The Prolouge and the First Chapter was very well done. I really liked on how you describe it all. Truly I'm looking forward to more of your story.
I'll post in yout thread right away, since it was very well done:)
I really like The Legend of Link story. The prolouge was good, hearing the describing was very well done. For sure to my eyes I didn't see anything wrong, it was all good*thumbs up*
Hi Allstargamer!*shakes hands* Hopefully you'll like the family, looking forward to your creativity and more:) You can call me anything Mex, Mexony or any your way:)
I'm back:D Lunch was good, now I'm full hehe. I wish my birthday was somewhere in the school days because summer and me..we don't get along. I'm allergic to the sun, so I tend to get lots os today heehee. But I like my birthday where it is. *Hands out bottle of water*
Really? Oh that's so cool! *gets balloons* Oh..lunch. Be right back family:)
Sure, I'll do that. Sorry if I kept going with Xemnas, I guess I was carried away by typing, hehe. My apologizies.
Hey Family. Sunday is nice...well boring but..nice:) Summer Vacation is near me, It's June 01. just 25 more days and my school ends, onto summer vacation yay....
Sorry I couldn't post earlier, things been busy between stories, trying to catch up on stuff. Well that was good chapter, seeing how everyone met and finished together. Justice:D Your very good writer. I'm looking forward to the more of your stories.:D
Hey family! Jolly it's Saturday lol, because my dad bought me a kh2 vol:2 manga:D Not that I begged for it but asked, he said yes..he realizes how important it is to me because...well let's just say he's been in my room already, lol:D How you all doing?
Thanks DPWolf, that looks very cool! *hugs* Surely I'll give you credits!:D
Well, there is a hint in the very end of each scene, but no you are not dying Len:). Also, thankyou very much:D
Well, thank you for all the words.. But you know, I didn't realized that I spammed until I finished posting the 4th!!!>x< And now that I want to move it (somewhere else I don't know where) but I don't know HOW!!!>x<[/quote] Well, you can ask one of the moderators to close the threads to 2-4. Leaving the part one by itself, there you can still post, but in that one thread. Seeing that you didn't know, it's okay, but read what I said before, in sayings, " If you make mistakes you can go back and fix the earthquake" I'm really looking forward to part 5. If you are doing Part 5 post in your first thread Silly World part 1, and post there. It wouldn't cause any trouble nor would it cause to bump down the other threads.:)
Any dimensions would work, standard it fine:) Colour could fade light redish or black. Thanks DPWolf:D
Not sure if anyone will do this but I want a sig that has any Final Fantasy character, like Zack, Angeal. ANyone from Crisis Core...
Well hello everybody. Today here we have a new chapter. Which to me is a fresh start! But, I love it when you guys like this story, makes me all giggly (it's true) Every comment makes me smile, enough of that. Let's begin to read:) I have the hiccups for some reason so, anyways lets scroll. Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 41: Dust Tybic rolled over to the under table. As for Valerie and Kirsty they both ran forth away from the window, they both knew when glass shatters it can go somewhere to your body giving you a waste of blood. Luke covered his ears and closed his eyes, kneeing down as if he was surrendering. "It's coming..." Valerie whispered in a shaky voice. Tybic nodded and looked at the rest with thoughts going through his mind. It's very confusing not knowing what's going on. I'm still lost. But... I know everyone's here for a certain reason. To save the world or even...ruin it. But, I know these guys aren't bad. I can see it in their eyes, their all innocent. Tybic shooked his head then closed his eyes, waiting for the glass to explode to billions or more. The roar became louder, but it seemed that there was nothing going on at that moment. The roar of the heartless was loud but, it seemed as if it won't bother but burst in instead of standing. " Why isn't the heartless coming after us?" Kirsty asked, looking to her rainbow keyblade. Valerie looked at her and looked back up to the windows, the curtains were closed, but she felt a swormy thing going through her hands. Do I need to fight or-no. I don't need to. My hand may be shaking but it can't be a sign that I have to stand and take charge! Valerie though, biting to her lips. Luke stood up and began walking forward. It felt very slow, as if the gravity was pulling him down to surface. He slowly fell to the ground landing on his knees. " Luke!" Tybic yelled out. Valerie and Kirsty gasped, it looked like as if it just saw something shocking. " You alright mate?" Tybic called out, over to Luke. Luke