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  1. Mexony

    No, it's not related. But for now, me and Rexmildd are working on the Characters. We have 13 more to go.
    Post by: Mexony, May 25, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  2. Mexony

    Ah I see, well I got to go now, I'm leaving for lunch bye. *slowly walks to kitchen*
    Post by: Mexony, May 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Mexony

    Lol, *looks at stores* shoes, shoes.. Speaking of shoes it remind me of shopping which is really dislike. I need some shirts and pants. The pain of walking store to store, xD.
    Post by: Mexony, May 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Mexony

    Sounds nice. My parents are getting paid this week, so it'll be alot faster:D
    Post by: Mexony, May 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Mexony
    Anybody, making their own manga? For me to answer yes.

    I'm making a manga, well I'm working on the characters first. It's called Crystal Hearts. Where the Earth doesn't accept these Crystal Hearted people, because they're harm to them. But will anybody ever find out the the crystal hearts are living in a location say, New York? Yeap, it
    s going out well just fifteen more characters.

    What about you?
    Thread by: Mexony, May 24, 2008, 42 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. Mexony
    Afternoon family. 4:04 p.m. over here. I have nothing really to do, it's gotten quite abit empty here. I'll tell you a hurtful yet funny story. I was walking up the stairs at school holding my binders and pecil case, and then I tripped over my shoe lace, falling over, dropping everything. I need new shoes, so I was usingthis shoes that were from a year ago. What kinda of shoes should a get Puma, Nike? Any other suggestioins?:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Mexony
    This was long ago. I'm happy I moved to another school, not much am I bullied but some hate me where I am. Anyways, in grade 1 it was winter. Some big guy in grade 5 thought it would be fun to come over and throw a hard rock snow at my head. Ofcourse I was hit but scared, " What's your problem?" I asked.. Afterward another hit me and another. I'm a female and a male hits me..thats shame to me. So after that the principal took me to the office, I didn't know the kids name but, i lied to my principal. Two more grades and I left that school:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 24, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  8. Mexony
    I posted it up on Paint, taking a photo of Roxas. After I went to Photobucket and did the editing there. So it's not really my best work, yet it's my second time doing a signature. Tell me what you think about it.

    [​IMG]< New Signature.
    Thread by: Mexony, May 24, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Mexony
    Well today was a good day, I had a subsitute and after that me and my sisters and mom went to some parking lot nearby an aiport and watched Airplanes take off... great sounds. Anyways today is a new chapter and also we're getting closer near the end. But, before that I could ask you privately for some help on KHCtE2 because..well because I get kinda tired doing alot, and keeping track on what I was doing, hehe. Well, let's read shall we?

    Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth
    Chapter 40: It ends now

    After fighting for quite a while, Marluxia and Rexmildd were grinning at eachothers faces." You are very talented with your fighting." Marluxia finally said, giving a quick wink. Rexmildd nodded and thanked him by mouthed way. Marluxia then looked around and felt something very odd. " My body... it feels like." Marluxia paused and stared out dazed. Rexmildd looked at him in a strange way, seeing that he looked abit scared. Not that he could be but... he was a nobody. " Feels like what?" Rexmildd asked, circling her finger round. Marluxia then looked at his hand and saw little pieces going away. Like a robotic technology as if it was just a pixel video game.

    "Like I'm fading." Marluxia finished. Rexmildd's eyes widened and looked at his whole body and saw pieces flowing up to the air. Rexmildd then shooked her head and rubbed her eyes to make sure it wasn't true. Looking clearer it was true, Marluxia was really fading! Looking down at herself she saw pieces of her fading away. " No!" Rexmildd whined, putting her hand over her forehead in panic. " This c-can't be!'' Rexmildd worridly said, struggling through her words coming from her lips. Marluxia nodded and released out his scythe. "W-What are you doing?" Rexmildd gulped. " I don't know. I'm lost." he dazed. Rexmildd nodded and then saw a light blinding light going around them.

    "What's going on here!?" she asked, blocking her eyes from the blinding light. The light shone very brightly, the two didn't know why. Perhaps.. they're journey was finished but... it couldn't be.

    Rinn fell to the ground, she grasped for air. Her breathing was becoming a problem. Muxene fell down also, but tripping over a piece of a hard coil rock. Rinn pounded her fist to the ground and cursed. " I don't think, this forest will ever be the end!" she admitted. Muxene looked down at her and glared, " Giving up already?" she asked, crossing her arms from the ground. Rinn sat up and took out her weapon, examing it. " Kingdom Hearts." she said, staring at her weapon, feeling the tingling through it. " Jump!" Rinn said, with quick words, she stood up and high jumped quickly. Muxene rolled and then jumped over to the vines and held tight. Knives came running through, just passing them from below.

