"You're not leaving me behind!" Jeffrey shouted, running to the dock. He paused once he reached the dock to catch his breath. --- Kairi was helping give first aid to those who were too young, old, or injured to help with the repairs. She tied a knot around the bandage she was wrapping on a young girl's arm. "There you go." She smiled. "All better."
I missed the third coming? Dammit.
Jeffrey could feel his heartbeat becoming quicker. Just a short one, that's all... He could feel his lips touch Valerie's. He didn't know how he looked, but he could bet that his face was bright red.
Even if you're the older one? "F-fine then," Jeffrey replied. He turned and leaned towards her, his eyes starting to close.
Jeffrey could feel his face growing hotter. "Y-yeah," he replied. "We'll mess with his mind." He scooted closer to Valerie.
"Too many 'thinks'," Jeffrey joked. "I don't know if Riku would think something like that. Then again, if he is... man, this must look so obvious."
"She'd think it'd be 'so romantic'," Jeffrey replied, chuckling a bit. "Who knows how far should she would take it, though."
"Who knows?" Jeffrey looked at his own. "It might, or it might now." He spotted Riku at the docks. "I think Riku might be waiting for us..." He scratched the back of his neck.
"Well..." Jeffrey couldn't think of what exactly to say to cheer her up. He decided to change the topic. "We'll find some way to get back on Eden's good side." He took another bite of paopu. "Maybe it'll just take some time."
Jeffrey caught the other paopu and took a bite out of one of the five tips. "That is sweet!" He swallowed and took another bite. "It's like it's pure sugar." He laughed. "I wonder when the next time we'll have a chance to relax like this will be."
"The same for me, I suppose," Jeffrey replied, gazing at the line of orange on the horizon. "I mostly just hung out with my group of friends the whole time. But I just ignored the people I didn't like." He sighed. "Still, I miss going to school and being with my friends." He looked at Eden and Gexln. "So what if they don't really like us much? We have reasons to dislike Gexln, too. Though, I'm not so sure about Eden..."
"Yeah," Jeffrey replied, watching the sun start to come over the horizon. "I bet you can see it reflected all across the water."
Jeffrey walked up the stairs leading to the bridge. He walked across to the island and sat down next to Valerie on the paopu tree. "Well, we're back to where we were before that happened."
I'll be sure to get her the ones with CGI eyes.
Rest .
"Eden!" Jeffrey ran through the ash remains of the Heartless towards his friend. He shook one of her shoulders. "Are you okay?" Without a response, he turned to Valerie. "We're gonna have to carry her, huh?"
Rome never fell to Germanic invaders. What happens next?
Name: Haseo Favorites: Homestuck (Dave, Jade, Karkat, Terezi, Nepeta) Negima (Nodoka, Chachamaru) Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (Rika, Hanyuu) Kamen Rider OOO (Eiji/KR OOO, Ankh, Gotou/KR Birth) Warriors (Jayfeather, Cinderpelt, Hollyleaf) Fullmetal Alchemist (Olivier Armstrong, Greed, Ling Yao) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Fluttershy, Luna, Braeburn) Doctor Who (Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Donna, River Song, Rory) Axis Powers Hetalia (Rome, Lithuania, Canada, Austria, Hungary, Prussia)
"Eden!" Jeffrey shouted. He had left Riku to fight his own battle. "Fight the Heartless! You know that's not your Darkness!" He winced as he felt a cut on his leg.