I could use some.
No one to show off to. Ffffffff.
They're giving me a new roommate.
I got to draw Eridan getting hit in the face with a pie. Best class ever.
Ten o clock at night. Below freezing. F*ck you, school.
l NEED THIS LIKE BURNING. [video=youtube;7_Y8P5gyJG4][/video]
I suck at 3D animation forever. What do.
Why are they so hard to draw?
It feels like I'm learning Waterbending. Hell yes. My hips hurt.
School, stop breaking my WiFi.
I have to go back to school. Do not want.
Anyone who was reading my fic can stop doing this now.
it's two thirty in the morning how am I still on the internet Oh god i am so effing tired right nwo. ...needs moar ten/eleven kaljgoirfjaj';a;foai;f;jkljkl;kjal;dfswofvnma;;d;aajldfk;ajl;s
Quit cutting the power.
And it's Doctor Who.
Synopsys; The Eleventh Doctor is terribly ill, and no one can figure out why. Except, perhaps, for himself. Rating; PG-13 for cussing and possible potential snogging in later chapters. I dunno, it's only the first chapter, I haven't quite gotten that far yet. Pairings; Amy/Rory, Ten/Eleven. Warnings; As you've probably figured out from the thing right above this, this is a slash fic, and if you don't like it, I suggest you piss off rather than waste your time flaming me. All flames are pushed off the cliff and used to make me just that bit more deadly, so don't bother. However, I've written this fic in a way that you should be able to enjoy it no matter what your favorite pairing is, so keep that in mind as well. I've no idea where this fic came from, only have the faintest semblance of where it's going, and have no idea when I'll be updating it, so don't bug me about it. UPDATE 9/9/12; The forum move has de-formatted the fic, I know. I'm working on fixing it right now, but it's slow going. It's still readable, so just sit tight. CHAPTER 1 Spoiler All was quiet, in the blue police box hurtling through space. Not really something you'd hear every day, but there we are. The machine, the TARDIS, was unique in and of itself, in that it was the last one in existence, so you'd expect it to have an interesting statement to describe it. Then again, the box wasn't so much hurtling as it was drifting. The crew had had a long, hard day, exhausted, and unfit to really decide where to head next, so the captain had sent them to bed. Of course, the Doctor, the Eleventh Doctor to be precise, wasn't really a captain so much as the guy who owned the TARDIS, as well as the only one who could work it. And the crew wasn't so much a crew as a girl and her husband. But that wasn't the point. The Doctor had sent Amelia Pond and her husband, Rory, off to bed when they had reached the vessel. Indeed, Rory had nearly fallen down the stairs and had to be helped by Amy, he was so exhausted. Amy had tried to insist the Doctor go to bed too, but he had, by some miracle, managed to convince her that he needed to monitor the TARDIS controls. So while his companions slept, the good Doctor sat awake at the control screens, watching for something, anything. Not to say he wasn't tired too; in fact, he himself felt like he was on the verge of passing out. Being a Time Lord had its benefits, but it didn't mean he was completely immune from such mundane things. But it was true what he had told Amy, that there should be someone monitoring the controls when they were in space like this, despite merely floating about like this. He couldn't go to bed, not just yet. He had work to do. He fell onto the chair situated beside the control panel, leaning back, taking a quick break. God, he was tired... No. No sleep yet. Just a few more hours, then sleep. Maybe a cup of tea would help. Yea, a good cup of tea and some Jammie Dodgers. The perfect snack to keep him focused. The Doctor rose from his seat and set off in search of the food. He wasn't even sure they had any Jammie Dodgers, but there wasn't any harm in looking. Half an hour later saw the man back in his seat, a steaming cup of tea in his hand, and the very last package of his favorite biscuits in his lap. He'd have to remind Rory to buy more, next time he had the chance. The Doctor gave a large yawn, the tea nearly gone, Jammie Dodgers long emptied from their wrapper. Maybe the tea hadn't been the best idea after all... It just served to make him sleepier. How odd... tea didn't usually make him sleepy, did it? He couldn't remember. Before he could process his next thoughts, they had faded into blurs in his head as his head slumped