That's not so bad. At least with the folder system I can put all my digital games together so I don't have to keep scanning for them whenever I want to play (which is not often, since the last game i played digitally was SAO, and that was almost 2 years ago), but hopefully it makes the menu a little less elongated, because having all those options once you have so many games on makes it slightly annoying.
Yikes, I used to live in Milwaukee, and my grandma lives near there too. Kind of freaky when you hear something got heated enough to warrant the national guard to come in and help cool things down.
I personally don't care much for frame rate. People are never going to be happy with it, because they're always going to want something higher. Now maybe I'm misreading you're post, but it sounds like you said they're complaining about it because it's just not high enough. If it's something about being steady, that's another thing, but if it's something that changes between something like 58-60, I wouldn't consider that a big deal, because no one's going to notice it. But like I said, we'll find out soon enough if they decide to extend the date. At the very least, personally, if they're going to extend the duration of the game, at least give us the extra stuff that we ordered like Kingsglaive at the time they first announced so we get something. Otherwise it's going to be annoying having to wait those 6 months only to be told to wait another 3 months.
We don't even know if it's finished or not, since most of the info we've gotten out of it so far has been pretty pictures of the world it takes place in. We'll just have to find out soon enough.
Better not be, I was all ready for my new game and movie to get here in a little over a month. Though I admit I probably don't need the distraction right after school starts, but I want my stuff.
Oh man, Team Skull really is just a group of posers. Well, I have no faith in them now. Also, the name WishiWashi is annoying, but that ability is interesting. I thought it was an evolution, but it looks like it's just an ability that seems to act like an evolution
Raisor leaned against the bench he was on, watching as the group tried to figure out which Horace was the real one. However, before anyone knew what was happening, the Horace from Disneytown began to glow and in it's place stood an old witch robed in black. Calling herself Mizrabel, she blasted Hikaru with some kind of energy and knocked him to the ground. Raisor was about to summon his keyblade and help out, but he noticed something was wrong. His hand was empty, with no keyblade in sight. He tried summoning it again, with no luck. He didn't know what was going on, but it looked like he wasn't the only one having issues. Hikaru was having the same problem. The witched cackled as Hikaru demanded to know why he couldn't summon his keyblade. "I haven't done a thing...You left the book and your hearts were reset. You have forgotten all the abilities you hold dear." "Hmph, I may have lost all the abilities I had with the keyblade, but that doesn't stop me from pummeling your face in with my bare hands." Raisor clenched his fists and got ready to jump at the old witch. Just then, Pete popped out and decided to try and steal the show. Unfortunately, it didn't go so well. As Pete charged in, the witch waved her hand and in moments there was nothing left of Pete but a jewel. Then she began to turn more of the inhabitants of Disneytown into jewles, eventually having seven in all, including Oswald, Donald, and Goofy. Donald's cousins tried to attack her as well, but the witch only waved her hand yet again and stopped the birds in their place. "You know, you could try fighting without that little trick of yours." Raisor was getting irritated at how helpless they all were right now, and it was dragging up some bad memories that were only making him even more mad. Mizrabel summoned a portal of darkness behind her and began to disappear. Raisor watched as Mickey flung himself into the portal as well, and then disappeared into nothingness. Before the group could figure out what to do, heartless began swarming around them as well. "What the heck? Should we be safe from heartless here?" Raisor took a fighting stance with his fists, ready to put up a fight. "Heartless? but they can't be here? Some one is messing with the cornerstone!" "Then let's whatever that cornerstone thing is and fix it before we end up with another Central Haven or Wasteland event here. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not be stuck fighting another army of enemies again." Raisor yelled, swiping his fists as oncoming heartless.
Do I want to know why the Skull Grunts looks like they're imitating a monkey in that screenshot? Also, Please don't tell me from that screenshot with Guzma that all of team skull is just a bunch of people who are upset they couldn't become leaders in the Island Trials. Because that's what it looks like so far. I'm falling a fail on this team, but that little ray of hope in me will keep shining, as faintly as possible, till I play the game
Okay, I am officially disappointed in the design for the team this time around. The leader looks like a pimp for crying out loud. They better have some kind of good plot to them, otherwise I'll just have to say that the good antagonistic teams died with Team Galactic
I always found Sephiroth and Ice Titan to be the most difficult in the whole series, since I could never beat those fights. I never tried any of the others, since I haven't had any of the final mixes, and haven't really gotten anywhere in BBS. I guess Julius might be up there, but that's only because his little bounce attack is such a pain and the HP in DDD seems lower than the rest of the series. And I agree with Tale, the bosses in Unchained, and I'm talking about the final world bosses, are kind of ridiculous for the most part. I had to actually use my jewels to beat Cerberus
7th Dragon Code VFD
take a nap, and make sure you set an alarm
That actually does look pretty good for something that's "far from complete". And the fact that he's made it himself is impressive too. The one complaint I have about the trailer is it seems like the music is too high and it's difficult to hear what the characters are saying sometimes.
Exeggutor just looks ridiculous with that new look. Though I like the idea of having an ice and ice/fairy type for vulpix and ninetails. And it looks like riding around on the pokemon does a little more than it did than the last generation, opening up new paths and stuff. Can't say I'm a giant fan of the trial thing though. It's probably going to be what replaces the gym system, but I get the feeling it's still going to be as easy as ever now. There better be an actual elite four and champion to fight, and some kind of story to this.
Bring it on Plumes!! And no, I couldn't resist
So just to be sure about this, we're each picking a day to play, separate from everyone else? Or are we all trying to get our first games done on Sunday?