Hey family. Today we had two firedrills. Annoying really because my parents bought me new shoes and it was all muddy and we walked through and*sigh* I wasn't planning to get my shoes dirty.
Soku. When the seasons past, it's still a year. When I heard you past, the whole thing to some weren't clear. Hearing when you fly or soar. Watching from the sky... As God has you in his hands. May you rest in peace, please. As we watch and read Things still go on, but thy will not forget. You. Soku.
cheese cake...*dreams* I love cheese cake:D Your lucky! *gets money out* Well gtg , appearantly I need to um..get off. I do have a time limit. 1 hour is a turn. 30 minutes it extra if nobody else it on. Bye *leaves last coke on table*
Broken Bridge: Chapter 1 My dark brown hair, was flying all over the place. The wind was blowing extremely hard today, not like any other wind. It felt like that there was going to be a huge rain storm. I looked up and saw the sky blue and bright, but when i looked below I can see the leaves skipping by flying in the wind. That was a thing I really wanted to do. Fly. I peered over seeing the park, little kids playing their games. I remember when I was a kid, I used to play hide and go seek with my father and mother. But they're both gone. They left me when I was six years old. But I already moved on. "John!" called out a voice. My name was John. John Velott. I turned around and gave a tiny wave to my buddy Steve . Steve was wearing his black winter coat with his checker shoes. He wore a a blue scarf around his neck, and had pierced earrings on his left top ear. "You finished your project for the child care?" Steve asked. I shook my head and gave three fingers. " My room mate lost the keys, my papers are in there and finally my pencil is in there." I sighed, putting my fingers back in it's place. Steve nodded and looked around, then at me. " Tell you what, I have all the notes and papers in my work. Probably after we get a coffee from the miny buster's we can go to my dorm and work on our projects. Together!" he lightened. I nodded and gave a little smile. Steve is my best pal. He was there for me from the death of my parents. He was there for me all the way. We're both in college, looking for a job to keep up. Although this assignment was really awkward. It was based on anything much but children, dealing with them and stuff like that. I looked down feeling a tickling vibrating in my jacket pocket. It was my celllphone, probably Lisa again. I pulled out the cellphone, it's black marble colour, reflecting against the light from the sun. Pressing it against my ear, I answered. "Hello?" I asked. I nodded to the voice. " Why?" I asked, sounding furious. I looked at Steve and turned away. " No." I answered. I felt the rush of my heart speeding. Who on Earth was calling me? How'd he get my cellphone number. The only people who know my number is my Uncle, my sister in law and my two best friends Steve and Lisa. This was very rare. Nothing like this should happen. I recall not knowing this person. I sighed and took the cellphone away from my ear and pressed the end button. Right away ending my conversation. "Who was it?" Steve asked looking at my in curiousity. I looked to him and shrugged and then began to walk. Steve followed behind my feet. "Stranger." I answered.
Hello family, once again..
This just shocks me.. please, rest in peace. Although I never knew you ,somewhere in my heart I feel that I really knew you. R.I.P. I'll miss you.
Hello family:D
That's really good:D Thanks Amber!:D
I wish to get along.
Yeah I noticed. I did dissolve, it's because I didn't really want myself in the chapter, because I was kinda bored for myself. Anyways, this Friday will be a new chapter. The story shall end before June 17 (before Rexmildd's birthday)
Hi Family, *hands out sprite* How's life?
I see. *get's juice* for the entertainment hehe.
I'm feeling fine. The throat heat thing lasted until today. So it's all gone, well atleast for now:) How are you? Hello:) How you doing?
I've been posting here..but I made a new avi from Photofiltre..good program for me:) Here's the link. Tell me what you think. http://no14mexony.deviantart.com/art/Mexony-Avi-87493365
That was good, seeing the whole trailer and clips. From my ears I could hear the voices clearly, which was very good to hear the actors:) Great job!:)
Hey Family:D
Well, my mom got me a program to keep me busy and to stop annoying her, I wasn't annoying her but asking her 5 months ago, hehe. The program PhotoFiltre, I just started so I'm not sure if this Avi looks good. Tell me what you think.
That's bad. Hopefully things work out there. No I haven't taken an medicene, my mom would tell me to wait and drink water and juice. Seeing the doctor would be a good suggestion but we can't seem to reach him. Though, I think I'm allergic to a chemical in a medicene, not sure what it is but for my safety....
Well it's been going on since yesterday night somewhere at eleven. My throat keeps on burning.
Hey Family, I need help. Every 2 minutes my throat feels a barfy heat inside, which feels weird, it's making me sick...