    "That was close." she panted. Rinn nodded and then jumped back down. Landing perfectly she looked up and saw the world cracking in half. Muxene landed softly and walked over, feeling the ground move. " Geo." she mumbled. " What?" Rinn asked, cocking her head at Muxene. " Earth. It's cracking!" Muxene pointed out, falling over, kicking her feet. Going backwards, she saw the Ground splitting in half, like an Earth quake in Central America and such more countries out there. Asia, Europe South America. Rinn then jumped over on the other side. Rinn and Muxene were across eachother.

    The ground began to fall, Rinn fell and quickly grabbed the edge of the ground dirt. She looked up and felt abit panicky because below her was a dark hole, it was was close to ending her life.

    Sebax began to run putting on the bade and others. Looking around, he saw those kinda of golf carts. Running over, he leaped in and started the engine. Without thinking he kicked his foot to the right pedal and with the loud screech, the cart began to run fast with it's engine running quickly. " Yeah!" he cheered himself, throwing his left arm like a cowboy. Turning over he felt the ground growing. It was like a big wave in Hawaii. Throwing the ground up, the cart went flying in the air. Sebax flew over the cart, having his foot caught on the bar. " Ah!" He cried. As it held. the cart landed. Sabax banged his head on the concrete.

    A stream of blood streamed from the back of his head. Scratches ended up on his face. " What the hell was that?" he moaned. Feeling the back of his head, bringing his hand back he saw a dark marg colour. It was his blood. Sebax dropped his hand and looked up to the sky. It seemed to be blurring up. That wasn't a good sign. Sebax then reached through his pockets, in search for mini potions. They were only 5 centimetres, good enough to heal 10 HP. Sebax smiled , as he pulled out the potion. " Great." he frowned. A tiny bit was left, he looked at his pocket and saw a wet stain. " It cracked." he cringed.

    Feeling the world go bright and light. He felt like his body was flying, like when he played Kingdom Hearts and lost to a battle. Seeing Sora flowing dead. Sebax then closed his eyes and saw a quick flash of fighting and other people, he didn't know. But after that he saw a ten second picture of Kingdom Hearts close up, burning red. It looked like it was going to explode!

    Ginji, gritted her teeth and looked at Axel. She brought her keyblade forward, pointing it at Axel. " What for?" she asked, glaring. Axel sighed and brought his chakrams, spinning them in between his fingers. " Kingdom Hearts." Axel pointed to her keyblade. " Know anything about this?" he asked, with a fire pointing. Ginji looked to her keyblade and then looked back up, with a shrug appearing. " I remember fighting heartless' and dusks and also meeting you." she said looking at Axel, straight with her eyes. Her eyes looked pinkish red. She must've had any sleep at all. Probably she was trying to avoid the danger, keeping to come at her.

    " Did you ask for this?" Axel threatened. Ginji, took her left foot back and her arms stready, with her keyblade. Gripping her hand on the keyblade, keeping it very steady. " What makes you think that!?" Ginji yelled over to Axel. He laughed and looked up to the dark clouds and then back at her. " There are rumors that somebody wished this." Axel blabbed, using his right hand. Ginji shooked her head. " Well it's not me." she answered.

    "Then, why the keyblade?" Axel asked, rolling his chakrams around.

    Ginji looked at her keyblade, " It just came to my hands." she said. Hearing a loud boom.

    To be continued.

    Sorry if there are mistakes like grammar and spelling. I seemed to be rushing, my time was running out. Anyways I hoped you liked this chapter, sorry it was short. See you on Sunday, I'll be typing a new chapter on Sunday. Beginning with group 2. Anyways please comment if you'd like:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 23, 2008 in forum: Archives
  10. Mexony

    It took me an hour hehe. Thanks though:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 22, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Mexony
    I did this on paint, I'm not quite good because I just started. My parents won't allow me to download anything, so I'll follow that rule. Tell me what you think of this. ( Not quite sure how to put affects of MS Paint)
    Thread by: Mexony, May 22, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Mexony
    The second bottom signature is my new one, tell me what you think.
    Thread by: Mexony, May 21, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Mexony
    Sora, because he's always so happy and joy:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 21, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. Mexony
    Hello family:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Mexony
    :) Thanks guys, that helped alot, going to try all that out:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 20, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  16. Mexony
    I'm not sure if this is the place where I post but...
    *points to topic* ?

    Well it's sometimes at school, surely I don't enjoy. I don't want to beat up the person because I ahven't tried and will never. I'm told I was strong to hurt with my hands. But at home I'm bullied between two sis. Older and younger. One hits and one insults but I can't do anything but either pinch them or say something like.." I'm telling" <--wow I'm a chicken and a snitch. But I can't really do anything because I'll get in trouble. It happens everyday but I feel so crowded.