down, the cup dropping from his fingers to clang to the floor. The Doctor, fast asleep in his chair, knew no more as he was drawn once again into his restless dreams. ~ In another time, or perhaps a different part of space, or maybe it was the same space, or the same time (there was really no way to tell), the Tenth Doctor stood ready at the controls of his TARDIS, contemplating what to do. He was alone right now, the entire ship to himself. The last of his companions had left him, left him to explore the galaxies and universes by himself. He had quite forgotten how boring it was by himself. He could go find another companion, he supposed, but what was the point, really? They all left him in the end, didn't they? Not that that would stop them. It was like he was magnetic or something, attracting all these people from different places and times. He'd probably get his heart broken another billion times before he actually died for real. He shook his head. No need to keep thinking on this. Nope, now was the time to decide what he was going to do next. What was he going to do next, again? He had had some idea, and then another idea, and a bunch of other ideas, and now he just couldn't remember. Ancient Italy, maybe? Or that one planet with all the water where everyone lived on boats. No, actually, that one wasn't a good idea, he might land the TARDIS on the bottom of the ocean or something, and then he'd be pretty screwed over. As he thought on his options, eyes glued to the screen, a familiar sound filled the control room. A very familiar sound. But... that was impossible. The TARDIS couldn't be moving, he hadn't pressed anything, had he? Or had some wacko from a doomed planet summoned him to save the day once again? ...Wait a second. That couldn't be the TARDIS because none of the parts were shaking or moving or blinking. Everything was still. So what the hell was going on? Or was it... No. No, it couldn't be. There couldn't be another TARDIS here. He was floating through space, for petes sake! And there were no other TARDISes that even existed, for that matter. So... what was it? The Doctor looked all around the room, under the stairs, and even out the windows on the TARDIS doors, not that he was really expecting anything out there, but didn't see a thing. The noise had stopped by now, and he scratched his head in confusion. It couldn't have been nothing. He tentatively headed back to the controls to scan the rest of the ship when there was a loud thump from up the stairs. He furrowed his brow and took out his sonic screwdriver, just in case, and headed slowly up the stairs and into the hall. "So where are we now?" "How the hell should I know, Rory?!" ...They sounded lost, whoever they were. Were they there by accident? "...Looks like the inside of the TARDIS. Except different. Like someone redecorated it or something," the one called Rory said. "Or like that whole... time space paradox thing that happened. When you broke that thing," said the other, this one a woman. "When the TARDIS was inside itself?" "Yea." ...Okay, they weren't ordinary. Definitely not. They were talking about the TARDIS, and paradoxes. They weren.t any companions of his, he'd never had any friends that bickered like an old married couple. So who were they? The Doctor crept closer toward the room the voices were coming from. The wardrobe. Who in their right mind would hang out in a wardrobe, despite it being massive. "...At any rate, we should be careful," came the woman's voice again. "We don't know if this is some alternate TARDIS or something, or if there's something out there, or whatever." "Oh, there's something out here, alright," the Doctor said, entering the wardrobe. "And he's wondering how you got in his ship." The first thing the Doctor noticed upon opening the doors was that his TARDIS was sitting to the side of the room. But, not his TARDIS. They were already inside the TARDIS, weren't they? But there was only one TARDIS left in the universe! And who else in their right mind would leave their TARDIS shaped as a 60's police box? That was his gimmick, damn it! "Who're you?" the woman asked, red hair falling in her face. "I'm the Doctor. But I think the better questions are, who are you, why do you have a replica of my TARDIS, how did you get here in the first place, and why is your friend sitting on the floor?" And indeed, Rory was sitting on the floor, having apparently fallen at the shock of the Doctor entering the room. The