due to the fact that you'd die if you lost, you cannot enter in as yourself. only your characters can, as they are.. well, expendable.
seems no one has noticed what's on their arm.
oh, everyone gets a crystal duel disk. the crystal is connected to the duel disk and is the part that calculates LP just as a regular duel disk would.
as a character, no. this question has already been answered.
they die.
okay, so you're all at the party, and then boom. you are all now trapped in a parallel universe. Rafael and Rienzel seem to be knocked out.. Welcome, everyone! To the ultimate Duel Monsters Tournament! I know it says on the invitation you’ve received that we would start tomorrow, but the tournament starts now! I shall explain the rules of this world before anyone starts dueling. Each person will receive a crystal. This crystal shall represent the time you have left to live in this world. If the crystal stops shining, you will die. Don’t worry, you will be able to see how much time you have left within the crystal. Each of you starts with 24 hours, and will gain a person’s max time when you’ve defeated them in a duel. However, you will only gain the amount of time that person has left.. for example, if you have defeated one person, you will gain that person’s max amount of time 24+24=48 but will only gain say.. 12 hours if they have 12 hours remaining in their crystal. Oh, and just in case you’ve all wondered what will happen if you lose a duel and have your time taken away from you. You will die. Don’t worry about the crystal breaking. It is virtually indestructible and will only break once you have lost a duel. If by chance a duel ends in a tie, neither player will gain time nor will they die. This shall prove to be quite inconvenient if you’re on your last few minutes. Ah, almost forgot. You cannot decline a challenge to a duel, and your time stops during a duel to prevent death in the middle of one. You will be crowned champion once you are the only remaining duelist alive and have defeated the host on this tournament. There can only be one winner! Good luck to you all! (he disappears into a portal) Note: the inability to decline challenges is to prevent people from not wanting to die due to game loss. You may, however choose not to respond to a challenge until you have the time to accept it or put one on hold. All duels as you may all know are going to take place on DN (dueling network). If you lose connection or was forced out of a duel due to technical difficulties, it does not count towards your wins/loses. These duels will be matched, so you or your opponent must post all three games afterwards. If both players happen to have forgotten to screencap their wins/loses, they may also post a screencap of the final record. Ex: 2-1-0. now everyone wait for Rafael and Rienzel to wake up. *stands and waits* oh, your time will all be paused. don't worry about that.
since it seems everyone's ready, everyone please state your character's name and deck(s) once more.
you also see cards that didn't come from packs.[DOUBLEPOST=1356910362][/DOUBLEPOST] okay.. scrolling through a bunch of pages or clicking on a link, reading it, clicking back, clicking on another link, and then reading that.. then repeat about a hundred times?
..in what way is going to deck builder and looking through cards, playing?
just go on DN and set it to newest first. I think Fred also mentioned doing that a while ago as well.. not all of the new cards came from packs.
I'm not sure why, but that sounded like I'm hosting a party or something. if you think so, you're getting the wrong idea.
are we talking about before or after you stopped dueling? the duel after you stopped dueling for a while, I asked you if you were ready. you could have declined. I also said I wouldn't be going easy on you. honestly, you probably had a chance if you really did have Dark armed dragon..
if everyone's ready, sure.
I never went easy on you.. and I think Fred already posted about that. also, if you're up against a deck that's stuffed with cards like solemn and BTH and mirror force with only nine monsters, would you not be giving it your all?
I think both would be better. I'm usually more of an examiner. I determine whether you're ready or not.
I'm pretty sure they'd dry out.. which would sting. they'd need to close their eyes regardless of their blindness when they go to sleep.
in non-random, there's nothing forcing you to have a different starting move. when you see someone doing the same thing over and over.. it becomes pretty predictable. and yes, there is less skill involved in non-random than there is in random.
oh, I was only counting the participants of the tournament. once everyone's ready, we'll begin.
so we have eight characters? Garry, Ren, Star, Xero Zayne, Zeal, Nate, Rafael Yuki, and Rienzel using horakhty? does Rienzel want to give his character a name, or is he entering in as himself? is that everyone? we'll begin once everyone agrees that they are ready. I'll check to make sure there aren't still people who haven't seen my post yet.
does anyone else agree?