    Usually I hide all my feelings but then after a year or months I burst out to tears. What my mood says up there, isn't how I really feel, but sometimes..
    Thread by: Mexony, May 20, 2008, 27 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  17. Mexony
    Well I don't like her alot nor' hate her. But I wish- nevermind I forgot :(
    Post by: Mexony, May 20, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  18. Mexony
    Lol, thanks Len. Well everybody, this story is getting close to the end, but before I end it, I'll be pm'ing you for a photo or picture of your character. Because, I'm making credits at the end, a slideshow one so yeap:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 20, 2008 in forum: Archives
  19. Mexony
    I believe when I die... it could be in my sleep or a crash or abuse. But how I imagine it is, when your eyes are closed still alive, you have... a choice. Either keep leaving or die peacefully.
    Post by: Mexony, May 19, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  20. Mexony
    Well everybody, I'm reaching very close to the end. Seeing that this is a good story, I'm still continuing. Well hearing that things are going well let's read, shall we?

    Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth
    Chapter 39: Look carefully

    "Falling for stuff is my kind of entertainment!" he laughed, Austin couldn't help but just laugh along. " So, why are you here?" Austin stoppped. " To restore peace, Kingdom Hearts shouldn't be here- and neither do you." he pointed out. Austin looked away with his tongue sticking out, not letting the boy see he was making faces at him from shadow. " Keep doing that and your toast." the boy said fixing his hair on front, which was covering half his eye from moving too much. Austin looked at him and saw a tatoo on his back.

    " But, you shouldn't be here either." Austin retorted. The boy turned around and glared, " I explained why I was here! But YOU didn't!" he complained. Austin scoffed, " Like I need to tell what I'm doing every moment!" he flapped his fingers. The boy then pulled him over throwing him over to the cement, making a crack on the spine. " That hurts Austin!?" he laughed. Austin rubbed his back with his fingers and slowly stood up, " Play me." he glared up ahead. " I should've mentioned earlier, my name is Han, well not really but just call me that!' Han kicked up ahead.

    Austin dodged and released out his weapon to fight in return, it was stat.

    Ampex pulled onto the ground and tried to let Xemnas off him. " Theres no way!" Xemnas said from behind. Ampex glanced over seeing Xemnas's sarcastic frown. " We're both going to die, together." he pulled his ankle making Ampex twisting his ankle. " AH!" Ampex whined, looking down he could see that the bandages he covered over began to spread. " This is what happens when you betray!" Xemnas pulled harder. Ampex tried to take off his organization shoes to get out of the mess.

    "Why did you guys come anyways!" he yelled. Xemnas stared at him, " Let's see, Ampex. We began disappearing in white sparkles our body parts were leaving us by seconds, next thing you know, we're on the ground spreaded in this, world!" he pulled harder. Ampex grabbed his weapon that was laying away five feet from him. " Come' on." he sweated, reaching his hand he can see a potion under the ground, hidden. " There was a potion?" Ampex whispered to himself. Ampex's fingers touched the potion, rolling it to his free hand. " What are you doing AMPEX!?" with the word Ampex, Xemnas pulled him harder, beginning to drag him down. The potion slipped making it roll farther from him. " No!" Ampex reached his hand out. Ampex then turning over to Xemnas, kicking him in the face.

    Xemnas' hands letted go, afterwards, Ampex limped over grabbing his weapon. He limped back over to Xemnas and looked to his eyes. " Farewell, Xemnas." Ampex raised his weapon.

    As Zoe walked she felt a breeze behind her back. Was that a sense of Bianca? Zoe looked around and saw the centre streets up ahead. " Wonderful." she grinned. Walking over she saw big lights flashing and cars speeding by fast. The aroma spreading in the air, the smell of garbage and wonderful, delightful, food. Zoe's eyes blacked out for a moment showing a suffering picture of her sister. Zoe's eyes re-opened, and she looked around worried. Instead of heading for the city, Zoe began to run the opposite heading for the deep dark woods.

    As Zoe ran her breathing gone faster and her blood pressure from pumping kept racing forward and backwards. Stopping to catch her breath she panted looking up holding the photo of Bianca. " I will find you." she whispered, putting it into her butt pocket. Looking up she saw Corina again. Zoe strucked her gun out pointing it to her head. " What do you want!?" she yelled to get an answer. Corina looked at her with sweat and scratches. " A message...what did it say!" Corina yelled. Zoe cocked her eyebrows. " THE MESSAGE FROM MY CELL!" Corina yelled, to jog up Zoe's memory. " There was only one." Zoe responded. " What was it!? Was it from Fried?" Corina glowed. Zoe looked away, '' I'm not sure." Zoe answered. Corina walked forward and put her hands on Zoe's shoudlers.

