Yeah, i know, but I just like the idea of one person going up against a whole army and beating them. Oh well, we'll find out soon enough either way, since we've got a few more months till it comes out
I'd really like to learn what the new team is this time around, though here's hoping it's not as pathetic as Team Flare was
I see any sort of events like this and I think of this song
I remember getting mine removed. Afterwards my mouth bled so much more than the average person I was switching out the padding in my mouth every 20 minutes compared to the average hour. Plus I didn't eat anything for the next 72 hours, and only survived on water. It was painful. And of course once you start eating you have to make sure you wash out the back of your mouth so no food stays in the spots where the teeth were. It's an experience, I'll say that much
I asked my dad to use his air compressor, but it works the same as an can of air spray, the only difference being you don't get any of that crud that drips from the can. You can also use a vacuum that has one of those brush attachments
See if someone told me the size was different at night compared to day and I saw the difference, my reaction basically would have been this
Okay, I find stuff like that silly, but even I admit I'd have loved to have seen his reaction when you measured the size. Was there an "I told you so?" after the second measurement?
These kinds of things just irritate me to be honest. Just because a skin of a character is made to be based off a culture, or to resemble a culture as a whole or a singular person of said culture, or even just ends up looking like it in any way shape or form, someone has to speak out claiming that it "offends them and their beliefs". For crying out loud, it's not really hurting anything, and there are always going to be people that don't agree with skins in this kind of game. I haven't played SMITE, but I know those people are based off myths, and it doesn't seem to get as big a deal out of this. Now, I don't follow news related to this kind of stuff, so I wouldn't know much about it, but it is silly if you ask me. However, if the game companies are going to worry about every little complaint about their games and had to change it, it wouldn't really be "their" game anymore, because it wouldn't be how they had imagined it.
Now it's pretty much unusable tonight while it re-installs every bit of Final Fantasy XIV...all 15.5 GBs of it....while downloading at 1MB/s. Wish I had better speed in my room. Oh well, at least now I have a 2TB HDD in it. I do wish I knew why it was always so slow at downloading though.
13 episode animes, even if they are completely finished in that amount of time, don't usually get off enough story to make it interesting, or they always seem to rush stuff in the end. Like with Devil May Cry, or Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero
Aww, a "private" thread in the spam zone.
"I don't care how we get out of here," Raisor crossed his arms and looked at the group, "I'd like to just get the heck out of here. All we've seen is wasteland for who-knows-how-long, and I'd like something else." He was finally glad to be done with the fight, but now they had to figure out how to get out of here? It better be as simple as the portal opening up that brought him to Oswald's because otherwise he was going to throw a fit.
Cannon be fired. Damage be given.
Raisor fired the cannon, pleading mercy to whatever god was out there for this fight to end already.
Raisor fired the cannon
I had a friend who worked at 7-11 for a time, and he hated this day. People just came in and made a giant mess. I personally don't care for slurpees, so I don't have to worry about it