girl;s eyes widened. "You're not the Doctor. You look nothing like him!" she said, ignoring the questions. The Doctor rolled his eyes. "Of course I'm the Doctor! There's only one Doctor in the universe, and I'm pretty sure I'm him!" "You can't be the Doctor because the Doctor's in the TARDIS!" "We are in the TARDIS, you bloody twat! What else do you think all this," he gestured, "Is from? The worlds largest thrift shop?" "You can't be the Doctor because the Doctor is terribly ill!" she finally shouted in frustration. The Doctor stopped. "Wait, what?" The girl glared at him. Rory rose from his spot on the ground and put a hand on her shoulder. "Maybe we should tell him, Amy. He seems like a nice enough bloke, and we did come to get help..." "No! He's obviously deranged, thinking he's the Doctor." The man in question thought for a moment. There was another TARDIS inside his own TARDIS. These two clearly knew someone called the Doctor, who was not him, and he didn't know these two. Slowly but surely, he put two and two together. His eyes widened. "Oh dear." "Oh dear what?" the girl called Amy asked sharply. "You two... you can't be here. This," he gestured to the TARDIS,"This can't be here! We're breaking the fabric of reality or something! There cannot, absolutely cannot be two TARDISes in the same place at the same time, and there most definitely cannot be two Doctors in the same place at the same time! And you two." He walked closer, causing the two to back up a bit. "You two shouldn't be here because I shouldn't have met you yet. I think." "What the hell are you on about, mate?!" Amy shouted. "You two shouldn't be here, because I'm the Doctor. I'm the Doctor before I regenerate and meet you." "What the hell is that supposed to mean? I already told you, you don't look at all like him!" The Doctor sighed. "I am a Time Lord. When a Time Lord's body dies, we have the ability to regenerate with a new body and a few personality differences. That convince you?" They were both silent. "Right then! 'Scuse me, I'm just gonna take a peek at my future selve's TARDIS and see how far into my future you two are and see how much the timeline's been screwed up." He turned and opened the doors to the future TARDIS, stepping inside, Amy and Rory following. "Hm, not as different as you two made it out to be." The Doctor stepped up to the control panel and started typing away. "You... You're the Doctor?" Amy asked, tentatively stepping closer. "That's what I said, isn't it?" he replied, not taking his eyes off the screen. "Ah, there we go! Well, it's better than I thought, your Doctor is my next regeneration." He spun to face the two humans. "Right, now I'm not supposed to know you two yet, but it seems there's something going on here. First things first, I'm the Doctor, as you already know. By the looks on your faces I can tell you don't believe me, so let me explain that a bit more. I am the tenth incarnation of a Time Lord known as the Doctor, and I've taken from what you've said so far that my eleventh incarnation is ill somewhere around here. We are essentially the same person with different faces and personalities but all the same memories. Now, you two look fairly intelligent, so I hope you got all that because I'm not repeating it. "Now, I'm assuming that you two are traveling with Eleven at the moment. Amy and Rory, was it? Nice to meet you, now tell me exactly what's happened aboard the TARDIS to bring us all up to speed on how on earth you managed to park your version of the TARDIS inside my TARDIS's wardrobe." "Um..." "Come on, quickly now!" Amy pushed Rory into the chair beside the console and took control. "Well, when we woke up this morning, at least I think it was morning, I came down the stairs there to find the Doctor - our Doctor, obviously - asleep in the chair." She gestured. "He'd been up all night, monitoring the controls or something like that, so I figured it was perfectly reasonable for him to be tired after the day we had yesterday. "I went to wake him up and send him to a proper bed, because you're not supposed to sleep in chairs, it's bad for you, but he wouldn't wake up. I shook him, yelled, all that, but nothing. Got Rory to carry him up to bed, and found he had a bloody fever, too. What's worse, we were drifting through space! Nowhere we could go to get help, and even if we could, we couldn't exactly take him to a hospital, could we? "So Mister Smarticles over here decided it would be a