Xaale! Get the screen shots up nao! D<
My friend (Doombringa23) says it's the Railway Rifle, but I say it's the Jak 3 Mini-Nuke. EDIT: Whoops, forgot the poll. Crap. xD
Shows political maps and points out how some of the educated people chose one candidate whereas some of the more rural people chose some other candidate, all the while insisting that that makes one candidate superior to the other. Insist that just because of someone's race an election is automatically historic. Put down any possible argument from the other side with a curt "No." This is my substitute teacher for AP U.S. in a nutshell. Apparently he's what my friends consider to be unbiased. /ranting
Why does everyone hate it so much? I've been running it for the past two weeks and have had no problems whatsoever.
Obsessed and I are together now, so you can stop writing you FamousxAdvent fanfics. xD
This was a request from my friend, but I've had absolutely no creative sparks lately. CnC/suggestions on how to improve it?
You have to decide...
How are these questions? I'm not looking for anyone to answer them, I just wanna know how effective they are. Thanks in advance! =D
A microphone
What's the point of living? =O
http://www.youtube.com/user/alixhenriol I stumbled upon this profile and was shocked. I have nothing against furries, but this girl is convinced she can marry Sonic the Hedgehog... >_> So, how fail would you say it is? I give it 9001 out of 10.
have taken over the Mushroom Kingdom! The Princess is now a permanent guest at one of my seven Koopa Hotels! I dare you to find her if you can!
That lady who just sang the National Anthem at the World Series had an awful voice.
Like no one ever was.