‘I believe he did, Star. What should we do with him? Such disrespect deserves proper punishment!’ A wicked smile crept onto Wolfie’s lips. ‘Put his head on a pike outside the castle? Next to the trolls?’

    ‘No…’ he felt his throat dry and tighten.

    ‘How about we hang him upside down, see how long he can keep his head?’ Star laughed.

    ‘Please…no...’ the words struggled to escape his mouth, barely audible to the two above.

    ‘Oh oh! How about we attach his fingers and toes to horses and send them in different directions?’ Wolfie’s excitement was clearly shown on her face, smiling from ear to ear and jumping.

    ‘I know! Lets-‘ Stardust was cut off as Mixt scrambled to his feet, tears streaming down face. A horrible wail echoed throughout the hall as Mixt bolted for the door, and out the room. Star and Wolfie thought their sides would split from laughter as they heard Mixt’s screams continuing from outside the castle.

    ‘Looks like they’ve made up!’ Mike said cheerfully.

    ‘Wait for it.’ Sabby said, smiling at the pair in the corner.

    ‘3…’ Jayn began to count down.

    ‘2…’ Plums continued.

    ‘1…’ Ienzo finished.

    And as on cue the pair was back at each other’s throat.

    ‘It’s always the same.’ sighed Jayn.

    ‘We won’t get anything done at this rate.’ added Plums, resting his chin on his hand.

    ‘Didn’t you think to inform me of the situation?’ the familiar voice travelled down the hall, making them all turn towards the owner.

    ‘Misty!’ squealed Sabby.

    At the sound of her name everyone stood up from their seats. Plums legs moved too fast for the rest of him, causing his chin on his hand to slip and smack onto the solid table with a sicken thud. ‘Ouch…’ he groaned, his face sliding across the table. Jayn grabbed him by the scruff and into a standing position. Mostly standing. He thought his legs would give at any moment as the world spun around him.

    ‘Ienzo! St-stop running around me! You’re gonna make me-‘ he quickly forced his hand to his mouth.

    ‘Careful Plumsy, don’t want you puking on Royalty.’ Laughed Ienzo.

    Misty strode towards the group, her cerulean blue dress trailing behind. She made a note to ask her lady-in-waiting to alter it again. She reached the Council and watched as they bowed to her. Plums would’ve bowed till he reached the ground if Jayn hadn’t caught him.

    ‘Oh hey Babe-I mean My lady.’ Sabby stumbled over the words. She was never one for formalities and the urge to glomp Misty was almost too much to bear.

    ‘It’s an honour to see you again, my Lady.’ Wolfie bowed again as she spoke with Misty.

    Misty chuckled slightly and raised her hand to relieve Wolfie. ‘Please, we’re all friends here, let’s skip the formalities.’ Before Misty had even finished speaking Sabby was in mid-flight of her glomp. She crashed into the smaller woman and the two landed in a pile on the ground.

    ‘I’ve missed you too, Sabby’ she laughed. Ienzo knelt down beside them and added her own hug to the pile. ‘and Ienzo. I’ve missed all of you!’

    The three picked themselves up and dusted the dirt off each other.

    ‘Thank you’ said Misty. ‘Now please, tell me what has become of my brother and niece.’

    They spoke for many hours, well into the night. Misty listened intently as they each told their part. Stardust had given an incredibly vivid account of the night Claw was born, right down to the colour of towel the Queen used. Misty added that to the list of things that could not be unseen.
    After all was told, right to the point when their Lady entered, Misty sat there for a few moments to take it all in. The others were surprised to find that a smile had appeared on her Lady’s face.

    ‘Oh RvR, you fool!’ she laughed.

    ‘My Lady?’ Ienzo looked just as confused as the others.

    ‘My friends leave my brother to me. You shall have you King back and all will be well.’

    ‘B-but my Lady…’ Wolfie hardly knew what to say. How could Misty fix their King when they, his most trusted advisors and friends, could not?

    ‘Now, I need someone to look after the child!’ It suddenly donned to everyone that, expect for themselves, the castle was quiet and had been for some time. They feared the worst had occurred. Surely Misty hadn’t…

    ‘What do you mean ‘look after’?’ Jayn asked uneasily.