good idea to try and fly the TARDIS himself, even though he's got no proper knowledge of the damn thing." "Hey, I did a good job!" Rory said indignantly. "You pressed a bunch of buttons until something happened! I wouldn't call that a good job, I'd call that getting lucky. "Anyway, all that button pressing apparently landed us in the past version of the TARDIS. And... that's it." Ten was silent for a moment. "...That's it, huh? Well, sorry to shatter your hopes but I'm afraid that's far from it." He thought on Amy's words. "What are his symptoms?" "Uh, just, you know, flu symptoms. Fever, sweating, exhaustion, that sort of thing..." Rory said. "Although you guys aren't human, so..." The Doctor nodded. "Hm. Sounds like it could be something similar to the flu... Or it could be something else. Do you know if he's contagious?" "I don't think so, but there's really no way to tell. Not like there's much in the way of medical equipment on board." Ten looked at Rory. "Rory, are you a medical student or something along those lines?" "Er, I'm a nurse... Why?" "Oh, no reason, just that there's a sick man on board and you actually seemed to know what you were talking about there for a minute." Ten turned toward the stairs. "C'mon, you lot. It's obvious we're not going to be able to fix all this timey-wimey nonsense until we fix up my counterpart good as new." They headed up towards the collection of bedrooms, the door slightly ajar on the room they needed. Ten pushed the door open the rest of the way and peeked inside, taking out his glasses and placing them on his face. The lights inside were nonexistent, making it difficult to make out the features of the room. From what Ten could tell, it looked nearly identical to how he kept his own bedroom, so at least that much hadn't changed. The one key difference he could make out, though, was the lump under the blankets on the bed. Ten crept closer, knowing this was taboo, to get a closer look at the person he would soon become. Eleven seemed worse for wear, much worse than Rory or Amy had described. His hair was slicked back with sweat, and his face flushed with heat. Someone (probably Rory) had placed a cloth on his forehead, but the cold had long since disappeared from it. Ten carefully knelt beside him and slowly removed the now-useless compress, placing it on the bedside table. Even without touching the other, he could feel the warmth radiating off Eleven. "He's gotten worse." Rory said quietly, coming closer to kneel beside the two Doctors. "Earlier he was only a little warm, but now..." Ten was silent for a moment, then began speaking quickly but softly. "It started this morning, you said? Was there anything odd that happened last night? Anything odd when you found him this morning?" Rory shook his head. "Amy?" "Not that I could tell..." "Hm..." "Can you help him?" Ten turned to look at Amy. "Can I help him? That's a stupid thing to ask, of course I can help him. The question is, how can I help him, and can I do it before things get worse..." He stood, taking one last look at himself. "Right, we can't do much floating in space like this. I'll pilot my TARDIS back to London so we can get some decent supplies, because I don't have much, and knowing myself like I do, you lot probably don't have much either. Amy, you go back down to the controls of this TARDIS and make sure nothing odd happens. Rory, you stay here and do... nurse-y things. Try to get his fever down, stuff like that." Not stopping to make sure they did as they were told, Ten took off his glasses and hurried back through to the wardrobe, then down to the controls of his own TARDIS. "EVERYONE READY?" he bellowed. "ALLON-Z!" ~ The Tenth Doctor's TARDIS landed in a back-alley of London, 2010. Close enough to shops that they could get there quickly, but out of the way so they wouldn't be noticed. Amy's head appeared at the top of the staircase. "Doctor, when are we?" "2010. Figured it'd be a good place to land us that we wouldn't get in any trouble. Everything good up there?" She stepped out onto the landing. "Yea, everything"s fine from what I can tell, but..." "But?" "Well, wouldn't it make more sense to take us further into the future than this? More advanced medical techniques and electronics?" "Nope, but I can see why you think that," the Doctor said, spinning to face her. "No, no, 2010 is perfect. Know why? Because, too far into the future, and the Time Lord anatomy differs too much from human anatomy