Yes, I did something just like this last night. Wanna fight about it? GOGOGO! Post nao!
Meh, I'm bored. Give me your recommendations, KH-V.
1. Xaale - Super Mario Bros. 2. Azure Haseo - The Legend of Zelda 3. Crayon Warrior - Duck Hunt 4. Renegade - Renegade 5. The Spirit - Muppet Adventure 6. Xenon - Deadly Towers Enjoy the vintage.
Gogogogogogogogogo! Changed to six. B|
My laptop has a built-in microphone, so whenever I use audacity I can only record audio off of that as opposed to also having the option of recording off of what's going on on the laptop (i.e. YouTube videos, etc.). Anyway I could somehow disable the mic or allow my laptop to record without the mic? Don't lie.
I declare that song to be more dead than Rickrolling.
99... You have to be kidding me. D< I blame Xaale. ._. B| 3 Seconds. I tried my best, damn it.
Thank you so much...
I miss the pink. ;-;
I lol'd, and several pieces of me that had died due to the horrors of the internet came back to life in an instant. 8D
No TAB, I'm much better at reading the staff. Thanks for any links.
How does a water pokemon get a burn?
I just totally blew your mind right there.
We're doing a creative writing thing and the final copy of this passage is due in a few weeks. This is obviously just a very rough draft, and it's incomplete, but I wanna see if I should change anything so far or take a different route entirely. The phone, laying on the hardwood floor, eroded by his blind rage, emitted a sharp screech, then shut off. He concealed his face with his quivering palms. As tears moistened his skin, countless thoughts and visions materialized in his mind, buzzing and whirling about like a swarm of agitated wasps. Fate had brought such immense tragedy to him within a few brief moments, and his arsenal of emotional weapons had no arms to repel such a powerful offensive. The heat of his reemerging rage began to dry his hands. He violently jerked them away, unmasking himself to the heavens, cursing at the sky. Waiting a few moments in foolish anticipation, he realized that his gestures came to no avail, as the last of his attempts to relieve himself of the immense pain proved futile. His mind, left completely exposed, withered as it faced the storm of sorrow and rage that had finally taken full effect. I'm not a huge comic book reader, so I don't know if this occurred in a spin off or something, but either way, they just killed off the greatest and most badass superhero ever. inb4itssimplekillthebatman