I don't like how they put a special portal right in the middle of fountain plaza where julius spawns and if you don't complete it before completing the game, you can't get it until defeating julius, and by then ultima is going to make End of Pain obsolete anyway. the scrolling of the commands is also inconvenient.
Falling current looks a lot like a field >.>
or we can kill him right on the spot.
Terra's missing.. and I'm not sure if he'll be coming back.
technically, it's equally correct either way. The site was just programmed lazily.[/quote] quoting failed. Edit: huh.. was wondering why it only quoted the quote but not your post.
not really.. I cracked a smile at one video where someone got one hit KO'd by Julius right when the battle started though. Julius may be scarier than dragons >.> this has yet to be proven though.
I thought: "why did they not show what happened after that scene?".
Most used flowmotion: Wall Kick. x999.
Armored Ventus is really violent >.> Edit: was that the final boss? he's easier than Ryu Dragons.. well, anything is easier than Ryu Dragons.. he's just easy in general >.> four health bars..
spammed dark aura, splicer, and dark firaga while blocking his every move. I used a duel spirit link to continuously do damage on him so he gets stun locked for a while.
Young Xehanort just became my favorite kingdom hearts character after I battled him.
I dodged him. it's a good thing I know how to dodge.. blocking isn't my thing.
Xemnas beaten on level 26. Sora wasn't as weak as I thought..
Harsh much? yes, leave them to die!
against a rare Ryu Dragon, Kab Kannon dies within about twenty seconds. that's how scary Ryu Dragons are.
I think the game is fixed on me getting lord kroo >.> so I'm going to do the 100% Ryu Dragon recipe after getting enough for an S rank on that.
think it's ready for a boss run against my scraps?
at what point can I rebattle the bosses for unbound?
oh god.. I got a lord kroo whatever his name is >.> darn. wanted a dragon..
I feel so evil when I do this >.> but he will not die in vane! /brings him back with the AR card.