    ‘To feed and cuddle the girl, naturally.’ She replied. Misty snapped her fingers and the door squeaked open. A woman in simple garb came through the door and glided towards them with something wrapped in her arms. She moved with such delicacy that it appeared her legs weren’t moving at all. Plums stared at her in wide-eye disbelief, believing her to be a ghost.

    ‘I’m sure you all remember my lady-in-waiting, Mish?’ Misty pointed to the woman that stopped beside her. The Council bowed and greeted the woman beside Misty.

    ‘A pleasure to meet you all again.’ Mish curtsied in reply. ‘My Lady, the child would not settle in her crib but she’s fine to hold.’ Misty turned to Mish and looked at the tiny figure in her arms, fast asleep in her quilt. As lightly as she could, Misty stroked Claw’s head, her hair already beginning to come in thick.

    ‘She’s going to have a good set of hair’ she thought to herself.

    Ienzo and Sabby approached them. ‘We’ll take the baby, my Lady.’ Ienzo offered, taking the child from Mish. The two tiptoed back to the seats around the table, trying to move with the same grace as Mish only to fall and stumble like drunkards. They were lucky they didn’t wake the baby from the racket.

    Misty turned to regard the others. ‘It has been a long day for you all. Please, go and get some rest. By the time you wake up the King will be his former self.’ The others tried to ask how but Misty quietly reassured them. ‘Please, rest. You have your duties to attend tomorrow and I’m sure you’re all in need of a good night’s rest.’ They couldn’t deny it; they could see the fatigue on each other’s faces. The Council bowed to the Lady and Mish and took their leave.
    ‘Shall we, my Lady?’ Misty nodded and let Mish lead the way.

    They walked through the dimly lit castle, the halls and corridors decorated with armour and pictures of semi-naked ladies. ‘We’ll have to fix that.’ Misty noted, adding it to her list.
    They stopped in front of the King’s chambers and knocked. ‘RvR, your sister is here.’ Misty said quietly. A faint grumble reached their ears, the message lost behind the door. ‘RvR, can you open the door for me please?’ His response was clear this time, profanities piercing through the thick wood. Misty’s usual calm face changed to that of rage, something that rarely happens. Mish calmly took step a back. Having served as Misty’s lady-in-waiting since she was a babe Mish knew very well how she worked. With a single stomp, Misty popped the door off its hinges and let it crashed to the stone floor. ‘You have to be an incredibly heavy sleeper to sleep through that.’ Mish thought.

    Misty stormed over the fallen door and into the dark room with Mish floating in behind her. RvR slouched in a chair in front of the fire; a blanket draped over his shoulders, a bottle of whisky in hand, gazing into its flames. It was a sad sight. His eyes were bloodshot and sagged, his ragged face thin and pale against the light from the fire.

    ‘Leave me be, Misty. I’m in no mood for you counsel.’ He groaned, taking a long swig of his drink.

    ‘Stop with this childish behaviour, RvR! It’s pathetic to see you like this.’

    ‘When you have lost something dear to you, Misty my young sister, you will know my pain.’

    ‘The loss of your man ego is hardly worth causing your kingdom to fall apart, RvR.’

    Misty’s comment struck home. Enraged, RvR leapt from his chair and at Misty. She stood, her face showing no fear as RvR lifted his hand to strike. Mish caught his hand before he could land a blow on Misty, twisting his arm behind him and dragging him to his bed, pinning him on the mattress.

    ‘I see you still got it, Mish.’ He tried to struggle free but her hold was too strong. ‘Always liked being on top...’ She put her other hand on his head and forced his face into the mattress.

    ‘Only against those who can’t hold their own.’ She whispered into his ear. The sound of his muffled roar and attempt to break free brought a smile to her lips. She always liked to tease.

    ‘RvR!’ Misty yelled. ‘You need to get a hold of yourself! Is this what Chev would want? Would she want you wasting your life away, leaving your kingdom to rot? And what about Clawtooth?’ the sound of his daughter’s name calmed him. It had been so long since he heard it; it felt like a distant dream. Misty sat beside him on the bed. ‘I’m willing to help you RvR. I’ll help you run your kingdom for the time and I’ll help raise Clawtooth, but you need to work with me.’

    ‘What about your own kingdom? What about your people?’ he asked, sliding his face to the side so he could see her.

