They were ridiculously easy on Titan. >| After all the crazy battles throughout the game that was the last? It was kinda disappointing.
She had an aerosol spray can up her nose. @__@
By the Vikings no less. What should i do? There's not much about it cept a few concept pictures but this is good news. I loved DAO and it's good to know that they'll be updating the graphics and a new battle system.
For we have some excellent stories to tell.
I've been looking at it and thinking about buying it. Before i spend cash on it i was wondering if any members here have played it and what their opinion of it was. Cheers me dears.
Awright kiddies, it's story time! Today at about 3 pm in the UK (10am if you're in NY and stuff) come into Voxli and listen (or join in in the reading...cept you, KS, you always echo. xD). If you have an idea for something to read tell us and we may read it. The more outrageous the better. xD
We were hanging out for the day; cinema, shopping, food and stuff. It was getting pretty late so we headed back to her place for dinner and to chill. After dinner we were watching a film (you'll forgive me for forgetting what it was) whilst lying on her bed. It was strange. One moment nothing then the next something was rubbing my leg. Needless to say it was her leg. I thought she was doing it unconsciously so i shifted my leg slightly away but she persisted. I began to panic and sat up. She sat up also and just stared at me, which was freaked me out. Before i knew it she'd jumped and pinned me down. Now, i'm no weakling, i'm fairly strong for my height and weight but she so easily pinned me (I say to myself it's because it was a surprise attack). hen she went on about how much she'd like me and went in for the kill, so to speak. I asked her if this was a form of rape and she replied "not if you like it..." Pretty much soiled me knickers there!
[Why is there a huge gap at either side of the door in the public loo? It's uncomfortable knowing someone could sneak a peek.]
I've lost track of how long i've been up but tricks to staying awake for the next 5 hours would be appreciated. Cheers me dears!
At first i wasn't gonna bother to buy yet but you got a free -shirt. A FREE T-SHIRT! Anyhoo! [I have no batteries for my wii controller. >:|]
C'mon anyone but England!
I shall be invading your land in 11 days. >:3
I'm looking for a large/high-res copy of this image. As big as possible. The bigger the better! Cheers, kiddlywinks! Please oh please, don't link to google/google image. It's been done.
About 2 weeks after the Royal damaging the first parcel and not telling anyone. Squeeeeeeeee!