Then it'd just be too tempting to call the bank and have them send me more I'd still need them for my monthly purchases at some point. Maybe i'll buy a vault with 5 different kinds of locks that can only be opened by someone else while I'm there so no one could think of stealing them. Hah, like that'd work
Make sure you stay all the way through the credits when you go see the movie tomorrow. There's a second or two where the screen stays black, but...
You'd get frozen cards, that's all. No way I'm handing over anything linked to my bank account without some sort of safety measure.
I am thinking of going to see Kingsglaive again tomorrow just because I enjoyed it the first time....and to understand it more after seeing it once. Plus, I enjoy the film that much. Though I really shouldn't spend money. Guess that's why I keep my putnam money separate from my budget for reasons like this. Guess I should be glad that the price is cheaper. I spent $9.50 the first time, but looks like a ticket for sunday is $6.50. At least it's cheaper. Though I'm stuck in the same seating....oh well. Not like I'm doing anything at home besides watching season 3 of Castle.
Well, it starts off a little on the fast side which might be confusing, but even if you can't follow that completely, it's not really a problem. It's just the backstory to how things were before the game/movie starts. Sony has the first 12 minutes of the movie on youtube if you want to watch part of it and get a feel for what the movie is about. It doesn't have any plot wise, it's just pretty effects and fighting for the most part, except for that intro bit.
First off, I'd like to place this here, just because I'm getting the movie in 2 months anyways Spoiler On to the official note, after seeing this film in theaters, I would have to say that they did a pretty good job on the movie as a whole. I'm going to try my best to avoid any specifics, since I'm pretty sure I'm the only one on the site who saw the film today, and if I'm not, others might know what I'm talking about. To start off, this film surprisingly did a good job of clearing up a few facts about the series that was confusing. It told of the background about where Luna was and why. Well, I say "told", but it was an intro thing, so yeah, fill in the blanks moments kind of. But it does explain why Luna and Noct are being wed, and where the wedding came from in the first place. It even seemed to delve somewhat onto the plot of the game, though not directly. That whole "night becoming longer and longer" plot seemed to have something to do with stuff they talked about in the movie. I can't say anything more though, because it is a part of the plot. The film also does a neat job of showing off bits of Insomnia. For everyone who saw the hour gameplay and saw Insomnia after the events, it's cool to see what it looks like beforehand. Think of something like FF AC's Edge, except a little more advanced, and a hell of a lot bigger. I'm not kidding, that is one MASSIVE city. The plot kind of does an Advent Children thing too, where it starts off a little slow in the first 30 or so minutes, but picks up after that. Yeah, it means a lot of action, and things like that, but even in the middle of the action, they did a good job of stopping for like 5 or 7 minutes just to slow down a couple times and get back to the characters and add even a little more development. Oh yeah, it's also just fun to mention the references made to previous final fantasy games in the movie too. They show most of them in the trailer, but seeing the weapon from VII and Ultros is fun. There were others, but since those are the only ones in the trailer that I can think of, they'll be the only ones I'll mention. One of my few gripes about it actually has to do with the combat though. While it is nice, and I do mean nice, it's almost a little tricky to follow, especially during the last bit. There's a lot going on, and it looks pretty, but unless you have hawk eyes, it's hard to follow the flow because of things flying everywhere. And yes, that includes the teleporting nonsense. The characters had a good amount of development for screen time, but there were some that I kind of felt like they could have given even a little more background on to understand their reasoning. A couple of them even have that "I sound like I'm going to be a villain, so yeah" thing, so it's a little meh. I also know the animation was done by the same people who did Advent Children, and I'd say they did a nice job passing the bar on it. AC had some really nice animation, but this looked much better. At least in my view. Though I'll admit, there were a couple times where the lip sync seemed off. It wasn't often, maybe 7 or 8 times through the whole film that lasted a couple seconds, but maybe I was imagining it. Spoiler: read only if you want to know a tip about the end credit scene The end credit scene, which appears after what feels like 10 minutes of credits, shows Noct and friends driving down the road and leads directly, and I do mean directly into the beginning of the game, if you know what that is. It's a cute little addition. Comparing to Advent Children Complete, without even thinking about it, I'd say I personally preferred AC Complete just because the fights were easier to follow and that was what the majority of it seemed to be. But while AC was made as a sequel to a game and you know the characters and it was filling out the ending to Cloud, I do enjoy how while Kingsglaive was action packed as well, it had a lot more of an emotional feel to it. If I were to actually look at it as a whole, I'd say Kingsglaive does a slightly better job. That's just my two cents though.
