Ka: Alright then. we'll just spend the night here.
lol neither do I. she had to tell me what it ment.
Ka: well maybe it should focus on the Charon that's alive.
Awe to bad. XD lol jk that's a good thing then. and Nanook means polar bear in inqut(?) did I spell that right? his "mother" my aunt(uncles gf) is...
Ka: hello Haku. *walks over towards him*
Amy: Wow! *snaps her fingers and it also turns into a bird* cool! Alice: Yes I know how to make pie. *making the crust*
Ka:*enters the dream world right after Haku*
lol awe! I bet the next time you go to the vet is cuz Juliet will be having puppies XD lol jkjk my uncle has another dog. his name is Nanook....
Ka: very. if Yami get's Cr's powers.. we might as well save him the trouble and shoot ourselves.
Ka:*smiles* have a well deserved rest dear. *gives him a quick kiss then snuggles up to him and falls asleep*
Awe! how cute! x3 what's her name?
Ka: Yes. *putting the papers all together* we'll have to give it our all. or we'll lose everything.
lol funny thing is that the puppy is half beagle and pug and a touch of lab I think. XD lol and thankz^^
Ka: looks like someone's tired. *lays down beside him*
Ka: *follows behind him*
lol ya. it's my uncles puppy but I call all his dogs mine cuz i like his dogs better then any other dogs xD just cuz I can visit them any time i want.
Ka: Any ways. come on. it's dark out, time for bed.
uuhhh... I gotz a new puppy! (well not exactly mine but still mine all the same DX)
I've returned! I hate wood. -_- and I can't wait to see it! It'll be great^^
I'm alright^^ just woke up but now my grandmas making me go get firewood. -_- (man that would of been awesome~!)