Thoughts? Hopes? Reactions? Is anyone else as freaking excited as I am?
Found I had missed most of Nightmare Before Christmas on TV. Was disappointed. Corpse Bride came on next. Slightly less disappointed.
[video=youtube;m8M2KvN1YQc][/video] [Ahaha this was the first happy song in my favorites list. But seriously I'm dancing inside.]
Don't try to do language work at one in the morning. My brain. Just. Gah. /foaming at the mouth
I has some <3
It's delicious, only takes literally a minute to make, and it's only 30 calories. Best meal ever amirite?
I now hate almost all of my friends. And how was your day, KHV?
But I'm in the middle of class. Intro to Animation is not a class where I should be singing. What do, KHV?
I forgot how good it is.
This has made my week. [video=youtube;F1nmAV-ZTuU][/video]
Or am I acting uncharacteristically post-whorish and mean tonight? ;___; I DON'T MEAN TO, I SWEAR.
God help me.
And I don't know why. :/
I turned a bunny into Professor Layton. Or possibly What?, I havn't quite figured it out yet.
It was fun, but leaving campus f*cked up my schedule, man. Now I have a buttload of work to catch up on. What do, KHV?
Hug me B|
Spoiler Someone please shoot me, for I do not wish to know how 4Kids has managed to f*ck this up. Because we all know they did. [Also I hate paint. Look what it did to this pic. I miss you Photoshop ;___;]
Apparently my roommate is a violin genius. Who knew.