    ‘Oh RvR, you know I’m more than capable of running two kingdoms!’ she laughed. RvR laughed as well. ‘Yes, you were always quite the multitasker.’ Mish removed her grip from the King and stood back, allowing him to sit on the edge of the bed.

    ‘I’m sorry; I let pride get the better of me.’

    ‘We’re not the ones you should be apologising to.’ Misty gestured to the door. Two pairs of eyes had been poking through, quickly disappearing as Misty pointed them out. ‘You may come in.’

    Ienzo and Sabby cautiously poked their heads through once more before the rest of their bodies followed. They moved awkwardly towards the others, Ienzo tumbling over the door. Misty added that to her list of things for Mish to fix.

    ‘Hold out your arms’ Misty instructed RvR. He stretched out his arms and Sabby gently placed Claw into them. He was about to protest but having her in his arms warmed his heart. His spirits rose as she lay in his arms, the darkness fading.

    KHV rejoiced as word spread of the King’s recovery. A few days later the people massed outside the castle gates to watch as the King revealed their Princess, Clawtooth, to them. The crowd roared in as he held her above his head. The poor wee thing was scared stiff from the noise. Ienzo had her work cut out for her when she needed to cheer the tiny princess afterwards.

    For years the kingdom flourished. RvR ruled with a just hand, Misty at his side to scold him if he ever went astray. The Council continued to serve the King. Their wisdom served him well, even though their arguments continued during their meets. They served in raising the Princess as well, each bring her a new skill to learn. Claw enjoyed her singing lessons with Jayn, but her self-defence with Wolfie left her in tears when she yelled at her for not holding the sword right. Not that she could considering the sword was larger than herself.

    Sabby kicked the door open and strode over to the window, tossing the wooden shutters open. Light spilled into the room and the occupant groaned from her bed.

    ‘Wakey wakey Claw! Your father has summoned for you in the Council hall.’

    Claw groaned again and hid her face under the cover, protecting her eyes from the dazing light.

    ‘Claw! Don’t make me punish you later in class!’ she threatened, marching over to her bed and stealing her quilt, storming out the room with quilt in arm.

    Claw laid there silent and unmoving. For a moment it looked like she wouldn’t get up, but a sudden burst of energy passed through her and she bounded to her feet then to the window. ‘Good morning world!’ she exclaimed. She inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh air and sun light. It was going to be a glorious day! Claw tossed off her nightgown and slipped into a plain pink dress. It was his favourite dress. She hoped they would bump into each on the way down so he could ‘borrow’ a kiss from her.

    Claw, now 16, was soon to be married to her love, Forsaken, one of her father’s elite knights. Their meeting was nothing short of a fairy tale - love at first sight. Forsaken saved the young girl from a band of spammers and whisked her back to the castle. For a time they met in secret, fearing what the King would do if he found out about their surreptitious meetings. For over 2 years they met in secret till Forsaken asked RvR for his permission and blessing for Claw’s hand in marriage. The King was more than happy to give his daughter to one of the best swordsmen and gentlemen in the land.

    Now their wedding was only 6 months away. Claw was literally counting down the days and demanded she receive a kiss from Forsaken at least twice a day. Not that she needed to ask as a spatula was required to pry them apart when they did meet.

    Claw had finished changing. Her long, thick hair hung down her back, coming to an end at her backside. Her father insisted she get it cut but Forsaken liked it the way it was and so she liked it. She gave herself a once over in the mirror before heading down the stairs. Much to her disappointment she failed to meet Forsaken on her way to the Council Hall. They would have to make up for that later. Entering the hall Claw found her father and all of the Council there waiting for her, all bar Forsaken. Her spirits faltered slightly but she put on her smile regardless.

    ‘Morning father.’ trying her best to sound happy.

    ‘Clawtooth, my dear!’ The king jumped from his throne and ran towards his girl, pulling her into a tight hug, almost squeezing the air from her lungs.

    ‘Air father, AIR!’ RvR released his daughter, chuckling as Claw desperately sucked in mouthfuls of air.

    ‘Sorry my dear. I just missed you so much!’

    ‘You saw me last night, father!’

    ‘But that was hours ago!’ he whined.

    Claw strode away towards the others. He could hardly believe that the King of KHV was her babbling oaf of a father. The Council rose and bowed at the Princess, greeting her as she sat. Sabby sat by her, jabbing her in the side.