slowly put his hands on the ground and rose from the ground. What's wrong with me? I feel as if I just drained my powers and body and just...lost it all. But, I can't lose anything, I know something is wrong in this picture. The heartless may be loudly roaring, it seems as if it won't dare to attack any one of us. But I won't just sit there, I'll slowly approach the curtains and shine it wide, Luke nodded to himself, after his words have spoken in his head. As he walked closer, the gravity was getting much more pressure than after. There was no roar, the closer you got near, the mute it fore. Luke looked around, it seemed that everyone from behind froze, but he could feel a wave going on his back through his spine to his mind. Kirsty looked at Luke, seeing him. It looked like somebody was strangling him. He's standing but nothing has hit him, he looks like he's fighting something through his heart. Why am I here? Why are things going wrong? Nothings working for any reason, seeing Luke struggling, Valerie shocked and Tybic just sitting, it all seems as if their all an illusion to my head and it's all just a dream. But it couldn't be a dream, this is real. After seeing Xigbar, and the others and also fighting-defending! This is no more than a dream but reality! Kirsty grinned. Luke got closer and then felt the curtains, he rappidly pulled them with all strength. The curtains ripped wide open and bam. A shone of light came beaming through and thrilled the four, making them all being pulled in. Tybic glanced around and saw no one but himself going in the light, flying. Kirsty looked around and saw nothing but the light shining right onto her. Valerie, was being pulled against, the wind pushing her to the wide light. Luke let go, and felt a violent rush through his heart. ********************************************************************************* Everyone just stared at Roxas. What was he talking about? Why did he say that he can feel it? So many questions rushed through everybody's head. Amber looked around and examined her hand, it felt light. " Um..Amber? You doing okay?" Demyx leaned over to her. Amber looked up and nodded. " I feel light." she whispered softly. Demyx nodded but was not quite sure what she actually meant. Lynn stood up solemnly and saw that the world has change. " I can feel our ending too." Lynn agreed. " What are you talking about?" Larxene asked, looking at her kunai's. " I meant think about it. After a long journey, it feels like your finished and it's..end." Lynn answered. Xaale nodded, and chewed on a piece of crust from the bread. A choke began to happen. Xaale held over her neck and began coughing. Amber rushed over looked at her. Demyx summoned out his sitar, making water circling her and then splashing in side her mouth to her throat. Xaale coughed once more and then dropped. " I don't know what-agh- happened but.. I felt my heart stop for five seconds." she said, gluing her eyes up in air. Angel looked around and afterwards saw a gigantic heartless over. " Heartless!" Angel yelled, summoning her weapon out. Everyone looked up, but saw nothing, but the sky. " Heartless? I don't see any." Lynn said, scratching her head. Angel shooked her head and pointed straight. " Don't you see it?" Angel worridly said. She ran over and kicked it and then was kicked back from the heartless' foot. She fell over. " You okay?" Larxene was concerned. Eden looked around and then saw a white portal. " Hey..I see. A white portal." she pointed out. Everyone stopped and looked up ahead. " I see it." Roxas said, standing up and began slowly walking towards it. Everyone stood up and also began walking towards it. " This feels weird." Xaale said, scratching her left arm. Lynn looked toward the portal and felt a force picking her up, she was then pulled in, the breeze felt nice. The pine smell wasn't there but there was a feeling. " Somethings dead." Eden said. Angel nodded and closed her eyes keeping her eyes wide open to the white portal. Amber looked to herself and then the others. There was something from what Roxas said. He's right. It is the end. ********************************************************************* Jack then fell, coming out the portal automatically. Jack looked up and felt that his powers that were given to him were draining him away. " Holy.." he whispered. Looking up he saw a big flashback, seeing where he was. The park, it's where it all started to him. " I became evil." he looked at his hands, examing them. " I totured people and made them lose their lives!" he cringed and then opened. Nothing bad was happening. Jack looked and his eyes changed to changing slideshow pictures of his past from when he was first born. " Mom..Dad." he softly said. Looking up there were more slideshow pictures. Everything was going weird. Why is