for human cures to have any sort of effect. Too far in the past, and medical techniques aren't advanced enough yet. "Like I said, 2010; perfect, especially seeing as we're not entirely sure what my dear eleventh incarnation has come down with yet. Speaking of which, have you checked on him since we landed?" "No, but Rory says he's fine. Or, er, not worse, I suppose." "Good, wonderful even. I was kinda afraid something might happen while the TARDIS was working, but apparently not, so hurray, let's move on," he grinned. "Wait, you thought something might happen?" "Well... yea. But, you know, just the usual stuff, lost in space, temporal sickness, hairloss. Nothing serious." "Yea, because getting lost in space isn't serious at all." "Well it's not like I would've left you there! Might've taken me a while to find you again, but..." "Just... just get to the point, yea?" "Oh! Oh right, of course." The Doctor began going around the room, occasionally entering other rooms, collecting a manner of different things. "Right, now I want you and Rory to head to one of the stores down the street there and pick up a few things. Hold on, I'll write you a list..." With one arm, he extracted from his pile of stuff a piece of paper and pencil, quickly jotting down some things and handing it to Amy. ..."Celery and/or tea?" "Yup. Now find Rory and go, it's really very important that I have those things." "You'll take care of the Doctor, right?" "'Course I will, what kinda guy do you take me for? I don't hate myself that much, mate," the Doctor laughed. Amy gazed at him for a long moment, then turned to get Rory from presumably Eleven's room. As the doors that led out to the London streets closed behind them, Ten gave a loud sigh. What a day this had turned out to be. Then again, he couldn't remember the last day he had gotten to just relax. The trials of being the Doctor, he supposed. Having gathered what he thought he'd need, the Doctor headed back upstairs, through the wardrobe, and into the second TARDIS. He dropped everything unceramoniously in the middle of the control room, wincing at the noise, then deciding everything was fine. He hoped. Time to check on Eleven, at any rate. Couldn't be too careful... The door creaked slightly when he pushed it open for the second time. It was still dark, and the air was still heavy as Ten crept closer to Eleven, trying not to wake the other. He hadn't moved since Ten had seen him last, the only difference being that Rory had replaced the cloth on his forehead, cold once again. The younger Doctor knelt beside the elder in the same manner as he had earlier, slowly, carefully, almost afraid. It wasn't that he hadn't met other selves before, but that was so long ago, under different circumstances, when he himself had been someone else. He wasn't sure if they had torn another hole in the universe just by being in the same room, or if nothing would happen even if they started snogging or something. It was a frightening thought. ...Wait, what? Before that train of thought could crash and burn, Eleven gave a pitiful moan, shifting slightly, the cloth falling. It was almost heartbreaking, seeing someone so alone in his own mind. Ten tenderly reached out, hesitating for a moment before replacing the compress in it's proper place, and resting his hand on top. He was reluctant to invoke skin-to-skin contact, unknowing of the possible consequences, but he couldn't stand leaving someone in pain like that. "You have those dreams too, don't you?" he whispered. "It still hurts for you, doesn't it? All those memories. "'S okay. I'm here too now." "...Should I leave you two alone?" Amy giggled from the door. Ten stood quickly at the voice, removing his hand from Eleven's forehead and turning to face Amy, all in one swift motion. "That was the quickest shopping trip I've ever seen." "The corner market had everything on the list. Even fresh celery. How is he?" "'Bout the same. Should probably get to work figuring out what he's got." "Is that what all that stuff you dumped in the control room is for?" Amy asked. "Yup. Don't worry, I'll go down and sort it all out in a mo', but first, lemme see the celery," he said, crossing the room toward her. She reached into one of the bags and pulled out a sprig, handing it to Ten. "What’s this for, again?" "Tell you later. For now, go brew up some tea and bring it here, quick as you can. Where's Rory?" "He went to a different shop to see if he could find some aspirin