Yeah, I know they were kind of rushing at the end, but those last 3 chapters make even Toriko's ending feel more natural and not-so-rushed. Heck, they don't even explain what that kid is doing with that hole at the end. He just slams his hand in it and all of a sudden the power disappears? How does that work? Though I wouldn't mind if they made 2 or 3 epilogue chapters like they do with a lot of famous shounen jump manga so you get a nice feel for what happens with all the characters afterwards.
Outwardly I'm about as come as a person can get, to the point of having no muscle control. Inside though, I'm firing of volcanic eruption after volcanic eruption. I don't make enough, and this person comes back into my life, even for a week, and manages to throw it all down the drain? No sir, she's paying, one way or another. Even I have my limits. I'd make her pay me so much she had to sell her car and live out of a cardboard box in the middle of some disgusting alley for the rest of her life right now if I could.
I wasn't expecting that season pass to come with any of the pre-orders. Seems like a lot of games lately that are even somewhat big-names have you pay separately for season pass stuff
My f---tard of a sister has been staying at our house for the past couple of days and she has somehow managed to already ruin everything till my parents come on. She's made a mess in their bathroom like it was hers. She eats all of the food in our pantry, which is not much to begin with. She comes and goes at night whenever she wants, making it impossible to keep the alarm on. And my favorite part, which makes me seriously, legitimately think about smashing her head through the wall a couple of times, is her eating all of my food I prepared for the weeks my family was gone. I spent about $80 to have enough food for about 2 1/2 weeks and she ends up eating a quarter of it in the span of 6 hours while I'm at work yesterday. Now I have no food whatsoever till sunday, and I'm already at my limit from my paycheck, and I don't get any money till next week. Not too mention, I've been losing money ever since my surgery, so that's not helpful either. I would be screaming my head off, but any time I think of it, I just lose all my energy and become detached. She better f-----g pay me at least $25 for the food she's wasted and what I'm going to have to buy now for the next couple of days, because I can't afford this crap. And I can tell you that my parents aren't going to like it either. I also don't care if she's homeless and doesn't have a job, she manages to keep her car, so she better cough up that money. So tell me, where's the best spot in a wall to shove a head through?
Not even. It's too hot in Texas to walk anywhere, and the past week we've had rain like crazy, so you'd be a moron to walk around for it. Not too mention I don't use phone battery to watch a movie, or use up any data. And anywhere worth anything on pokemon go is about a 15 minute drive from here, which isn't worth it; trust me, I've done it before. Besides, I regret nothing about my purchase
I ended up buying a ticket to Kingsglaive in theaters tomorrow at 4:30 PM because I just really wanted to watch the movie, even if I'll own it once I get my copy of the game in two months. Oh well, I need a reason to get out of the house anyways. Though I really shouldn't be spending money right now given how I've lost so much in the past two months.
I prefer my stuff to be on the darker side. Too much light hurts my eyes
Oh sweet mercy. That can't be real can it? Some kind of April Fools joke that never got out till now? I mean come on, there's some kind of law out there that probably says "Thou shalt not make live-action Pokemon movies, tv shows, or games". I just can't imagine something that's been animated to be made live action, with a talking pikachu, as a detective. And my personal view on it is even worse, considering I can't stand the thought of Gravity Falls. And with someone who was also partly responsible for Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel, seems like it'd include a lot more action than what the game is about. But, I'm having a meltdown too quickly, and I will try my hardest to keep calm about this. Until we see the trailer that is, then all bets are off.
Urgh, I concede. That hair...the graphics.....I'll wait 2 more months. Painfully, but I'd rather not play a game where I can't not stop looking at something because I see pixels moving everywhere
Can I please get my Kingsglaive movie at least next month? I was really looking forward to that. And in regards to the neo stuff. Would they have to put some kind of sign on it saying it's neo compatible? Though aren't the games supposed to work either way? Guess I'm not really sure I understand the different between it working with neo or not.
I'm still trying to figure out how you say that threat title... Chu-ga-ny? Ch-gooney? Chu-gu-nie? Eh, I got nothing