this happening now- why not later!? Jack then opened his legs from pants and saw that big scar he recieved from the most deadliest fighting. "You will be one of us." he said, repeating the words from an Organization XIII member. Jack then opened and looked around. It looked like a large stadium. It was dusty and dirty. Rocks were hanging in the ceiling. Probably it drops everytime, from fighting. "Glad your here." said a womenly voice. ********************************************************************* " Fun? That's good.'' Mexony responded, giving thumbs up. " Now I know what's happening." she said. Keath cocked his head and looked to her seeing the breeze blowing through both their head hair's. " I know that... when I first wished for Kingdom hearts. It felt like it wouldn't happen. I waited days and ages for this to happen and finally it comes." she frowned. "But at the wrong time." she finished. Keath looked to her and saw her mushing away. Her body was gone soon was left of her head. Her head faded, with mouthed words. Now...Keath was all alone. Abandoned. He looked around and saw dusks sworming around him. " Why are THEY here!?" Keath slashing his sword on one dusks and then the other.Tears brushed out his eyes, the fighting up defendence, no. independance. Keath saw one more dusks, it looked more different than the others. He slashed it also and then vines came onto him, covering his whole body. " Is it my end!?" he struggled, trying to break free. Looking to his watch, time was melting. Time was veing killed. ********************************************************************* The heartless rosed back up and grabbed Len by the neck. " Listen girl, I don't know who the hell you are but quit fighting me and let me kill you." he grinned. Len shooked her head and then began kicking through the air. Her throat was being clogged up, she felt the fire going up on her whole body. Was she fading? Len threw her keyblade, breaking free in air. She stumbled on the ground and found her pace. She stood up and began to run. The heartless roared and after yelled out " Repeat!" he yellled. Len glanced back and turned her head facing, she was trying to reach the corner of the alley but couldn't, it felt as if she was running in the same space. The heartless laughed and stomped over looking at Len just running in the same place. " No!" Len coughed. The heartless grabbed her again and breathed in her scent. " You taste like sugar." the heartless smiled. He looked into her eyes. Len saw the shocking in her eyes, seeing a big stadium from behind seeing nothing but blood gushing out. " NO!" Len began struglging through. She kicked her feet like she was being pulled into rehab. " I LOVE sugar." the heartless opened his mouth. ************************************************************************** There was black space going through, Marcus put his hands on the black rock. Opening his eyes he saw nothing but a huge stadium, it was rocked ceiled and the ground was dusty as ever. " I got to get out of here before Maleficant comes and chased me again!" Marcus complained, grabbing the dust to pull forth. As he pulled he saw nothing but a tight rope squeezing on his legs. It hurts to reach, but the more he reached it felt as if his legs were ripped off in the gummy. Marcus, took out a piece of potion. All was left was 0.7. He took a quick sip feeling his leg being a bit shaky. That was the magic of potion. Getting out the magic potion he took a sip and felt the energy of being able to use magic on anything. " Slash." Marcus struggled, pointing to the rope. A yellow beamed the rope cutting it off. Marcus' leg was free! Looking around he saw Maleficant, standing fifty feet from him. Her staff being held up looking gracefully and cheered at Marcus. "Damnit." Marcus whined, seeing that old lady's face once more. To be continued. I hoped you liked it:D It was a good chapter to write for me. Sorry if there are grammar or any spelling mistakes. I thought my hour turn would be finished. I'm not sure if it's long but yes, it is I think:D Well see you on the beginning of Zexion Month, shall I type chapter 42 on Sunday:D Please comment if you'd like, hoped you liked this chapter:)
We All Fall Down By Eric Walters. I heard there was movie, not sure if it was my ears or it was true. *eats one chip*
Hey Bamasebastian:D and everyone again. *leaves last coke on table*
I'm good, thanks. I got myself good news, never before in my life have I ever gotten a good mark in Science. Usually I am very poor in Science but today changed. I got a B:)
Drugs I don't believe in. Yet curiosity does go through my mind on what it is like taking drugs. But I will never take any to make my life bad and also...getting the boot. So I only take caffeeeeeeene (sorry for spelling hehe) may be young but coffee is good.