    " That's right, you don't even know him." she teared. Zoe looked at her. " Listen, we went on bad bear feet, but I'll be able to help you to get to the blue moon only-" Zoe stopped. Corina looked at her waiting for her finishing. " If you help me find Bianca." she flipped the picture appearing. Corina nodded looking at her. Zoe had a tingling feeling, she felt that it was good joining with somebody. There was a confidence that Bianca could be where she is.

    The car came to a sudden stop. Fried stopped the engine and Jorrell looked out the window. " We're taking a break." Fried said, getting out the car. Jorrell, opening the car door and walked out, seeing Fried leaning against a cement pillar light. " Where are we?" Jorrell asked, scratching his eyes. Fried looked at Jorrell and then after took out a cigarre from his pocket. " Are you even going to answer!" Jorrell asked, with his eyes glaring at him. Taking out a lighter, he lighted the tiny flame onto the end of the cigarre. PUlling it oyut his mouth, he let out a big plot of smokepollution out. " We're at an empty parking lot, it's for highway drivers. Also, I'm here to test you." he grabbing Jorrell by the hand and pulled him up to him.

    Jorrell's eyes widened, kicking him in the chin with a swipe. " What the hell man!" Jorrell puffed. Fried grinned, " That was test one. Don't let your opponent grab you nor' hit you." Fried said. Jorrell swiped the hand prints off himself, from the grabbs. Jorrell looked up and released out his weapon. Fried nodded and threw tin cans that he kept from behind the pole. He began throwing them at Jorrell. Jorrell hitted the can back, and then another appeared heading straight for him " It's like badminton. The birdie never stops attacking unless one loses it's balance." Fried said.

    He nodded and attacked the other can. " The birdie can't fall on your side, it has to fall on the other, get my drift?" Fried explained. Jorrell nodded. " What are you?" Jorrelll asked. Fried threw another can, " I'm...Fried." he answered crushing the cigarrette.

    The heartless roared after the attack, exploding to a huge heart. It began to float up into the air. "The heart." Jessica whispered. Her mother stared at her daughter looking at the heart with dirt all over her body, marks on her ans sweat. " Jessica-" "Mom." she cutted off. " Earth is in danger, and... I have to save it." Jessica said. Her mother looked at her glowing eyes to the heart. She bit her lips in thinking. " Well, I know it's in danger." she responded. Jessica swished her hair behind and looked to her mother, instead of the heart. " I don't want you to get hurt Jessica. You mean the world to me, if I lose you..then the world will go." she teared. " But, I'm letting you save the world, after seeing you fight in confidence, I'm letting you go." she said.

    Jessica's eyes widened and her smile grew. She after then nodded and ran to her mothers arms, giving her a huge hug of happiness and sadness. " Thankyou, mom. I'll miss you." Jessica said stuffing herself. Her mother nodded and then letted go reaching to something in her pocket. " Well sweety. It's to early to give you a present, but because you imporoved so much. I'm giving you this." Her mother took Jessica's hands and put something cold in them. Her mother then looked at her giving a smile. Jessica looked at a saw a necklace dangling with her name on it, and holding in was a miny camera. Those were rare.

    Jessica looked up and mouthed "thankyou." Jessica then waved and turned around beginning to walk off to save the Earth and others. Jessica took one last look at her mom and smiled. " She understood what's going on." Jessica smiled.

    Dr.Nywn saw NewYork, all the flashing screens blinking and all the people talking. But NewYork was burnt and damaged. It seems that the heartless did this. There was some blood stains of hardtops and signs. Dr.Nywn took out his rum and looked at it. He threw it to the ground, making it smash. Seeing a smoke of green rising up. With the scent it gave a vomit smell. " It worked." he grinned. Reaching the glass he cutted him self on purpose.

    "With the blood of mines, I'm invincible to get hurt." he reported. Looking around he saw heartless' appearing around him " It's the scent." he clutched. The heartless looked harmless. the slowly walked over to Dr.Nywn sniffing him. It was like an animal sniffing the new scent never before, sniffing the person to wonder where they've been. One of the heartless' died right away. Dr.Nywn grinned and looked around, soon the heartless' turned to ash from that vomit smell. Not because of the smell but it's smell holds a strong power. Dr. Nywn then fell to the ground, coughing out blood. It was his growth going up from smashing it right in fron tof him. It was toxicated.

    Looking around he saw four people fighting up ahead, a monster. " Perhaps I can help." he grinned.

    To be continued.

    Sorry if it was short, sorry if I made and mistakes on my typing, I was trying to save some time because it take me an hour to type a chapter. Please comment if you'd like, I hoped you liked this chapter. Monday is Victoria day here, so I may be able to type up a new chapter. By June, this story should end:) Well, well' wait:D
    Post by: Mexony, May 16, 2008 in forum: Archives