or something. He thought it might help." "Hm. I probably not, but I guess the thought's nice. Now go on, brew the tea." He ushered her out of the room and turned back to Eleven. "Now, let's see if we can't fix you up..." ~ Amy soon returned with a steaming mug of tea. She set it on the bedside table and turned to Ten, who was once again kneeling beside Eleven. "Alright then, Doctor, care to tell me what all this is about?" The man glanced at her, but almost immediately averted the attention back to his counterpart. "Celery works like smelling salts for Time Lords. Don't ask me why, because I haven.t the foggiest, but it does." "And the tea?" "Same thing. Also he can drink the tea when he wakes up." "Well then why did you need both?" "I didn't say I needed both, did I? I wrote and-slash-or, which generally implies that I only need one or the other," he said. She sighed. "Just... get on with it." "Gladly." Ten fiddled with the celery for a moment before holding it gently beneath Eleven's nose, wiggling it about a bit as though it helped. It took a moment to take effect, but sure enough the elder man gave a light groan and slowly opened his eyes. Ten gingerly put an arm about his shoulders, careful not to make skin contact, and helped him to sit up a bit. "Hey. You feeling any better?" Eleven turned his head slightly to get a better look at Ten, and his eyes widened. He opened his mouth to speak, but instead turned his head and coughed violently into his arm. When the fit had passed, he turned back to himself and managed to croak out, "You... how are you here?" "Not a clue. How are you feeling?" "...Terrible, to be quite honest. What's..." He stopped to cough, "What's going on?" "You're ill, Doctor," Amy said, coming over to sit on the edge of the bed. "You've been asleep all day." "Ill? I shouldn't be ill, what would I be ill from?" "That's what I'm here to find out, mate," Ten said. "Here, have some tea." "Thanks," Eleven said softly, shakily reaching for the mug. "...You do know we're probably breaking the universe just by interacting, right?" "Yup. But, nothing so far, and I can't do anything about it anyway, so best not to worry about it for the moment." Eleven sipped at the tea, thinking it over. "So tell me, what's the last thing you remember before falling asleep?" Ten asked. "Hm. I'm not quite sure, I was dozing already... Let me see, I was working on the TARDIS controls a bit, and then... I had some tea and Jammie Dodgers-" He cut off there with another coughing fit, Amy taking the mug from his hands to prevent a spill. "That's it?" "That's it. I must've fallen asleep not long after. Actually..." He stopped again, coughing. "How... How did you..." "Hey, hey, calm down, you're gonna make yourself worse," Ten said, helping Eleven lay back down. "Listen, just go back to sleep. We'll take care of everything, I promise." The elder looked at him for a long moment, then smiled slightly. "I suppose if you can't trust yourself..." he rasped. "Yea," Ten nodded. He took the cool cloth off the bedside table and replaced it on Eleven's forehead. "Back to sleep, then. You'll feel better when you come around again." Eleven obliged, closing his eyes, asleep again almost instantly. Slowly, Ten rose from his position and led Amy back out into the hall, gently closing the door behind them. "What was that all about, then? You woke him up so you could send him back to sleep again?" Amy said in a hushed voice. "There were two very important reasons why I did that," the Doctor replied, spinning and heading back toward the control room. "One, I wanted to make sure he still had the ability to wake up. Didn't know whether or not whatever he's got would keep him under. Also it proved that he's still got some semblance of wits about him, so we haven't lost him completely, which is good. Very good. Means we have more time in which to figure out what exactly he's got." "And the second reason?" He halted at the top of the stairs, turning around to face her. "The second reason, Amy, is that I now know that my counterpart was working on the TARDIS. The TARDIS, one of the most unstable things in the universe."
Boss doesn't show up. Unable to do any work without the boss. Play Ocarina of Time 3D for two hours. Go home at noon. Can't decide whether I should be happy for not having to do anything today or pissed because I got up early for nothing.
I. Just. I. No words. ;_____________________________________________________________;