    ‘You’re late.’ She whispered, poking Claw again. ‘Expecting to meet your Prince on the way down?’

    ‘Why didn’t you tell me he was gone?’ Claw whispered back.

    ‘You would’ve taken longer to get down here.’ She poked her again, sending the princess into a fit of giggles.

    ‘STOP IT!’ she laughed.

    The others stared at her. ‘I was just saying we should donate extra money to those effected with spamitis, but if the Princess thinks we shouldn’t-‘ Wolfie began, startled by the Princess’s interruption.

    ‘No, no…give them money. Give them lots of money.’ She giggled nervously. She looked out the corner of her eye and saw Sabby grinning triumphantly. Vengeance...’ she thought. ‘ Vengeance’

    The Council spoke of a few different matters before the King addressed Claw. ‘My dear, we have a new tutor for you.’

    ‘Another one? Aren’t the Council enough to teach me?’ Claw replied, genuinely surprised that someone had been hired.

    ‘The Council are some of the best teachers in the land! I wouldn’t replace them for anyone in their given fields, but…’ he trailed off, unsure how to continue. ‘You see, the Council have given you many talents to develop; music, art, cooking, swordplay, many wonderful skills! But there is one thing they haven’t been able to teach you…intelligence.’ The Council hung their heads in shame.

    ‘Intelligence?’ Claw repeated, unsure what he meant.

    ‘Yes, the art of Intelligence and debate.’

    ‘Why can’t Aunt Misty to teach me?’

    ‘My sister is far too busy to be tutoring. Besides, the tutor we have for you is the best in the land! Very knowledgeable. Very wise’

    Claw wasn’t convinced.

    ‘Bring him in!’ RvR shouted to a guard by the door.

    The door swung open and a young man stepped through, walking graciously through the hall to the table. He stopped and knelt before the Princess, ‘Princess.’ Claw felt his ears go red as she watched him.

    ‘Claw, this is What. He will be your new tutor.’

    What…the name sounded familiar to her.

    ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess Claw.’ He looked up at her, catching her eyes for a moment then stood up to address the King, ‘You Highness.’

    The Council left to attend their duties as RvR and What discussed his employment. Claw sat with them, only half listening to what they were saying. She was too distracted. Claw's mind wandered a little ways back when What knelt before her. His eyes. There was something about his eyes that bothered the princess. They made her nervous yet, excited her. They played in her mind over and over again; those deep brown eyes captivated her. The call of her name brought her out from her thoughts.

    ‘Claw, will you do me the honour of accompanying me for a walk?’ What asked, holding out his hand to Claw. Claw looked at it in horror. She placed her hand hesitantly in What’s and allowed herself to be helped from her chair. What let go of her hand, much to Claw’s relief, and escorted her out the hall and into the castle gardens.

    What spoke much about himself as they strolled through the gardens. Claw had to admit, she was impressed. Despite his youth, What was well travelled, having learnt much from his travels. He did a little bit of everything; art, music, acting, pottery, sewing and teaching. He even wrote encyclopaedias on the world’s most random facts. Claw was surprised he knew What’s latest piece; a story of love between a member of the Council and a peasant. Despite its corny intentions he loved it.

    They continued to walk the grounds until What spotted a bench underneath a tree. He suggested to Claw that they should sit and rest in the shade, given now the sun was at its peak. Claw had already felt his skin burning under the sun and concurred to the idea.

    The two sat in silence for a while, enjoying the beauty of the garden. ‘I read your latest book.’ Claw said, breaking the silence. ‘I loved it. I loved everything about it.’

    ‘You didn't think it was corny?’

    ‘No, it was incredibly corny but that’s why I loved it.’ She turned to What, appreciation beaming on her face. Then she felt herself get nervous as a thought occurred to her. She fiddled with her thumbs and looked away. ‘I-I have a request.’ She could feel her face turn red, and not because the sun hated her pale skin.

    ‘Anything within my capabilities Princess.’

    ‘I request that you write a novel about my fiancé and me. A story of true love.’

    She didn't dare look at What once she requested it, it was too embarrassing. What said nothing, and Claw was sure she had scared the poor man.

    ‘I cannot write that Princess.’ He said at last. ‘It would not be a true story.’

    ‘What do you mean it wouldn’t be a true story? We are destined to be married!’

