Maleah:Ch-charon! *hugs him tightly* I-I thought I lost you!
Nightson:*blushes* I-I love you too. Nigh: no. If I get those experience then it'd mess with me. ??: well, if you need something to eat I can always whip you up something. *a guy is standing there looking like this* ??: Just name it and I can make it.
Akaya: No! Aku wait! *drops down to where he was* Nightson: Ya. I think so. *looks up seeing that the place isn't distroyed* Nigh:*expected an impact* Ka: No we don't. But it's hard enough to get it off some one who isn't so powerful.
Sora: Shale we go as well? NoN:*nods* let's go. *drags Sora to the big top* for two please. TicketGuy: alright. *gives them two tickets* NoN:*pays for it and goes in*
Maleah:*cries out again and more lightning flashes thunder drowning out her screams her fur soaked* (I'm going to bed now. Ttyl)
Ka: a body. It wants a body of it's own.
Kyu: Well I'm glad I'd have one less person to think about tonight. *signing a few papers* There's a storm and the big man didn't have it planned....
Ka:*bites her bottom lip* This is what caused me to go crazy.. *thinks a bit more* I could of been like Taimat..
Roy: Tch tch. blaming others for your mistakes. what a useful skill I've just learned. Maleah: we really need to stop talking like he isn't here.
Maelah:*continues to cry and the storm rages on* Ka:I wonder how long this'll last..
Ka: I've seen this necklace before. *keeps sketching then sets down the pencil* Only. *gets a pen and some pencil crayons and sits back down* it's a bit different. *outlines the sketch and colors it in*
Maleah: Then we'll blame NoN for her earlier comment.
Maleah:*finally lets her tears fall as a harsh rain begins to fall* why.. WHY?!?! *she screams again and more lightning* Ka: This is scary. I...
Maleah: Fine. but if he turns out out a womanizer it wasn't my fault.
Ka:*continues to sketch getting more and more into detail*
Maleah:*screams and lightning comes crashing down all around her* Ka: Holy crap! H-how's she able to do that?!?
Ka:*shrugs* I never got that far yet. Haku? *still writing and sketching*
Roy: I'll prove you both wrong. Maleah: now aren't you sapost to not let your parents down? Roy: true... but, this is about proof not letting you two down.
Maleah:*starts shaking again* Ka:*feels the earth shaking* Wha-what's going on?!? *nearly falling over*
Maleah: Hm. maybe. Roy: Me? Tame. *snorts* that's a laugh. I'll forever be wild a free, no one can tie ME down.