yes, let's feed him to the dragons. problem is, I might get killed in the process.. or not. I'll try.
yes, but I need them in item form. Edit: ..kab kannon killed them all.. impressive.[DOUBLEPOST=1358911221][/DOUBLEPOST]wow.. I took him up to the world that never was.. got him to a mob.. the mob died. how am I supposed to kill him now >.>
hmm.. should I kill kab kannon for brilliant fantasies? /stares at kab kannon.
funny thing is, godhanding with your horahkty deck means you drew none of the gods.
Ryu Dragon.. so redundant.
doing the special portals in Symphony of Sorcery, I've noticed that dragons are scarier than Ansem.
grinding isn't the only way to gain exp/level up. you either like actual grinding or just the gaining exp/leveling up that comes from it.
Level 25 Sora going up against Xemnas.. it did not end well. those light sabres >.> someone can like grinding? well, now I've seen everything.
hurray! I beat him. now I'm wondering.. why did I spend so much effort on beating a pixelated character on a DS screen? hmm..
the big black ones that he sends out after you get him to fourth health bar.
are his balls supposed to follow me..? I keep dieing once he spams those.
I have no choice but to exit and reenter the battle to find out.
if I exit the battle during Ansem's second fight, do I have to beat his first form again when I come back?
okay.. Ansem is scary. Edit: Ansem's second form scarier.
usually it'd take me three times as long when I just spammed flowmotion and heal on bosses >.>
okay.. that was faster than I thought.. killed in in 3-4 minutes.
this may be overdoing it, but.. I've obtained all the dark commands just to kill that anti-black coat guy >.> does anyone know a good way to find brilliant and Lofty Fantasies?
I wonder how DDD would be like for real.. Riku: "Yes! I finally got an Epic Fantasy!" meanwhile.. Sora: "oh, hey, an Epic Fantasy. didn't know I had that.." (creates a DE.) Riku: (checks inventory) "..Sora!!!"
I'd like to know if you can only fight julius in new game+ or not.. and if so, when? I mean, since he appears in traverse town. Edit: also,do my DEs keep their custom colors after being transferred over to my new game+?
I'm trying to get Dark Firaga.