    ‘But he is not your true love…’ he trailed off, his hands clasping both of Claw’s in his. ‘I am…’


    I'm sorry if I butchered people. I apologise if I've made a few typos regarding Claw and his gender. Point them out and I'll fix them.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Jan 4, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. kitty_mckechnie
    Need some volunteers to make good use of the grave stones massive tile slabs impaled in the ground

    Don't be shy. ;D
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Jan 3, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. kitty_mckechnie
    So Mishy and I were talking about what life would be like if we hadn't, and continue to, waste hours on khv.

    I'd most likely be married to a billionaire, have that fantastic athlete's body I once had and be a neurosurgeon by now.

    And Mishy would still suck. ;P

    Ok, I tease. I dunno what I'd gain, but I know I'd lose a lot. I'd miss the opportunity to meet you lovely kiddies and witness your spamtastic threads.

    Looking back, I have to say I was surprise by what I've gained cause of khv; I would never have gone to Norway to visit my bestest pal in the world. I would never have met my best friend in the first place. I would never have met Mishy or Coco ( And Mishy would never have been to Scotland even though it's just up the road), and I wouldn't be in contact with some amazing people.

    I would have no place to vent my love of Fang and Link...

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 31, 2011, 39 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. kitty_mckechnie
    But I can only wait patiently for so long!


    It's awready been six days! D:
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 21, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. kitty_mckechnie
    *looks at post count*

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 21, 2011, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. kitty_mckechnie
    I have no work for 10 days, college is done for Christmas (No work except a wee bit of studying) and I have a massive list of games to play/complete/Platinum.

    I may very well get through some of them but I shall allow you to decide which I do first.

    I have more games to complete, but I shall list the ones I'm more interested in.

    Totally misspelled Deus. xDDD

    The cross-stitch.


    Cause only the manliest men cross-stitch.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 19, 2011, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. kitty_mckechnie
    R.I.P Claw
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 18, 2011, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. kitty_mckechnie
    I joined a game of Artifact Assault half way through and somehow managed to become the top scorer...that didn't please the level 4 prestige player who felt the need to yell and swear into his mic as I bet him by a 100 points. xD

    Though he was quite pleased being labelled 'The Glutton'. "That's right I'm the Glutton! I'VE ALWAYS BEEN THE GLUTTON, ALWAYS WILL BE!"
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 18, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. kitty_mckechnie
    You certainly know how to entertain.



    Though it was a wee shame for the old man.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 9, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. kitty_mckechnie
    I have 4,999 posts. How long do you think I can go before posting and reaching 5,000 posts?

    The winner will get something delicious. O:3


    Maka - 6 hours
    Fearless - Next log in
    RvR - Whenever he pleases
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 1, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. kitty_mckechnie

    I'm currently at 1 hour 25 mins.

    Would've had 2 hours 25 mins if GS hadn't closed the video. >|
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 30, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. kitty_mckechnie

    They could at least buy the dress. Sure some of them won't get married for some time, if at all, but that's why they buy the dress in a few sizes up.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 30, 2011, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. kitty_mckechnie


    Fenton! FENTON! FENTON!

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 29, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. kitty_mckechnie
    Awright, here's the deal kiddies. I'm gonna be importing myself a Japanese slim PS3. The store says I need to buy a stepdown converter since I live in the UK but I've read that the PS3 has a universal power supply and it's not necessary to buy one. All I'd need is an adaptor so I can actually plug it into the wall (That or a new power cable).

    Now, the reason I'm asking is due to conflicting reports on this - some say you don't need a converter, other say you do. To be honest I don't want to buy a converter if I don't need to (not to mention they heat up pretty quickly), but I don't want my expensive purchase blowing up on me.

    So, has anyone had experiences importing a PS? Or does anyone actual know if it's safe not to use a converter?

    Any help would be appreciated! Cheers me dears!
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 29, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Technology
  18. kitty_mckechnie
    [One couldn't contain his excitement and yelled 'HOLODECK HOOTERS! YEAAAAH!']

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 24, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. kitty_mckechnie
    Buy her Ewoks.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 22, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. kitty_mckechnie
    Forsaken says
    [1:36:59 AM] Forsaken: OR NABOO

    Misty x says
    not alderaan? >:L

    Forsaken says
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 22, 2011, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone